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New Player Looking for a guild


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Greetings Aeyerath!


Should you wish to look into joining a guild, guilds recruiting would be advertising in the special recruitment subsection within the Server Group Forums. Servers are broken up by type and grouped by alphabet.


Additionally, we have a wonderful resource that's been created by members of our community, The Ideal Guild Quiz! that may help you find the people you're looking for.


We hope this helps and good luck! :)

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Well, I am on the Harbinger Server and it is not listed in any of the above sites....


I think BioWare needs to add a section for each server, when a guild is formed that players can check their specific server to know which guilds exist for it. This game though you can solo while leveling, at end-game is 90% grouped activities, if you have no group you are screwed.

Edited by KarterJK
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Well, I am on the Harbinger Server and it is not listed in any of the above sites....


I think BioWare needs to add a section for each server, when a guild is formed that players can check their specific server to know which guilds exist for it. This game though you can solo while leveling, at end-game is 90% grouped activities, if you have no group you are screwed.


You are welcome.



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