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Fighting same foes IN and then OUT


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It is really annoying having to fight the same fore 3 or 4 times in the same mission.


For example, fighting through a cave full of bad guys to find and defeat a Gold.

Having completed the mission, I try to exit the same tunnel only to find every foe I had just vanquished has respawned and I have to fight them all over again.


Sometimes I simply Quick Travel out, but that is not always a good option.


Seems to me, there should be a greater lag time before the respawning.


Thank you,



P.S. Posted here per request in response to one of my Support Tickets.

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I'll second this. For world locations, it isn't a problem. You need quick respawn times there because there are supposed to be many people using that area, but phased instances shouldn't have a respawn timer at all. Once you step through the glowing green cave entrance, the mobs should stop respawning.
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I'll second this. For world locations, it isn't a problem. You need quick respawn times there because there are supposed to be many people using that area, but phased instances shouldn't have a respawn timer at all. Once you step through the glowing green cave entrance, the mobs should stop respawning.


They, um...they do stop re-spawning in instanced phases.

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Like he said, once you step through that green portal stuff doesn't respawn. However, a lot of the instances are deep inside caves or buildings that aren't instanced, so once you come out of the actual instance you do have to fight your way back out of the main area.
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Like he said, once you step through that green portal stuff doesn't respawn. However, a lot of the instances are deep inside caves or buildings that aren't instanced, so once you come out of the actual instance you do have to fight your way back out of the main area.


No, in some instances they do respawn. I just had this happen the other day, on Coruscant, some mission with my Trooper. Room full of fairly tough MOBs, took a while to kill the boss, almost died on the way out. I'm not sure how to tell if an instance is respawny or not.

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The mobs in instanced areas don't respawn unless you've left the instance before its finished and come back. BUT there are certain instances where NEW mobs show up after you've achieved whatever you went in there for - that however is storyline, and I don't have a problem with that at all.


However, I will add my vote to not having to fight the same mobs both in and out of a non-instanced spot.


I really hate caves where I know it's not instanced and I'm on a kill-10-rats quest, and so I'm trying to work out about how many rats I need to kill before I turn around and go back since I'll have to rekill the rats that respawned. Although it does add a little drama to the whole thing since you're trying to speed through the cave as fast as possible on the off-chance you might get out before they pop back up.

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However, I will add my vote to not having to fight the same mobs both in and out of a non-instanced spot.


There's really only two ways to do this that I can think of.


One is a exit mission button that takes you back to entrance of the mission. The other is to somehow make the NPC's no longer aggro to you after you finish the mission you're on.


Both have the same problem of reducing the total XP you get per mission because you aren't fighting your way out. For some this won't be an issue, for others it might.

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I very much see your point, it is annoying to have such fast respawn rates that you have to re-kill mobs on the way out.


It is quite the conundrum though. When the game was new and there were people everywhere, I was glad to have fast respawn rates so I could actually get my quests done! I didn't often have the problem of having to re-kill mobs as there was usually someone "behind" me. But eventually I found myself playing on Hoth with only 5 people, or Alderaan with only 13 people, and no one to share/compete with for mobs. And thus, the issue of the OP.

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