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A way to implement Crazy Species Options


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So, here is one way to bypass the storyline issues and the VO issues.


Make new species unlockable for classes that you reach 50 on and has a legacy level requirement.


This way you have already completed the questlines the way bioware intended.


As far as VO goes, the repeatitious "E Chuta" and "wanna wanga" is already in game for most desired species from NPCs that dont speak basic and its subtitled already, so it does not seem hard to implement.


I even like the idea of having other players in my group speaking different languages during flashpoints. Adds some diversitiy

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NO! Just add them in character creation. Why not? However, I do agree with the language thing. That seems kinda obvious! There are all these threads about which species to add and the lists are 50+ long! Just add 5-7... sheesh.





Bioware won't do that and you know it. The OP however has given an excellent suggestion for how Bioware may be curbed to do so.

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I agree that we should have more interesting species, and the whole BW story arc and romance is why we got given near humans and nothing else. I think the OP idea is an excellent idea and a way round the fact we would all have enjoyed the story with the voiceover then get to play the game and character they wanted to.
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