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slicing planets with best nodes


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I am at work, so I don't have my notes. I did a test by writing down my initial cash and then looking up my sum after I finished my dailies. I had more cash after ilum than I did the other planets. It was not totally scientific since I was also getting quest rewards.
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That's probably down to the Ilum dailies plus the junk drops being much more valuable. I'm not sure there's very many resource nodes on Ilum (excepting, possibly, Archeology crystal nodes, because that's supposed to be why both sides are on Ilum at all...) whereas Belsavis and Corellia seemed to have a fair few, although the items on Belsavis are generally not right -- most chests there seem to drop level 40ish gear even in the level 50 daily areas.
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Additionally the refresh rates for slicing nodes is longer than that for archaeology, bio, or scavenging. I have regualar routes on varying planets based on what needs collecting. I carry slicing as a bonus but dont 'count' on that as income for the farming runs.
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