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So, I'm getting pretty sick of everyone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Seems anyone these days are either Revan fanboys or haters. Fanboys who think Revan was a God, and haters who think that Revan was the worst force user in existance. Or there are those underground Revan fanboys who always claim to not like Revan, and then proceed to say how powerful he was.


But anyways, I love Revan. He is no doubt one of my favorite characters in the star wars universe. I don't care how powerful that guy was, he's a damn good character. He led the jedi in the Mandalorian War, Became a Dark Lord of the Sith, was redeemed and became a Jedi master (nonetheless he still pretty much left the Jedi afterwords), married Bastila and had great descendants (son became the Supreme Chanceller, and great great great etc granddaughter became Grand Master), fought the Sith Emperor and lasted more than 5 seconds, and with the help of the Exile, played on the Emperors fears in his mind, keeping him from attacking the Republic for 300 years. Oh, and he was freed and tried to kill all the sith.


Even though he wasn't as powerful as some people tried to say he was, he was pretty talented. And wise. This guy was influential throughout all his life, Leading the Mandalorian War, Dark Lord of the Sith, Defeated Malak, Prevented the sith emperor from attacking too soon, well I already said all this, but I'm just pointing out that Pretty much everyone knew this guy, and so many people respected or feared him. Anyways, like people have said, he is no prodigy, but he did have some good abilities. He could Sense someone from across the galaxy, his lightsaber skills were pretty good, he was very acrobatic and took down a basilisk war droid by himself with relative ease. He was able to use both sides of the force simultaniously and achieved oneness with the force. He could inspire people to join his cause easily. He was able to break the emperors will from his mind, and tried to use the starforge and his new army to make the galaxy stronger (till Malak tried to kill him, because he thought the reason Revan wasn't doing his best to crush the Republic was because he was weak). He could probe peoples minds, and litarally tore the rakatans language out of their minds so he could learn it, and then forced Basic into their minds. When Revan escaped to the foundry, Malgus made sure to send 4 of the Empires greatest men to kill him.


Revan was also very wise. Scourge said that he learned more from Revan than he had learned from anyone else, and it was because of his teachings that Scourge had the vision of the Jedi Knight defeating the Emperor. Bane said that he had learned more from Revan's Holocron, and that Revan had more knowledge than the entire collection of knowledge at the academy.


Also, regariding people who claim Revan to be crazy because of him Trying to commit genocide on the sith, first of all he was doing it for the greater good, definately not the morally right way to do things, but it could have been effective. Remember though that Revan also employed tactics like this during the Mandalorian Wars, and it effectively won them the war, although it was not light side at all for him to do those things, he didn't care.


So we all know Revan wasn't as powerful as Exar Kun or Vitiate. But whatever, his story is one of the best stories in the Star Wars Universe, and he was a very well made character. Also something interesting to note, Drew, the guy who created Revan, (I think, I know he was the lead writer for Bioware and wrote Swtor: Revan) said in an interview that wrote the book, he made sure not to give Revan extreme powers.


But anyways, yeah I love Revan, don't care if he wasn't super strong. I love the Exile just as much, but since people haven't been dissing on her, I don't feel the need to explain why.


One last thing, if you only hate Revan because it is the mainstream thing to do right now, I'm sorry to say, but that makes you a tool if you feel that you can only impress people by thinking the exact same way everyone else does.

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I have to agree vehemently with the sentiment of your post. Revan seems like the most infuriating character to discuss because there's always hordes of people who think of him as the greatest smartest most powerfully invincible force user ever and those fans who beleived that he was completely weak and useless like a backlash to that.


Both sides get on my nerves.


This also invariably leads to talk of the Exile as well, isn't really supremely different as a character but who also has the exact same , except maybe the ratio of fans to haters is somewhat inverted. I get a little tired of people arguing over which one of them was more powerful when their respective strengths and weakness were supposed to be different. But the fact is, both of them ha to be pretty strong in the force, they were both PCs after all.

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It's threads like this that makes me wish the pre-launch threads were still accessible.


Do you now how many people posted this same exact diatribe before the game launched? Revan Fanboys/Haters have existed since KotOR first released. You are fighting a pointless and extremely uphill battle.


I neither like nor dislike Revan. He was an exceptional character, once he was more than just your avatar in an RPG. I do however think that, as you said, the Fanboys and the Haters are an example of that cattle mentality most humans have. However, starting this thread is only going to bring both sides out in droves as it is yet another chance for them to speak on their respective object of admiration and abhorrence.

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It's threads like this that makes me wish the pre-launch threads were still accessible.


Do you now how many people posted this same exact diatribe before the game launched? Revan Fanboys/Haters have existed since KotOR first released. You are fighting a pointless and extremely uphill battle.


I neither like nor dislike Revan. He was an exceptional character, once he was more than just your avatar in an RPG. I do however think that, as you said, the Fanboys and the Haters are an example of that cattle mentality most humans have. However, starting this thread is only going to bring both sides out in droves as it is yet another chance for them to speak on their respective object of admiration and abhorrence.


Right on the money.

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It's threads like this that makes me wish the pre-launch threads were still accessible.


Do you now how many people posted this same exact diatribe before the game launched? Revan Fanboys/Haters have existed since KotOR first released. You are fighting a pointless and extremely uphill battle.


I neither like nor dislike Revan. He was an exceptional character, once he was more than just your avatar in an RPG. I do however think that, as you said, the Fanboys and the Haters are an example of that cattle mentality most humans have. However, starting this thread is only going to bring both sides out in droves as it is yet another chance for them to speak on their respective object of admiration and abhorrence.


Pretty much this.

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It's threads like this that makes me wish the pre-launch threads were still accessible.


Do you now how many people posted this same exact diatribe before the game launched? Revan Fanboys/Haters have existed since KotOR first released. You are fighting a pointless and extremely uphill battle.


I neither like nor dislike Revan. He was an exceptional character, once he was more than just your avatar in an RPG. I do however think that, as you said, the Fanboys and the Haters are an example of that cattle mentality most humans have. However, starting this thread is only going to bring both sides out in droves as it is yet another chance for them to speak on their respective object of admiration and abhorrence.


Thank you for pointing out something to me that I was already aware of. Am I fighting the battle? It seems to me that the Haters have already won, if not very close, and it is because of you that I say this. You say Revan was an exceptional character, but you neither like nor dislike him, and also reading through all these threads, it seems the minute someone praises Revan, they are attacked. I'm sure if I posted something about how gay Revan was I would be praised as a genius.


I'm sorry you don't like this thread, but you read it, and you posted on it. If you like the good ol' days of thread posting, I do plan on posting another thread in just a minute, maybe you would like it? Keep your eyes peeled for it.


Perhaps....... perhaps you missed the whole point of me posting this thread. But I may have maybe made it hard to see what I meant the whole time. I am stating that a character does not have to be all powerful to be a likable character. That's it.


Examples of this would be:

Obi-wan, Master of Soresu, Seated on the High Council, Trained the Chosen one. He wasn't super strong, but he remains to be one of my favorite characters of all time.

Qui-gon Jinn, Firm believer in the Living Force, found the chosen one, trained Obi-wan, discovered the long lost knowledge of how to become one with the force. He was easily bested in a duel by Darth Maul, but whatever, His influence lived on for a long time, and perhaps is my favorite character of all time from the star wars universe.

The Exile, Great General of the Mandalorian Wars, was a wound in the force, could easily influence and form bonds with others without even thinking about it, and defeated Traya. Definately wasn't infinately strong though, She was only able to defeat Nihilus because Visas severed her bond with him, making him weak. She could barely stand up to a sith council member, and died by getting stabbed in the back. Nonetheless, her character was amazing and she has equal liking status with me as Revan does.

Edited by Darth_Omega
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Yes but you need to also make sure, that liked character or favortie character has their own limitations and can't just say "oh such and such would be able to beat, so and so because they have done all this stuff beforehand". Think that is a problem in some threads. Its ok to like characters, just don't put them up higher then what they actually are. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Yes but you need to also make sure, that liked character or favortie character has their own limitations and can't just say "oh such and such would be able to beat, so and so because they have done all this stuff beforehand". Think that is a problem in some threads. Its ok to like characters, just don't put them up higher then what they actually are.


This is exactly what I just said.......

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Has someone told the OP to batten down his flame hatches yet?


Okay call me stupid if you want, but....... Is this an insult? It sounds like one but I'm not quite sure if it is. lawls

Edited by Darth_Omega
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@Darth_Omega. Somthing you missed in my first post. I was neither saying anything for or against Revan. I was stating that the exact sentiment you have stated in your original post has been stated in countless threads before the game launched. All it does is give the Fanboys and Haters another chance to talk about their favorite subject.


As stated previously, I neither like nor dislike Revan. He served his purpose. I think he's an interesting character...once there was more substance to him than just being the player's voiceless and faceless avatar.


And what is meant by saying you need to batten down your flame hatches is you need to prepare yourself for the Haters saying you are just another fanboy wanting to sing praises for Revan then once you go on the defensive for that, the Fanboys will jump down your throat for bashing Revan even though neither is your intent.


Which brings me back to my original point, starting this thread is doing nothing more than opening a can of worms. It is not going to serve the purpose you think it will. It is not going to open anyone's eyes about Revan, it is only going to be another flame war between the Fanboys and Haters.

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@Darth_Omega. Somthing you missed in my first post. I was neither saying anything for or against Revan. I was stating that the exact sentiment you have stated in your original post has been stated in countless threads before the game launched. All it does is give the Fanboys and Haters another chance to talk about their favorite subject.


As stated previously, I neither like nor dislike Revan. He served his purpose. I think he's an interesting character...once there was more substance to him than just being the player's voiceless and faceless avatar.


And what is meant by saying you need to batten down your flame hatches is you need to prepare yourself for the Haters saying you are just another fanboy wanting to sing praises for Revan then once you go on the defensive for that, the Fanboys will jump down your throat for bashing Revan even though neither is your intent.


Which brings me back to my original point, starting this thread is doing nothing more than opening a can of worms. It is not going to serve the purpose you think it will. It is not going to open anyone's eyes about Revan, it is only going to be another flame war between the Fanboys and Haters.


A great headache and never ending cycle!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Brilliant post OP. I find the whole story of Revan a compelling one and a fantastic one to say the least. The character development and story arcs from his start to his apparent end are brilliantly executed. Though is his story really over?
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@Darth_Omega. Somthing you missed in my first post. I was neither saying anything for or against Revan. I was stating that the exact sentiment you have stated in your original post has been stated in countless threads before the game launched. All it does is give the Fanboys and Haters another chance to talk about their favorite subject.


As stated previously, I neither like nor dislike Revan. He served his purpose. I think he's an interesting character...once there was more substance to him than just being the player's voiceless and faceless avatar.


And what is meant by saying you need to batten down your flame hatches is you need to prepare yourself for the Haters saying you are just another fanboy wanting to sing praises for Revan then once you go on the defensive for that, the Fanboys will jump down your throat for bashing Revan even though neither is your intent.


Which brings me back to my original point, starting this thread is doing nothing more than opening a can of worms. It is not going to serve the purpose you think it will. It is not going to open anyone's eyes about Revan, it is only going to be another flame war between the Fanboys and Haters.


I know you're right. It just irritates me that such a good character like Revan has been destroyed by the Fanboys and the Haters. I mean, It seems like anytime I read a thread about anything on here, Revan seems to be brought up somehow and bashed on. It just makes me angry how ignorant some people can be.


Yeah it was a mistake to make this post, but whatever. All it did was prove to me that there are only a few people left who actually like the TRUE Revan character, and not the weakling the Haters see him as, or the God that the Fanboys see him as.


I do thank you for telling me this, but why compare it to a can of worms? That would normally mean you are going fishing, and fishing can be quite relaxing.

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I know you're right. It just irritates me that such a good character like Revan has been destroyed by the Fanboys and the Haters. I mean, It seems like anytime I read a thread about anything on here, Revan seems to be brought up somehow and bashed on. It just makes me angry how ignorant some people can be.


Yeah it was a mistake to make this post, but whatever. All it did was prove to me that there are only a few people left who actually like the TRUE Revan character, and not the weakling the Haters see him as, or the God that the Fanboys see him as.


I do thank you for telling me this, but why compare it to a can of worms? That would normally mean you are going fishing, and fishing can be quite relaxing.


The phrase "Opening a can of worms" is an old saying that means that you have just opened the door for more trouble than I think you were expecting. It's kind of like opening Pandora's Box. You don't know exactly what you will find inside.

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The phrase "Opening a can of worms" is an old saying that means that you have just opened the door for more trouble than I think you were expecting. It's kind of like opening Pandora's Box. You don't know exactly what you will find inside.


I was aware of the trouble I was opening. Still strange though, opening a can of worms, you kinda know that your gonna find worms in there. Comparing it to Pandora's Box would have been a better choice.


But that has nothing to do with this arguement. I have made my point clear, I am aware that people have done this before, I was just aggravated. So if this post irritates you because you've seen posts like these before, then I have an answer for you. Don't post on it. And if everyones going to come bash on me, I don't care. I'm done posting on this too

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