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Potential Tooltip Update: Jedi Consular (Maybe Sith Assassin)


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Just ran False Emperor and we had an electrostaff drop. After equipping I noticed that Whirling Blow and Force Breach could not be used. Now, I was informed later that Force Breach states a lightsaber must be present, however whirling blow does not. If it is intended that this ability not be used with an electrostaff, then the tool-tip could use that information.


However I am confused by this. Why do we have proficiency for a weapon that we cannot use properly? It just seems fairly taunting to say "Yes, you can use these weapons," and then not allow us to perform at our best when using them. But, that's besides the point. It just would be nice to have access to all our abilities, but if nothing else, the tooltip could potentially use an update.


Thanks for your time.

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