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Free Flight


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Can we have an area in space for free flight operations where we can pilot the ship in whatever direction we want to go? This could be split into pve and pvp areas, where players can group up into squadrons of 4-8 each piloting their own ship. Also we could have a deep space station to dock at where we could introduce fp's for players to gun in turrets of larger ships. Then at a later date if the guild Capitol ships are added you could introduce those to both areas.
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This will probally never happen, and i have a feeling the lack of freedom of movement wheter it be on land or in space will always be an issue.


SWTOR was just not created in a way to accomodate these elements of gameplay, they went for the linear approach instead of open world.


Though i say it will probally never happen, I am not always right. Personally, i dont see such a majory revamp added anytime soon. Of course this does not mean its impossible


I was thinking with the instanced planets they could have more space ports that are located in open worlds on planets and you could just shuttle between new and old regions, but that is just my useless opinion.


I would enjoy free immensly and i am glad i have alot of awesome screenies of space from SWG. Atmopheric flight there was awesome.

Edited by kirorx
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