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Agent and Smuggler massive bug silly damage


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Not a nerf thread I'm reporting a bug


I've looked round and there's so many nerd sentinel and marauder posts but nothing about the silly damage of smugglers and agents


The massive bug is if you go into cover and use charged burst. The first shot works on the correct timer, but then you can spam it for instant damage and continuous damage with big numbers, mash the key and if yore on the same target it has no activation or cool down after the first charge up


I just created a smuggler. Got him to 11 just to try it out and in void star hit 305k damage with him doing this. Have a go. Was wondering why there's so many again. It eats energy fast but you can kill anyone in one energy bar.


This skill should activate each time but after the first activation it just spams mad damage.


Please fix this it's just crazy

Edited by lmcvann
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But that is the point the bug works from level 10. Charged burst shouldn't be spam able. It should have a 3 sec charge then fire


But after the first charge it spams really fast. That is the bug. Nothing to do with level. See what I'm saying

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I've looked round and there's so many nerd sentinel and marauder posts but nothing about the silly damage of smugglers and agents


The massive bug is if you go into cover and use charged burst. The first shot works on the correct timer, but then you can spam it for instant damage and continuous damage with big numbers,


I just created a smuggler. Got him to 11 and in void star hit 305k damage with him doing this. Have a go. Was wondering why there's so many again. It eats energy fast but you can kill anyone in one energy bar.


This skill should activate each time but after the first activation it just spams mad damage.


Please fix this it's just crazy


I hear Rick Roll playing everytime I see a thread about nerfing Operative/Scoundrel damage.

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Yes I can. And it's not a nerd thread. If you rea d what I'm saying instead of thinking I'm wanting a nerd you'll see it's a bug.


I can fire off charged burst then spam the charged burst key for quick instant damage, no 3 second skill charge and no global cool down.


Please go try it, I made the lev 11 to try it out and I'm just reporting it. Have a go, the skill should have a cooldow or charge on each activation and it doesn't


Is that clear enough?

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Yes I can. And it's not a nerd thread. If you rea d what I'm saying instead of thinking I'm wanting a nerd you'll see it's a bug.


I can fire off charged burst then spam the charged burst key for quick instant damage, no 3 second skill charge and no global cool down.


Please go try it, I made the lev 11 to try it out and I'm just reporting it. Have a go, the skill should have a cooldow or charge on each activation and it doesn't


Is that clear enough?


There goes Rick Roll again. I'm starting to like that song.

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just tride it on my 50 scoundrel still get casting time with each push u get no bonus damage. op is trolling


Ok if you think so, I have no reason to troll. Just letting folks know. You have to be on the same target by the way. If you change target you reset. Have another go, and not everyone is a troll or nerf herder, I was trying to be helpful. I do not believe in nerfs. But I believe in making people aware of bugs.



Go check my post history. I've been a member for a long time and don't post rubbish, but I've found this works and I'm letting people know. If it doesn't work for you fine. Just say so and be adult about it. But this does work. If I had a way to record it I would show you.


In fact I'll try to get some program installed and record it in action

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First of all, Mr. 11 Gunslinger, look at your Charged Burst and you will see that it has a 1.5 second induction and not 3 seconds.


Second, the talent in the Sharpshooter tree that allows your first Charged Burst to be instant after entering cover is a 2 point talent up in Tier 3 so you'd have to be 20+ to even get access to this and not level 11 -- so I'm gonna go ahead and call your entire post a lie right here.


How long did it take to make this up?


Edit: I got on my GS and verified that all Charged Bursts are 1.5 sec inductions and cannot be spammed.

Edited by Monterone
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To run contrary to the rest here...


I have actually noticed this a couple times on my LEVEL 46 SCOUNDREL using charged burst and spamming it on the same target. There was no chargeup after the initial shot, it would just go on the GCD. But it doesnt happen all the time, and I havent been able to recreate it consistently. And as I said, it's only happened a couple times, thought I might have been imagining it.


Either way, given the horrible power restrictions on the class, it really didnt add anything, I just ran out of energy that much faster.

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You're not talking about each individual 'burst' from the animation being 3 different 'Charged Burst's right?


Because that's just the animation... you're not receiving damage from 3 different bursts...

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Just did alot of Test Dummie testing and i cant get it to work, only thing i can see is that you fire so fast (1.4sec cast time ) that the normal annimation dossent finish so it looks like its a constand rain of fire i even tried a macro pressing my charged burst key every 0.005sec so very fast and couldent replicate what you describe .
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Lvl 50 Gunslinger


Errr only way i can think of doing this is poping Illegal Mods, dropping to cover and popping our energy regen CD (forgot its name) then just spam CB, usually I can get about 6 off before either illegal mods finishes or my energy runs out and the CD of CB ends up lower than the GCD and the total animation for it means your more of less firing them back to back.


Hardly the best use of energy given you wouldnt be using things like Aimshot, Trickshot or anything else that does more damage for less energy.


Then your out of energy and more or less useless to the fight. Never seen this bug, and doubt it exists, although there is always the possibility.


Maybe the OP saw someone using Speedshot, poping Rapid Fire then 2x more Speedshot? Which would still mean they are lying about there own supposed recreation of the 'bug'.


And Illegal Mods is a level 50 (?) ability so no level 11 has it.

Edited by BigfootNZ
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Spammed sniper on my Sniper, didn't see the bug (both with and without fist sniper going into cover instant talent). Sniper was doing normal damage with normal cast time.


Tried spamming ambush as well, did not work (CD and all).


As far as being this new bug that suddenly gives slingers and snipers massive damage, I'm not convinced.

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and in void star hit 305k damage
You realize that's a low Voidstar number for any good Slinger, right?


Unless we kill fast and win, but even then... defense phase.

Spam Charged Burst? Good night sweet energy!
This too. Edited by flem
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What the op is talking about is induction time activations...


This isn't a bug its game design. LOL


ANY class that has an induction skill can do the same....


The global cool down starts when you First ACTIVATE any skill... so instant skills can not be spammed right.

Induction skills start the Global the second they begin inducting... this means that after 1.5 seconds of induction your global cool down is complete. This means you can activate ANY instant ability after a channel for a burst.


This is not unique to the smuggler / op... they are simply the most obvious use of a Induction DPS... so yes you can roll small spikes with a good choice of skills...


Nothing to see here. lol


PS level your slinger some... I think in the 40s I scored a few 700k voidstars.... Of course you can do the same with any DPS class that is speced and dressed properly.

Edited by Husanak
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What that guy said. 1.5 second channel + 1.5 second GCD means you start casting the next CS as soon as the first fires. With the animation time for each shot it would look like you're firing nonstop.


Even if you could spam CS with no GCD it would be more of a handicap that weeds out bad players. That'll be the guy sitting there after wasting all of his energy on 4 CS while the marauder is about to execute him.

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What that guy said. 1.5 second channel + 1.5 second GCD means you start casting the next CS as soon as the first fires. With the animation time for each shot it would look like you're firing nonstop.


Even if you could spam CS with no GCD it would be more of a handicap that weeds out bad players. That'll be the guy sitting there after wasting all of his energy on 4 CS while the marauder is about to execute him.


Exactly it works this way by design... power managment crazy thought right. :)


Really though a SMART player does use this to there advantage. Its why well played snipers and Gunslingers rack up the most kill shots.... when some one drops to 30% health I set up a Global Cool Down Induction Instant Cast 2 shot... for a nice mini burst that will finish my target instead of having him LOS me or Heal or Defense trinket my dmg. Its not broken in anyway.


Early in the game it was possible to Use a Snipe... and spam the key for explosive probe .5 seconds or so from the induction and have the snipe trigger the explosive probe... they corrected that many patches ago.

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