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The only reason they're having to add them at all is due to them listening to the phenomenal QQ on the forums and in customer service over the queues in the early days, and the absolute refusal and mutiny of players who didn't want to re-roll because they can't be bothered.


Having been an a pre-release server that was full with 6 hours queues initally and was still on of the top populated servers for my reigon for a long time (was still hitting Heavy in some PTs up until 6-8 weeks ago), which is now starting to hit Light on PTs.



I have to say I have little to no interest in rerolling.



Not only because of ALL the time an effort I've put into my characters, but also because of all the time and effort (and credits) I've put into Legacy.



It's true.... I can't be bothered to lose WEEKS of RL time to rerolling...... I don't think that's particularly unsensible or selfish though.

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OP there is a reason they won't tell you there long term plans right now... they can't. They are losing subs... quickly too. They simply do not know how much staff they are going to be able to keep on. Which means they don't know how much or how quickly content and features will be released. While I feel a big part of the blame for this game be attributed to EA pushing for a Christmas release, another big part can be attributed to mythic.


This game is sinking just like Warhammer did not quite as quickly, but bioware clearly relied heavily on them which was a massive mistake. Since to this day I've yet to see as many poor decisions in one game since WAR. I just log in to this game (well I haven't logged in for 2 weeks I think) and I just get the same vibe WAR gave me. The game just feels startling amateur even months after release. Missing sound effects, poor performance, little to no music while questing. Why why why can't we just get an appearance tab? Why do we have to muck around with this amoring modding enhancement crap just so we just don't look *********** stupid?


Horrible crafting, buggy content, the only saving grace is the pvp is somewhat fun. It feels like bioware handled the leveling process and story arcs, and mythic handled everything else. Not to mention they clearly favored the evil side yet again, the imperial side just feels better in every way. Better voice acting better art better animations. It's not better enough to make me keep playing but it is what it is.


The worst thing of all was the beta process they didn't listen to a gosh darn thing we said which was the same thing with WAR. I guess I should have seen the writing on the wall then. I'm never touching an EA mmo ever again thats for damn sure.


This turned out to big a rant sorry I canceled finally and I needed to get it off my chest.

Edited by BoomstarPrime
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Just chiming in to express my disappointment that another weekend has passed and we still don't even have a tentative date for transfers.


On the eve of a major release that will impact player activity (the degree to which, is unknown but many suspect it will be at the very least, substantial) and we still have nothing more than "soon."


I'm not sure this is the best course of action to take in the current climate but hey, what do I know?

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We can't say there's absolute silence from BW because they let some info come out. I, for one, would like to see info come out the way CCP does with development on EVE. It would necessarily get technical sometimes but then we couldn't argue about lack of info. However, as developer, I understand their "fear" about committing with dates. Sometimes things look like going at a good rhythm but unexpectedly some bug or issue comes up and slows down the entire process. Most of the time, special cases that must be thought of and take longer to be nailed down due to deviation from the general case. Sometimes you fix something and collaterally you brake something else. Nothing is a simple process on a software this big and everything takes quite some time to get done.

By saying this I find myself somewhere in the middle: on one hand I understand the side of players when they want more and precise information, on the other I also understand that saying more can turn against yourself. Is a tough situation and I wouldn't like to be on their shoes by now.

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Haven't they communicated quite a bit about the server transfers? What more can they say until they're far enough along that they feel comfortable announcing a release date?


The transfer issue seems to be the vast majority of the complaints around here and they've said it's their top dev priority and they're aiming for something early summer. I'm sure all the specifics will be out when they have a planned release date, and they'll have that when the devs make more progress.


Until then, discussing a bunch of tentative plans would probably create all kinds of disappointment if/when things don't turn out as projected. When there's a release date for the next big patch, I'm sure BW will communicate every last detail you're asking about, because they'll actually know at that point.


"Top Dev priority".. and yet it still isn't coming until "summer". Given biowares timetables to date summer probably means august just before fall. This is WAY to long for those of us on server wtih maybe 60 active players. as of noon there is currently 38 people on my server.. not on the fleet the entire server.

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Why would they hire someone that's spent the last 6 months trying to claim every problem SWTOR has had didn't exist? :D


I made the mistake of clicking "show post" even though I have had this poster on ignore, literally for months after a personal attack sent to my inbox. I'm actually glad I did since he seems intent on spreading lies and false information.


Even more strangely he also utterly refused to believe that Bioware were running Warhammer Online and had been for over 20 months before SWTOR went Live. :D :D :D [/Quote]


Complete and utter nonsense and based on a post months ago that he apparently lacked the ability to understand.


Just because he's now decided it's HIS time to whine...... well it doesn't mean that much.


I don't think whine means what you think it does.


If he'd actively joined in with the constructive criticism he was trying to pretend was wrong months ago, then SWTOR might well be in a much better state now. :mad:


The thousands of troll posts, your hundreds included, hardly qualify as constructive criticism.


As things stand, with some thanks to the OP and people like him, SWTOR is in trouble and maybe in a terminal decline to maintance mode. :(


It's hilarious that you blame me for what you perceive as failure. You carry on though, I won't make the mistake of clicking that button again.


I welcome any person to look through my post history, there is a very long one. You will find me to be an overall supporter of Bioware and this game indeed. In spite of unnecessary personal attacks from ill intentioned trolls, you will also find I have had many concerns and voiced them all for a very long time.


What I did not do, was complain and groan about every single thing that I didn't like because I, unlike some other people, am capable of making a distinction between my tastes and the tastes of others and can do so without attacking, slandering, or insulting a person with different tastes than my own.


Not that it matters in the slightest, trolls will be trolls will be trolls.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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I made the mistake of clicking "show post" even though I have had this poster on ignore, literally for months after a personal attack sent to my inbox. I'm actually glad I did since he seems intent on spreading lies and false information.


I wouldn't even bother to answer him if I were you.

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