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There, there bioware. I fixed for you.


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Alright, first of all, this isn't a rant thread.

I WANT this game to be successful, but for that some thigs must change.

So, without any further ado:


1. Server transfers.

We need them NOW. Not "early summer".

This should be your highest priority, because if there are less than 20 players on the fleet during prime time, nothing else is going to matter. It won't matter that for e.g. a raid is broken, because it's impossible to even find a group for that raid.

I'm happy that I play on a server with very decent population, but when I was playing rift right after the launch, I landed on a dead server. Trust me, it's the worst thing that can happen.


2. Fix current content, before adding new.

Sounds simple and logical. But still, I keep seeing that many developers don't do this for some reason.

If you try to push new content before fixing what you already have, it will sooner or later turn against you.

You will find yourself with a lot of broken stuff, and not enough time to fix it all, while players will ask for even more content.

Also, as a wise man once said - "If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it, because you will most likely break it in the process"



Assuming that server transfers are going to be in place, it shouldn't be a problem to copy a character from live to pts.

Or, even better, make it so that every character made on the pts is instantly a level 50. Also, make the end game gear free (on pts), so that the new content can be tested by as many players as possible. I know that there are a lot of people who would kindly test the new updates, but the problem is that you, dear bioware, seem to do everything you can to make sure that won't happen. They are, after all, testing your stuff, for you, so that your game won't be broken. Encourage people to test it. Having to level a character from level 1 and getting geared, isn't the best thing to do.

Also, from what I've seen, you only use the pts for bigger updates (1.1, 1.2 etc.). Use it for updates like 1.2.1, 1.2.2 as well. The timeframe is perfect - people will be able to test it during the weekend, before it goes live on tuesday.


4. Communication with the playerbase NEEDS to be improved.

In case you havn't seen swtor's twitter, take a look at it now http://twitter.com/#!/swtor

So, you have a lot of meaningless and pointless tweets, while most of hot discussions here remain unaswered.

Forums > twitter, facebook etc.

Move your people from 3rd party sites to post here, start engaging in discussions other than just bugs. Show them that you are humans just like us ;)

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I have to agree here. I wish this would happen to. There are some little things that need to be done to make this game a raging success. There's a lot of godd ideas in here. A LOT of them want some of the stuff they have seen in other games. Specifically SWG. Things like armor color customization kits, Open space comebat (Which I still think SWG set a bar for that that NO ONE will ever reach), and alot of other things. Here's what it boils down to:

They want CHOICES. The more choices the better. I the look of this armor but it's a heavy and I can't wear that so I have to deal with this ugly Dunce Cap looking head piece and shoulder pads that stick out 5 feet in either direction. Why? That is SO ugly. Bootom line, fix what you have, allow server transfers and I think you need to merge some, and GIVE US CHOICES! Choices on what to look like, what class we are, cause hey guess what?! I played a jugg and that was nice but now I want to try MArauder and I have to start ALL OVER?! Crap I don't want to DEAL with this... is exactly how I felt. I wan tto be a powertech, and I want to use a Rifle! or a HEavy Cannon! why can't I?!

check my post for more options Armors and Barrels and Skills OH MY!, but I agree with you OP, fix what you have and soon. too many games are coming out and they will cause this one to fail if this demands from the players aren't met or at least given voice by a Dev,"Hey great idea, we'ree working on something like that." or "Looked at ti and it's never gonna happen" SOMETHING so we know we're not in here wasting time!

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Personally I am very happy with my server but I do appreciate an urgent need to impliment transfers.


Playing on a low population server can make it extremely difficult to get a group and therefor do a huge chunk of the content. This isn't something trivial, this is rightfully a deal breaker for a lot of people and it is losing them subs every day.


It can not be emphasized enough how valid that position is and I can not blame anyone if they decide to cancel because of it.

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