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Why use voice chat in PvP?


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If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


That's what I meant. When people know what they're doing, know each other well enough, there isn't much need for comms at all. Unless it's about something off topic. Anyone want some coffee?

Edited by Vudu
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If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Only the most overused Nietzsche quote ever. Beyond Good and Evil is a pretty awesome book though. Really makes you think.


And on the serious answer: the most important use ive found is for calling in incs. If your attacked, you dont have time to type it into chat. Sometimes whenin a PUG I find myself having to choose: call for help in chat or use those few seconds to keep fighting. With voice, you dont need to choose. It can save a match.

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Have had some 600-0 and 2 min 6-0 wins that feel like we are all using ESP. No one is typing, we just all know where to go and when go be there.


I must admit, as a solo queuer nothing is more satisfying then a pure put in huttball where everyone is operating on the same wavelength without need for any chat or typing involved

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We're not all Psychic lol, however, there are times when me and the healer in my group have a form of "Extrasensory Perception", times like her being focused down I CC at the right instant so she can get heals off, or Intercede + Taunt before she has to say anything. Once you get a core group going, you can in a sense know what your group will do, but Voice Chat will always be more efficient for us, as we're not gifted in ESP. For those that are. . .pugs can have a way of screwing things up, even if you type.
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My ESP is pretty sporadic but when it is working it is a thing of beauty.


I think, someone needs to get up there so I can pass to them and poof, someone is there.


I see a healer and get ready to mark them and poof, a mark appears above their head and they get burned down by more than 1 person.


I see that there are 5 people on a door fighting 1 person and think the other door probably needs help and poof, 3 of them break off and check out the other side.


Now if I could just get that working all the time.

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