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Dear Diary, what does swtor mean to me


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Dear Diary,



Today is December 24th and I received SWTOR as a gift I won't be playing it until I finish playing Skyrim because I already started Skyrim but some day I'll get around to spending more time learning it.



January 23rd



Dear Diary I have finished Skyrim and I just realized Bioware was the company that made Baldurs Gate, i'm looking forward to seeing if this game is good.




Feburary 12th



Dear Diary I reached level 50 on the server I started with but I have learned recently that most of my server is from Australia. I don't know if I like that because there's a culture difference that effects communication although i do like that the server is populated late at night.




Sometime in March



Dear Diary, the Australians got their own server and now my server turned into people afking and the main hub of my force side halfed population. I guess I will look on the forums for a transfer.



Sometime soon afterwards...



My Gosh I'm surprised there aren't any transfers possible and I have noticed others asking for server merges, maybe I will ask as well.


Sometime soon after that...



That's big companies how thhey are I guess.... so I'll just find a server and restart a toon, it won't take that long to level.





Yes, Now I have leveled the same character type and spec. Time to enjoy myself.


Um... this server has too much lag to pvp correctly on it! argh, but I just leveled here to level 50


I guess I will have to reroll (posts mre requests on the forums for server merges and transfers)



I will reroll....



(1 and a half weeks later)



Yes, now I have level 50 on a server with people not afk because they got their own server.


(4 days later)


Dear Diary I am pretty satisfied with my character and even came up with a hybrid build that I like to play.


(1 day later)


what's this... 1.2? um... all the interesting skills in my build are removed and replaced...




well i guess I can still make another class...



(starts another toon)


rakghoul ghoul plague, was pretty fun... but 1.2 shouldn't have changed all those skills because I level 3 50's for the purpose of the skills for that toon, now after 1.2 I totally hate that class and my 3 level 50's are useless...





without meaningful pvp dailies and weeklies pvp is losing tons of regular players.



Sometime after that...



I give up for now, maybe if Bioware does server merges and has a cross server looking for pvp i'll start up but I stopped playing for now.



The End.

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Sith Warrior's log, star date.....whatever.


I.....under-STAND your pain......withthedevelopmentcycle. Rest ASSURED, Bio-WARE WILL....getrightonit!




That's my Shatner impression in text.


Serious though, I do get your post. Don't sweat it. By September the transfers will be up and 1.3 might be live (Don't really know if it will) but transfers are coming first. That's Bioware's big priority. Take the summer off, enjoy the sunshine outside, and when you get back your burnout will be gone and you can enjoy the game with it's new features. Keep an eye out for the announcements in case you rather return sooner than later.


Have a good one!

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