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I missed the boat


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I still have some Battlemaster and Champion Tokens. Are the vendors you trade them too (post 1.2) still in the game? If so, which item is most worthwhile to trade for. My reading, if i recall correctly, was that there were two items available for BM tokens.


It's my understanding that the Champ/Cent ones have nothing to do with crafting and are generally worthless.



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Read this guide to see what things you can still buy with your old tokens.


That is the guide I had seen. My questions was regarding

Battlemaster – Baradium Flux

Battlemaster – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


What is better if they are tradable? Those items did not have much info or links?


Edit, I see they are bind on pickup so never mind. I would have liked to make an expertise crystal but I don't have artifice. Seems odd that they are only usefull for artifice.


Edited by richardya
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