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Bring back the "known" indicator please


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Up until the 1.2 patch there was a little box stating if we knew a pattern already. could you please bring that back? with there only being about 20 seconds at max to roll on a pattern it's hard to get into our pattern list and see if we know the pattern before the roll is over. So I've been getting multiple patterns of the same kind from runs and such and it's a little aggravating.
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There WAS a known indicator? Admittedly, I've pretty much never grouped, but there has never been a known indicator on schematics in inventory or on the GTN, as far as I can remember. Though there have been lots and lots of requests for one. Would be sort of odd if the only place it ever showed up was on drops. (though odder things are true in this game)


About the only improvement that's been made there is you no longer lose the schematic if you try to learn it and already know it.


So yeah, there should be an "already known" indicator on drops, on the GTN, and in inventory. Even if there never was one there should be one.

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