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Titanium Power Upgrade Armor


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I'm searching for a complete set of the "Titanium Power Upgrade" armor (Trooper Heavy Armor).


I have the helmet, bracers and belt, which all drop from group quests on planet Hoth. but no luck with any of the rest. I have completed every quest on Hoth.


I have searched all over the galaxy.... read every website, database, and search listing, etc... i've checked vendors, flashpoints, forums, etc... and I even completed several of the group quests a second time with no luck.


the rest of the pieces are supposedly "orange" moddable and given as quest rewards. but i cannot find them.


I enjoy the challenge of collecting things and sets of things.... but it's a big galaxy. I need help.

It's possible that some of the pieces were offered as regular quest rewards and I did not notice them, (but I doubt it), unfortunately, we cannot go back and redo quests (except the heroic group quests) so I cannot be sure.


I am already level 50, so at this point it's a matter of principal (and OCD) to find the complete set and outfit one of my companions.


I would appreciate any help with this matter and I play on Dreshdae Cantina (PvE) server.


Thank You,

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If the name is not a misnomer, then it's mid-level gear (as in, would be craftable with Titanium). Since I don't have a direct answer for you, I would try:


The Commendation vendors from Tatooine, up to Belsavis, maybe the rest of the way up.

The Heavy Armor vendors on those same planets. There are Oranges/Prototypes on some of these, if you didn't know.

The Specialty vendors on these same planets. Same thing.

The Light/Dark vendors.

Since you are 50, you should be able to solo-farm the Flashpoints that fall into this level range, sans War Games.

Scour the GTN daily, and ask Armormechs.


That's all I can say to try to help you out. If you have done all of this, I don't know what else to say.



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Thanks for the reply.

I have tried most of your suggestions already, but I am now gonna go back to Balmorra to do those group quests again.


I was really hoping that somebody who has already collected this complete set could tell me exactly where or how they got each piece. I dont mind farming over and over... if only I knew which planet or zone to farm.


Thanks again for your response.

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