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I love this game!


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Same could be said for all the "I hate this game" and "the problem with TOR is" and "Subs are down" etc. threads.


As far as nothing to do once you hit 50, I haven't found that to be the case. I do hard mode Ops with my guild, although we have a hard time filling 16 slots some nights. Dailies are pretty boring, but I do those occasionally. I can work on crafting on my alts, or run companion missions, work on companion affection on my alts. Do a FP or two and help those people who are LFG in general chat.


Sometimes just for fun I go back to the low level zones on my main and help out the lowbies with their group missions. The help is always appreciated and makes me feel pretty good making someone else's game play more enjoyable. Maybe people should try that instead of complaining on the forums so much. :)


I am just finding it difficult to believe all these people saying "there's nothing to do at 50."


Does not make any difference if YOU beleave them or not. What matters is, BioWare does. If it was not a issue, then they would not even be considering a LFG tool at all..;)

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Does not make any difference if YOU beleave them or not. What matters is, BioWare does. If it was not a issue, then they would not even be considering a LFG tool at all..;)


My point is - there's plenty to do. People just won't get up off their butts and do it.

Edited by Akella
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If i were bioware id swiftly remove any negative posts. People do believe what they read. After all if you read it on the internets it must be true right?


Really? Sensor people that don't agree with you?


TBH if this game wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't be here.


I DON'T love this Game.


While I do play it everyday, its just a current place holder.


I wanted to love this game. I anticipated it since it was first rumoured. I am a CE owner that payed full price on the first day of pre-order. Thats how much I wanted to love this game. I have never bought a CE before.


I am extreemly frustrated and angry.


There is a lack of Testing, QA, Customer Service and Customer Relations.


I "was" a Fan Boy of this game. I talked it up to everyone.


Now I will no longer recommend this game.


I feel like Obi-wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he was crying out to Anakin in suprise, disgust and sadness.



Edited by Urael
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Really? Sensor people that don't agree with you?


TBH if this game wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't be here.


I DON'T love this Game.


While I do play it everyday, its just a current place holder.


I wanted to love this game. I anticipated it since it was first rumoured. I am a CE owner that payed full price on the first day of pre-order. Thats how much I wanted to love this game. I have never bought a CE before.


I am extreemly frustrated and angry.


There is a lack of Testing, QA, Customer Service and Customer Relations.


I "was" a Fan Boy of this game. I talked it up to everyone.


Now I will no longer recommend this game.


I feel like Obi-wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he was crying out to Anakin in suprise, disgust and sadness.




um so why exactly are you here, in this thread?...

oh i get it, to turn attention to yourself, as if anyone cared.

Edited by smilefunk
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Really? Sensor people that don't agree with you?


TBH if this game wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't be here.


I DON'T love this Game.


While I do play it everyday, its just a current place holder.


I wanted to love this game. I anticipated it since it was first rumoured. I am a CE owner that payed full price on the first day of pre-order. Thats how much I wanted to love this game. I have never bought a CE before.


I am extreemly frustrated and angry.


There is a lack of Testing, QA, Customer Service and Customer Relations.


I "was" a Fan Boy of this game. I talked it up to everyone.


Now I will no longer recommend this game.


I feel like Obi-wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he was crying out to Anakin in suprise, disgust and sadness.




Customer service i dealt with so far. I had an authenticator that broke so i made a phone call to customer support. After a few seconds of autimation i was hooked up with a live person. It took that person all of like 1 minute or so to de-activate my authenticator and get me back in game playing again. I was impressed. Good customer service experience.


As for Customer Relations, I have asked Stephen Reid several questions on twitter and he usually responds even though it's not his job to. I see Q/A done by dev's once a week. Check darth hater.


As for lack of testing. I think the testing went well but there's bugs that get through even test. I do wish they would squash certain bugs quicker than they have. As of recently with the last patch fixing broke matrix cubes in 2 days , that was impressive. Kephess and pilgrim took a week to fix.

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As a very very new player I enjoy these threads because otherwise general discussion topics are a bit disheartening to someone new. I do know that critical MMO communities do play their part in helping improve their games but it's nice to have a reprieve.
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um so why exactly are you here, in this thread?...

oh i get it, to turn attention to yourself, as if anyone cared.


I was responding to the call for blatant sensorship of oposing views.


Then I stated how I felt.


AND that I WAS a very loyal supporter of this game since way before launch. I supported it buy paying full price for the CE AND free advertising by word of mouth from me to all I knew.


I am frustrated, angry and disappointed with the game so far.


I am sure there are others that feel the same.


BW needs to know that they are loosing people that were formerly their biggest fans.


Again if this wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't play it and I will now tell all this and no longer recommend it.


Oh and directly to your question ... I guess you had to respond to my post because you wanted attention?

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AND that I WAS a very loyal supporter of this game since way before launch. I supported it buy paying full price for the CE AND free advertising by word of mouth from me to all I knew.

ok, good for you!

I am frustrated, angry and disappointed with the game so far.

i feel sorry for you

I am sure there are others that feel the same.

dunno, maybe the other bajillion posts saying this exact same thing would give ya a clue

BW needs to know that they are loosing people that were formerly their biggest fans.

read previous comment

Again if this wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't play it and I will now tell all this and no longer recommend it.

ok, good for you!

Oh and directly to your question ... I guess you had to respond to my post because you wanted attention?

frankly, there are so many other posts regurgitating this tired rant, felt u needed calling out for having such apparent deep seeded emotional rage (so much so, that you did almost the EXACT same rant several minutes later) that not only did you feel the need to bash the game when no one asked, you took the extra step of attempting to degrade the experience of someone who's actually having fun.


so, yeah

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You forgot the part about the OP asking for BW to remove (sensor) comments that were contrary to his.


Thats what sparked my attention.


understood. agreed...

if that's all there was, i would have nodded and went merrily on my way.



i assumed his initial comment was made in jest...

if not, oh boy good grief.

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Posts that attack or slander the game or the company should be removed. They are detrimental to the success of the game.

Most people simply don't know how to express their frustration or dissatisfaction with the fact that they wanted this game to be their second life in its vanilla form in constructive ways, so they resort to 1-liners, threats to leave, and hollow criticisms. The sad part is, if half of the gripes were more positively worded, the conversation would improve... but it never does.

Edited by Blistrich
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Posts that attack or slander the game or the company should be removed. They are detrimental to the success of the game.


So dissenting OPINION should be silenced? How Orwellian of you!


Nothing that was said was slanderous. If a game can not survive a few negative forum posts that doesn't say much about the game.


I would think BW would want the feed back. Especially from FORMER fans of the game.


Hopefully they will use this feedback to IMPROVE and keep us from leaving or attracting us to return.

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detrimental to the success of the game.


as a general rule,

so is the IRON FIST and the BANHAMMER



Most people simply don't know how to express their frustration or dissatisfaction with the fact that they wanted this game to be their second life in its vanilla form in constructive ways, so they resort to 1-liners, threats to leave, and hollow criticisms. The sad part is, if half of the gripes were more positively worded, the conversation would improve... but it never does.





Hopefully they will use this feedback to IMPROVE and keep us from leaving or attracting us to return.



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First off I have to assume Valkirus is a paid bliz shrill. Nobody is that negative about this game for that long and still continues to play. I have never seen him do anything but bash this game to hell for months.


Anyways I do love the game. Problems with underpopulated servers aside, I think the direction it is going is good. The improvements are good even though they are sometimes delayed. But what really made me appreciate this game even more was participating in TSW beta. Talk about painful and I was actually thinking about playing both games. I can only think of two betas I participated in that were anywhere close to being as bad, APB and some Rome MMO that you had to move rocks and wood around. Anyways that pain has me appreciating SWTOR that much more. Beta for this game made me want to play even more and sad when it would end.


Now if they could fix the low population server issue quickly! And ranked WZ's.

Edited by AkulaX
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First off I have to assume Valkirus is a paid bliz shrill. Nobody is that negative about this game for that long and still continues to play. I have never seen him do anything but bash this game to hell for months.



Is it so hard to imagine that people can acknowledge the failures and faults of something while still continuing to use it? America has plenty of stupid, counterproductive, and utterly contradictory laws, but people still abide by them. I suppose, then, everyone is crazy or secretly an anarchist for following laws despite understanding that they're incredibly flawed or broken? The point is that you may think he can just choose to quit and go somewhere else, but he may play because there are no better options around, and hell, he may even want the game to succeed and just has enough of a brain and the courage to see what Bioware does wrong and to voice these findings.

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Is it so hard to imagine that people can acknowledge the failures and faults of something while still continuing to use it? America has plenty of stupid, counterproductive, and utterly contradictory laws, but people still abide by them. I suppose, then, everyone is crazy or secretly an anarchist for following laws despite understanding that they're incredibly flawed or broken? The point is that you may think he can just choose to quit and go somewhere else, but he may play because there are no better options around, and hell, he may even want the game to succeed and just has enough of a brain and the courage to see what Bioware does wrong and to voice these findings.

Maybe you should look at his history first before making the claim that "people can acknowledge the failures and faults of something while still continuing to use it?" because that is not him. It doesnt matter what the issue is, he will take a negative position on it. Lots of people complain about this or that, but it takes real effort to complain about every single little thing perpetually.

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Maybe you should look at his history first before making the claim that "people can acknowledge the failures and faults of something while still continuing to use it?" because that is not him. It doesnt matter what the issue is, he will take a negative position on it. Lots of people complain about this or that, but it takes real effort to complain about every single little thing perpetually.


Hm, if he's really that bad then he's deserving of some doubt, I'll give you that. Still, it may just be that he's overzealous and takes a negative stance when he should give the benefit of the doubt and investigate further, and not that he's taking a negative stance because of some ulterior motive. Either way, he does make valid points at times (taking note of a couple of agreeable posts in the "25% subs lost" thread) and so it's at least worth reading his comments for consideration. But who knows, you may be right.

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Most people simply don't know how to express their frustration or dissatisfaction with the fact that they wanted this game to be their second life in its vanilla form in constructive ways, so they resort to 1-liners, threats to leave, and hollow criticisms. The sad part is, if half of the gripes were more positively worded, the conversation would improve... but it never does.


I agree completely. This has long been my frustration with mmo-forums: the hyperbole. Someone who worked to build a game wants to see it succeed and will work to make it better but how can they fully appreciate a person's point when they read "Bioware is a bunch of morons with no clue as to how to make an MMO, this game is dying hard and nothing can save it except F2P, they have done everything wrong."

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I agree completely. This has long been my frustration with mmo-forums: the hyperbole. Someone who worked to build a game wants to see it succeed and will work to make it better but how can they fully appreciate a person's point when they read "Bioware is a bunch of morons with no clue as to how to make an MMO, this game is dying hard and nothing can save it except F2P, they have done everything wrong."


Agreed, but the sad part is that even when people do make reasoned, well developed and specific criticisms of MMOs, they inevitably get swarmed by enfranchised drones and diehards who forbid that anyone dare utter a word about what's wrong with their precious game. If it's not one side's fault for being stupid, it's the other.

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The only problem and it's not plural is they need to merge some servers. That's the only real problem.


It is plural, each of those servers have a few peeps on them, all unable to play the game as intended, therefore game breaking for them.


I could list many more game breaking items for large groups of people but won't, only 1 more: the crash to the never ending loading screen since 1.2.


Note: While I don't have any of these problems, they are indeed game breaking for many people.

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