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Armors and Barrels and Skills OH MY!


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So, I like to play a little differently than most, I thought. Here's some ideas I have that I would like to see.

Something I have not seen requested is to have the armor type (Light, Medium, Heavy) moved from the armor to the armoring pieces. Why? Well, now you can have a Bounty Hunter or Trooper in a slave girl outfit or a Jedi sage or Sith Sorcerer wearing Bounty Hunter armor. That would be awesome to me. Have the armoring piece dicatate the type of armor it makes removes a lot of restrictions on armor too. I have a Sith Sorcerer that I would like to be able to put in something with a cape attached to it. Won't happen without some sort of an armor change.

And Weapons! Why are Bounty Hunters restricted to pistols?! PISTOLS?! If this change affected barrels as well, a Bounty Hunter could use a Rifle! Finally! Glory Haleluiah! Everyone knows Boba Fett and Jango Fett. Boba used a Rifle and Jango has his dual pistols. Neat! And on that note...

Why restrict the type of weapons used to a class. More versatility would be fabulous! If it were true that dual weapons vs. double weapons vs single weapons had no difference in the DPS output, why shouldn't I be able to dual weild pistols (if I have to be stuck with them) instead of a single handed pistol? I think a Weapons skill tree would be an awesome asset to teh game. For instance:

Ex 1) I'm a Bounty Hunter. I want to use rifles.So, when I reach certain levels I gaina aspecial skill point that allows me to choose my weapons tree. Rifles, pistols, heavy weapons, or dual pistols. As I go up the tree I deal more damage and learn more tricks appropriate to that type of weapon.

Ex 2) I'm a Sith Assassin. I want to single weild a lone saber instead of the Double bladed. Or even possible Dual weild! or I don't want to weild Sabers at all! I want to use Vibro swords! or staffs! with this Weapons Training Skill Tree, you could add SO much versatility to the game.

Seems like I may have rambled on enough. I hope this makes sense, and will garner lots of attention.


AND ANOTHER THING! I'd like to be able to pull an armoring piece out of say, a Columi chest piece and put it in My augmented crafted chest piece and STILL GET THE COLUMI SET BONUS! Why is NONE of this in the GAME?!
Edited by SithLady
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Seem's like an interesting idea kinda how in star wars galaxies old school i beleave, you could go up one of 3 ways for certain weapons and then once maxed out go into another tree for an advanced class. Now if they did something similar to what you were stating perhaps do your main skill tree as you said and at a certain point a side tree pops up for 1 of 3 different types of weapons you would wanna use. Makes for more interesting content and the allowance for different gear usage, especially how sometimes gear may drop in HM's or OP's that gets passed on cause no one really need's it but if someone could "weapon spec" it then could make thing's interesting indeed. A bounty hunter with a blaster rifle for sure would be good cause no offense but seeing a BH with just a single dinky blaster is kinda meh but still cool in its own way, at least ive seen some higher level gun's look big and badA##. As he had stated an assassin or a jedi sadow should be able to use a vibrostaff as a juggernaught/marauder can duel/single weild a vibrosword through end game.
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I agree. Armor being defined by the armor mod plate you insert rather than as a base stat would add variety to the game.

Also while I am on this soap box, why can a sith warrior in either Maur or Jug spec using vibroswords as a substitute for their saber without effecting skills while a assassin " HAS " to use a saber for some of theirs ? The electrostaff is there as a equivalent for the vibrosword yet it invalidates several skills of the assassin.

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Although with 1.3 I believe at least social gear is supposed to become adaptive armor (ie, the slave girl outfit will be heavy if you're a heavy armor wearer), I agree, and have long thought, that the armor type should be tied to the armoring mod.


When I started the game and first started to learn about orange gear, I actually thought that was how it worked.

Edited by JakkFrost
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Although with 1.3 I believe at least social gear is supposed to become adaptive armor (ie, if the slave girl outfit will be heavy if you're a heavy armor wearer), I agree, and have long thought, that the armor type should be tied to the armoring mod.


When I started the game and first started to learn about orange gear, I actually thought that was how it worked.


Hmmm.....well, that's a step inthe right direction at least.

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Great suggestion OP.


I too have wondered why certain classes let you wield two different types of weapon but then others wont let you change from dual pistols to a single rifle.


Ha whilst typing i just realised....you know when you play as a trooper, you use an assault cannon or a rifle....yet look at some of the conversation movies and every time the trooper wields a PISTOL as his main ttacking weapon, YET you cant use a pistol in a fight as a trooper ! xD


I would like to see more armours that arent specific to class (keep some class specific by all means though).

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So, I like to play a little differently than most, I thought. Here's some ideas I have that I would like to see.

Something I have not seen requested is to have the armor type (Light, Medium, Heavy) moved from the armor to the armoring pieces. Why? Well, now you can have a Bounty Hunter or Trooper in a slave girl outfit or a Jedi sage or Sith Sorcerer wearing Bounty Hunter armor. That would be awesome to me. Have the armoring piece dicatate the type of armor it makes removes a lot of restrictions on armor too. I have a Sith Sorcerer that I would like to be able to put in something with a cape attached to it. Won't happen without some sort of an armor change.

And Weapons! Why are Bounty Hunters restricted to pistols?! PISTOLS?! If this change affected barrels as well, a Bounty Hunter could use a Rifle! Finally! Glory Haleluiah! Everyone knows Boba Fett and Jango Fett. Boba used a Rifle and Jango has his dual pistols. Neat! And on that note...

Why restrict the type of weapons used to a class. More versatility would be fabulous! If it were true that dual weapons vs. double weapons vs single weapons had no difference in the DPS output, why shouldn't I be able to dual weild pistols (if I have to be stuck with them) instead of a single handed pistol? I think a Weapons skill tree would be an awesome asset to teh game. For instance:

Ex 1) I'm a Bounty Hunter. I want to use rifles.So, when I reach certain levels I gaina aspecial skill point that allows me to choose my weapons tree. Rifles, pistols, heavy weapons, or dual pistols. As I go up the tree I deal more damage and learn more tricks appropriate to that type of weapon.

Ex 2) I'm a Sith Assassin. I want to single weild a lone saber instead of the Double bladed. Or even possible Dual weild! or I don't want to weild Sabers at all! I want to use Vibro swords! or staffs! with this Weapons Training Skill Tree, you could add SO much versatility to the game.

Seems like I may have rambled on enough. I hope this makes sense, and will garner lots of attention.


Why you ask are they not doing this? Why would they? They made an MMO business model, they weren't concerned if the game was awesome. 'Nuff said.


For the record though, I'd like to use a carbine...

Edited by Sliverspark
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Well...actually Boba used a carbine not a rifle. :p Just to clarify.


Ok, yes, but THIS game doesn't distinguish between the 2. but u are right. it IS a Carbine Rifle he uses. An EE-3 model Carbine Rifle. Still a Rifle, but yeah.

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I'd even like gear to adapt to what type you are. If you're heavy the armour level will behave as if the gear was for a heavy armour person.


As for weapons being unlocked is an interesting idea and would add more versatilty for the players. Not everyone would look the same anymore, that's fantastic. If it's a DPS problem, just have the weapon damage output lowered or raised depending on your class? Snipers could use blaster rifles with the same DPS as his sniper rifle would have and so on.

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I'd even like gear to adapt to what type you are. If you're heavy the armour level will behave as if the gear was for a heavy armour person.


As for weapons being unlocked is an interesting idea and would add more versatilty for the players. Not everyone would look the same anymore, that's fantastic. If it's a DPS problem, just have the weapon damage output lowered or raised depending on your class? Snipers could use blaster rifles with the same DPS as his sniper rifle would have and so on.


It's not REALLY a DPS question. I was simply using that to illustrate how it shouldn't be a problem for this mechanic to be implemented. But since you brought it up there is one more thing i'd like to see. Modable Shield Generators, Generators and Focus. I promise, I can get more from a modable and augmented second weapon than u can get from a Focus or generator.

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AND ANOTHER THING! I'd like to be able to pull an armoring piece out of say, a Columi chest piece and put it in My augmented crafted chest piece and STILL GET THE COLUMI SET BONUS! Why is NONE of this in the GAME?!
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AND ANOTHER THING! I'd like to be able to pull an armoring piece out of say, a Columi chest piece and put it in My augmented crafted chest piece and STILL GET THE COLUMI SET BONUS! Why is NONE of this in the GAME?!



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