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Boba Fett is Both Dead and Alive (Technically)

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I ignorded it because we know its not true. We have tons of examples were items approved dont fit


Prove where a navel (not infinities label) was aproved after the canon system was in place where there was a conflict with the movies and it didn't get a retcon. Books. Show us. You can't because they aren't out there without a retcon. The earliest retcon was pointed out up there and that was this year (2012). Nothing about a Fett retcon (thus making it C-Canon completely) what-so-ever.


By LC's own words (and thus set in stone as GL pays LC to do this , making it so) EVERYTHING in the books is C-Canon unless otherwise stated. It doesn't get a print unless it gets a check for canon.


This man (LC) is paid by GL to make sure EVERYTHING in the books (and comics , games and in some cases other things) fits into canon and to make notations of what might be used in the future for new canon out of new material.


He spends his normal working days adding , correcting and fixing the Holocron database for this reason. Thats his job.


Lets break it down a different way.


Lets say GL is a big time building developer. LC is the guy who he tells to get stuff done. But everything has GL name on it in one form or another. So GL says "I don't believe this building should be built. Not gonna do it" But then he gives LC permission in one form or another to go ahead. LC does , yet we have it on record that GL said he wasn't going to , that he didn't believe it needed to be built or expanded on. But then we have LC who goes ahead and does it under orders (either verbal or otherwise) from his BOSS to do it.


Now if something were to happen and there was a design flaw and the building collapsed , how do you think that plays out? GL's name is all over it and he gave LC the go ahead to do it. Thats how it plays out here.


It doesn't matter which way GL said to do it... (Go ahead , but he can't be C-Canon)...that means LC would have to place a note or make a statement to that effect , its his job...or ...(Fett's alive in C-Canon , but dead in G-Canon)..no statement needed (the "Fett situation")there is no retcon needed. Fett died in the GL version , but is alive in C-Canon (just like Veers dying in ESB but being alive in the books later , or Crix Madeen)


So go ahead. Show us a book thats been published since the canon system came out that went against the canon system that didn't get a retcon...waiting....still

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Prove where a navel (not infinities label) was aproved after the canon system was in place where there was a conflict with the movies and it didn't get a retcon. Books. Show us. You can't because they aren't out there without a retcon. The earliest retcon was pointed out up there and that was this year (2012). Nothing about a Fett retcon (thus making it C-Canon completely) what-so-ever..

I. C. S.


your turn show me a quote from George lucas that says Boba Fett survived.


edit: also off the top of my head


the 6 Boba Fett books by Elizabeth Hand that take place inbetween Episode II and III


double edit:


I haven't read it yet allthough I hear it's good but isn't there some big fuss over the Darth Plaugues book. Something about Palpentine or Plaugus making Anakin?

Edited by jarjarloves
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@jarjarloves: Read the ENTIRE THING! It's the last words I'm saying in this argument.


Exhibit A: George APPROVED Fett's Return, in either verbal or written form for him to come back in the post-RotJ Expanded Universe. Because even AS YOU ADMITTED, without George's approval for that, he would not have even returned!


Exhibit B: LEARN TO READ yourself. There is NOTHING in the context of that quote by Leland Chee to say it was anything BUT Fett's return and survival in C-Canon. It's the only possible explanation. If you have a rebuttal, either show me a quote where something OTHER than his return and survival is a C-Canon OVERRIDE of G-Canon, and show me where Leland Chee misspoke during that interview, or be quiet about it. If you would allow yourself to actually THINK for a minute.... Use your own mind for a change.


Exhibit C: Is the 2011 Blu-Ray the SAME interview as in the 2004 DVD? If so, your argument on that is dead.


What exactly, after all the quotes you've been shown, the way the Canon system actually works, and everything do you STILL not get as far as Canon exceptions go and how they appy to Boba Fett's survival. Are you THAT stuck on every word George speaks and take it all as gospel???? Are you THAT delusional???? Did someone else burn it into your brain that Boba Fett is dead in ANY Canon??????


You say you don't even like George. Yet even LELAND CHEE's Reply to that question, literally saying that Boba Fett is a C-CANON OVERRIDE TO G-CANON isn't enough for you! Leland Chee, whose JOB it is to keep EVERYTHING SQUARED AWAY IN CANON! I AM DONE ARGUING WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN'T EVEN THINK FOR HIMSELF!



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I attempted to abstain from further involvement in this thread, but it still rages on. The fact that it's still in the timeline in the Visual Guide, which was updated less than a month ago, pretty much cements it as C-canon. The timeline ONLY covers G-, T-, and C-level canon.


Remember this post?


Now, [Chee] didn't specifically mention what level of canon that [Fett's survival] goes into. Perhaps we should revisit the Visual Guide again. As I pointed out before, the update Guide was released about 2 weeks ago, but first... what canon levels does this Visual Guide cover? I refer you, once again, to the man whose job is to determine that:


Q: "Which category (C or G) the Incredible Cross-sections, Visual Dictionary and the Inside the Worlds belongs?


Theses books are treated no differently than any other books; anything created by the author would be C-level. I would guess that 95% of the text info in those books is created by the author or is based on information created by another author other than George Lucas." (06-28-04)


Q: But don't you think that they [the Visual Dictionaries] should belong to a higher canon rating?


I believe I've addressed this issue elsewhere as well as the use of the word ”Lucasfilm” in this case. In short, whatever is created by the authors of the Visual Dictionaries is ”C” canon. No more, no less." (07-26-04)


Though it borders on copyright infringement, here are two pics to support that post. I don't know what the source was, and I really don't care. The point is, Fett did get out of the Sarlaac, was subsequently rescued by Dengar, and even continued to run missions alongside Dengar until their falling out (ALL of that is in the same G/T/C-canon timeline).

Edited by bmhale
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@jarjarloves: Read the ENTIRE THING! It's the last words I'm saying in this argument.


Exhibit A: George APPROVED Fett's Return, in either verbal or written form for him to come back in the post-RotJ Expanded Universe. Because even AS YOU ADMITTED, without George's approval for that, he would not have even returned!


Exhibit B: LEARN TO READ yourself. There is NOTHING in the context of that quote by Leland Chee to say it was anything BUT Fett's return and survival in C-Canon. It's the only possible explanation. If you have a rebuttal, either show me a quote where something OTHER than his return and survival is a C-Canon OVERRIDE of G-Canon, and show me where Leland Chee misspoke during that interview, or be quiet about it. If you would allow yourself to actually THINK for a minute.... Use your own mind for a change.


Exhibit C: Is the 2011 Blu-Ray the SAME interview as in the 2004 DVD? If so, your argument on that is dead.


What exactly, after all the quotes you've been shown, the way the Canon system actually works, and everything do you STILL not get as far as Canon exceptions go and how they appy to Boba Fett's survival. Are you THAT stuck on every word George speaks and take it all as gospel???? Are you THAT delusional???? Did someone else burn it into your brain that Boba Fett is dead in ANY Canon??????


You say you don't even like George. Yet even LELAND CHEE's Reply to that question, literally saying that Boba Fett is a C-CANON OVERRIDE TO G-CANON isn't enough for you! Leland Chee, whose JOB it is to keep EVERYTHING SQUARED AWAY IN CANON! I AM DONE ARGUING WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN'T EVEN THINK FOR HIMSELF!




Exhibit A; YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT HE SAID. If you can actually say what George Lucas said to aprove it then you would have a case. Also as we have proved many times even you have proved this George Lucas Aproves things that are not considered canon.


if you want to play the prove me wrong game I can play that too.


George Lucas said that Boba Fett can come back in books but it won't be considered C-canon it will be S-canon only.


Now prove to me that HE DIDN"T SAY THAT. (see I can play your game. that's why I also ask for proof and I SHOW PROOF)


Exhibit B. NO there is NOTHING in the quote that SAYS it is Boba Fetts return. Show me where it says it.


Exhibit C. It's not the interview it's the DVD commentary. Go watch it. Addtionally all the Commentery does is prove to you that George Lucas wrote that scene as Boba Fetts death. That is what the big deal about it is. It is 100% proof that the scene in ROTJ is Boba Fetts Death scene.



No Leeland chee LITERARLLY Saying Boba Fett survived would be this


"Hi i'm leeland chee and BOBA FETT SURVIVED"


That is what literal means


You keep thinking that Star Wars is yours. Sorry to break it to you but IT IS NOT. It's George Lucas's property what he says goes.


Are you now going to argue you own as much of Star Wars as George Lucas?




Still waiting on that quote from George saying Boba Fett survived.

Edited by jarjarloves
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thank you. The holiday special is my favorite version of Boba followed by the all white Concept art version.


The all white concept art version is my favorite, I don't know why it just looks neat to me.

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something to think about. I just looked at an issue of Star Wars Insider #117 from June 2010. It's a Boba Fett special issue that contains almost nothing but articles about Boba.


Now there is an interesting one about article called "Boba Fett: A Hunter's Journey" written by Leeland Chee.


The article is a time line for Boba Fett. specificaly his apprence in important Boba Fett media.



It stats off talking about his 30 years of being around and his Frequently Retconed back story. it then talks about his apperence in the Holiday Special, then Empire and then a comic strip in the 1980s from the LA times. Any how it talks about "Tales of the Bounty Hunter" but does't mention the Dengar story where he escapes. It talks about the Boba Fett story where doesn't sleep with Leia. Does not mention the Sarlac.


It then goes on about The Bounty Hunter Wars where it talks about him brining down the Bounty Hunter guild and his partner. But nothig about his escape from the Sarlac.


It then goes on to talk about more Boba Fett stories that happen during the OT like Shadows of the Empire and Betryal.


Then it goes to the Prequel stories and the stroies inbtween episdoe 3 and 4. It talks about how his story was changed to Jango Fetts back story and how Jaster Mereel was once Boba but then was changed into a new character and given the other part of Boba's back story.


Funny thing it never mentions anything post ROTJ. It was written by Leeland Chee and was written in 2010. you would think if it is about 30 years of Boba and how important he is you would think they would at least mention some post ROTJ stuff.


Now i'm not saying this is dfinitive proof or really any proof about his post ROTJ existance or lack their of.


However it is really interesting that Leeland Chee has never really ever come out and said Boba Fett is alive.

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I attempted to abstain from further involvement in this thread, but it still rages on. The fact that it's still in the timeline in the Visual Guide, which was updated less than a month ago, pretty much cements it as C-canon. The timeline ONLY covers G-, T-, and C-level canon.


Remember this post?




Though it borders on copyright infringement, here are two pics to support that post. I don't know what the source was, and I really don't care. The point is, Fett did get out of the Sarlaac, was subsequently rescued by Dengar, and even continued to run missions alongside Dengar until their falling out (ALL of that is in the same G/T/C-canon timeline).


You, sir, have just won this thread. time for evryone to gg out.

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I attempted to abstain from further involvement in this thread, but it still rages on. The fact that it's still in the timeline in the Visual Guide, which was updated less than a month ago, pretty much cements it as C-canon. The timeline ONLY covers G-, T-, and C-level canon.


Remember this post?




Though it borders on copyright infringement, here are two pics to support that post. I don't know what the source was, and I really don't care. The point is, Fett did get out of the Sarlaac, was subsequently rescued by Dengar, and even continued to run missions alongside Dengar until their falling out (ALL of that is in the same G/T/C-canon timeline).


I missed that post, but I am damn glad you reposted it, sir! That is definitive beyond a shadow of a doubt right there!


@jarjarloves: Is THIS good enough for you?


Quote: Originally Posted by bmhale


Now, [Chee] didn't specifically mention what level of canon that [Fett's survival] goes into. Perhaps we should revisit the Visual Guide again. As I pointed out before, the update Guide was released about 2 weeks ago, but first... what canon levels does this Visual Guide cover? I refer you, once again, to the man whose job is to determine that:




Quote: Originally Posted by Leland Chee, Keeper of the Holocron


Q: "Which category (C or G) the Incredible Cross-sections, Visual Dictionary and the Inside the Worlds belongs?


Theses books are treated no differently than any other books; anything created by the author would be C-level. I would guess that 95% of the text info in those books is created by the author or is based on information created by another author other than George Lucas." (06-28-04)


Q: But don't you think that they [the Visual Dictionaries] should belong to a higher canon rating?


I believe I've addressed this issue elsewhere as well as the use of the word ”Lucasfilm” in this case. In short, whatever is created by the authors of the Visual Dictionaries is ”C” canon. No more, no less." (07-26-04)


If not, get help. Peace out.



Ladies and Gentlemen, we have it on very good authority that that Boba Fett is alive and well in C-Canon. Without further ado.... /thread :D

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Thanks guys. The book is a pretty good overview... definitely worth checking out if you run across it. Its timeline also includes many of the C-canon events from major video games (including SWTOR and TFU), and provides a pretty good refresher on the major events, though admittedly some of the overviews are a tad brief.


I may pick up the Complete SW Encyclopedia Set sometime. I'll bet Fett's survival in C-canon is included in there as well.


Of course, by George's words, he's dead in G-canon, but his inclusion in the Guide would indicate that he is allowed to continue on in C-canon. Whether you consider it an alternate universe, one of the few allowed exceptions, or some other explanation, ultimately the OP's statement that Fett is technically both dead and alive was correct.

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Thanks guys. The book is a pretty good overview... definitely worth checking out if you run across it. Its timeline also includes many of the C-canon events from major video games (including SWTOR and TFU), and provides a pretty good refresher on the major events, though admittedly some of the overviews are a tad brief.


I may pick up the Complete SW Encyclopedia Set sometime. I'll bet Fett's survival in C-canon is included in there as well.


Of course, by George's words, he's dead in G-canon, but his inclusion in the Guide would indicate that he is allowed to continue on in C-canon. Whether you consider it an alternate universe, one of the few allowed exceptions, or some other explanation, ultimately the OP's statement that Fett is technically both dead and alive was correct.


This quote by Chee should have confirmed it too. Only way it makes sense is in reference to Boba Fett's return:


Question: "Is there anyting in C-Canon that overrides G-Canon?"


Leeland chee says "Well there's the boba fett thing."

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I. C. S.


your turn show me a quote from George lucas that says Boba Fett survived.


edit: also off the top of my head


the 6 Boba Fett books by Elizabeth Hand that take place inbetween Episode II and III


double edit:


I haven't read it yet allthough I hear it's good but isn't there some big fuss over the Darth Plaugues book. Something about Palpentine or Plaugus making Anakin?




And the 6 books have their retcon notes added to them , they got the retcon's added because of the TCW (Boba Fett origins)


I've read the Plaugus and no where does it mention anything about them making Anakin. The closest thing is where its hinted that Plaugus can manipulate the force and create life.


Now show me one that has a conflict with ANY movie or TCW thats been made that doesn't have a note. You can't cause thats what LC's job is. Those books were written BEFORE TCW and then were retcon'd. Fett survival was written AFTER the movies and its LC's job to make note unless there is no conflict ("The Fett situation/issue" and where we have "C-Canon overriding G-Canon")


Keep looking.


The thing is , the keeper of the Holocron (LC) disagrees with you and thats the end of the story. Its his job to make notes of whats G/C/T/S/N Canon and the Fett story is listed by him , through permission of GL as C-Canon. End of story. The guy who controls (by GL word/hand/voice) what is canon and what lvl canon it is overrides you. He hasn't listed Fett's survival as anything but C-Canon and thus it is.


Thats what it boils down to. Your word or understanding on it doesn't count. Plan and simple. GL pays LC to fix and decide what lvl canon something is and if it even fits into canon. He hasn't placed a note saying Fett's survival is anything but C-Canon , so now its up to you to find a note where it lists Fett's survival (in the EU) as anything but C-Canon.


We've shown you where its listed there are exceptions and where Fett is listed as such ("The Fett situation/issue") and where LC has made notes on material being now S-Canon that was C-Canon as early as this month , now it up to you to show us that Fett's survival EU is anything but C-Canon.


Plan and simple.

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Exhibit A; YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT HE SAID. If you can actually say what George Lucas said to aprove it then you would have a case. Also as we have proved many times even you have proved this George Lucas Aproves things that are not considered canon.


if you want to play the prove me wrong game I can play that too.


George Lucas said that Boba Fett can come back in books but it won't be considered C-canon it will be S-canon only.


1-Now prove to me that HE DIDN"T SAY THAT. (see I can play your game. that's why I also ask for proof and I SHOW PROOF)

2-Exhibit B. NO there is NOTHING in the quote that SAYS it is Boba Fetts return. Show me where it says it.


Exhibit C. It's not the interview it's the DVD commentary. Go watch it. Addtionally all the Commentery does is prove to you that George Lucas wrote that scene as Boba Fetts death. That is what the big deal about it is. It is 100% proof that the scene in ROTJ is Boba Fetts Death scene.



No Leeland chee LITERARLLY Saying Boba Fett survived would be this


"Hi i'm leeland chee and BOBA FETT SURVIVED"


That is what literal means


You keep thinking that Star Wars is yours. Sorry to break it to you but IT IS NOT. It's George Lucas's property what he says goes.


Are you now going to argue you own as much of Star Wars as George Lucas?




Still waiting on that quote from George saying Boba Fett survived.


Responding to highlighted quote -

1 - I can prove it. Nowhere does LC make notes that any book where Fett is alive is S or N canon , yet there are notes on earlier stuff where it was imposters or 3rd parry stuff (the retcon'd material) If GL would have said "Is S or N canon , but can't be C-Canon" there LC would have to make notes , but he hasn't like he did with the Coro Nights Series. And looking back on it , its still not been revealed who will be the main characters master in that series (forget his name) but now there is a big hole in the series that WILL cost LA/LP money to fix.


2 - You keep saying that , but THERE IS NO OTHER FETT THING!!! It is the ONLY thing in contest and you know it

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Fact - GL owns the SW IP. Anything he says on the films is G-Canon


Fact - GL appointed LC as keeper of the Holocron and Canon system.


Fact - GL never has no place anything in canon , this is LC's job.


Fact - LC has as early as 2012 retcon'd things in books to N or S Canon.


Fact - GL aproves all books. Its LC's job to decide what can be writen or how it fits into Canon system. If it gets by GL then its LC's job to read over and make sure it fits into Canon. This would mean ANY book with Fett in it had to first go through GL (thus be aproved for EU survival) and then through LC to fit into Canon (either C , S or N as it stands) No notes have been placed in regards to Fett's survival in the EU


Fact - Fett is the exception to the C-Canon overrides G-Canon (or G-Canon overrides C-Canon , depends on how you see it) Some say they don't see a tie in to Fett's survival. Then what else could it be? His origin stories have been retcon'd , so thats not it. Other stories have been retcon'd to Jester or 3rd party "what-if's" or campfire stories if you will. There is no other "Fett issue" out there.


Fact - Its LC's job to place a stamp on things if they are ANYTHING other than C-Canon (if it doesn't have a S or N note or stamp on it , its C-Canon , he doesn't have to lable everything C-Canon because his own statements say that EVERYTHING else is C-Canon unless otherwise stated) LC hasn't placed a stamp on anything with Fett's survival in it except the above mentioned.


It was asked why in a recent interview why LC didn't mention stuff with Fett in it recently. Thats easy. When that interview was done , Fett's "new" story hadn't been played out (or maybe still isn't) and he couldn't comment on it as of yet.


It was also asked why GL or LC don't just come out and say "He's alive in the EU". Well , they have. They let he continue in books , thats statement enough. Why should they come out and say "Fett's return in the EU is C-Canon" when its all been placed there in black and white for all to see.


LC has "hinted" at the "Fett issue" being the only exception where C-Canon overrides G-Canon. This suggests that they understand that the average person out there has enough brains to figure out what the "issue" is. If you haven't , then i guess you're not in the average and you might need to pick up a few kid readers instead.


LC and GL both take into consideration that the average person out there should be able to understand that "EVERYTHING ELSE" is canon unless otherwise stated means just that. If the book hasn't been placed (or parts of it) in S or N then its C-Canon. That means they DON'T have to come out and announce that Fett's survival in the EU is C-Canon cause they expect the average person to understand what they mean by earlier statements.


GL appointed LC as the Canon-man. Its his job to place things into the right Canon. It's LC's job , not GL's to determine what lvl of canon something is. GL has nothing to do with the EU. The only thing he does with the EU is make sure the books don't overrite or disregard something he's written or previously stated. And its been mentioned that there are exceptions that get a case by case review.


So lets break it down. GL owns HIS story but has LC oversee "the other story". GL aproves if the book can be written or not. LC decides where it fits into Canon. If LC doesn't give it a S or N , then it gets C automaticly. The end.


So there you have it. GL aproved Fett's return and continues to aprove his survival(as early as 2012)(and remember , he could have at anytime said "Kill him off NOW!!" and didn't) LC by GL's permission and authority (remember , LC could also had said "Better check with GL cause we could always write someone else into these parts and keep Fett dead") placed Fett into the EU and C-Canon (without a S or N canon note or stamp , acording to LC and GL's own rules , its C-Canon) LC is the last stop on the way to Canon. He had to have had GL's permission to place Fett into C-Canon or GL would have stoped him. (Funny how that "exception" and "Fett issue" keep coming into play) They don't have to come out and say anything , because according to the very rules "EVERYTHING ELSE is C-Canon" unless otherwise stated. They don't have to say anything about Fett's survival or EU existance as being C-Canon at all because they are pretty sure the rules and statements were pretty clear. They are assuming that those of out here with half a brain can read and have good reading comprehension. I know i do (those of you that have trouble with this might want to pick up a kids reader instead , just saying)


The End!

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And the 6 books have their retcon notes added to them , they got the retcon's added because of the TCW (Boba Fett origins)


I've read the Plaugus and no where does it mention anything about them making Anakin. The closest thing is where its hinted that Plaugus can manipulate the force and create life.


Now show me one that has a conflict with ANY movie or TCW thats been made that doesn't have a note. You can't cause thats what LC's job is. Those books were written BEFORE TCW and then were retcon'd. Fett survival was written AFTER the movies and its LC's job to make note unless there is no conflict ("The Fett situation/issue" and where we have "C-Canon overriding G-Canon")


Keep looking.


The thing is , the keeper of the Holocron (LC) disagrees with you and thats the end of the story. Its his job to make notes of whats G/C/T/S/N Canon and the Fett story is listed by him , through permission of GL as C-Canon. End of story. The guy who controls (by GL word/hand/voice) what is canon and what lvl canon it is overrides you. He hasn't listed Fett's survival as anything but C-Canon and thus it is.


Thats what it boils down to. Your word or understanding on it doesn't count. Plan and simple. GL pays LC to fix and decide what lvl canon something is and if it even fits into canon. He hasn't placed a note saying Fett's survival is anything but C-Canon , so now its up to you to find a note where it lists Fett's survival (in the EU) as anything but C-Canon.


We've shown you where its listed there are exceptions and where Fett is listed as such ("The Fett situation/issue") and where LC has made notes on material being now S-Canon that was C-Canon as early as this month , now it up to you to show us that Fett's survival EU is anything but C-Canon.


Plan and simple.


1. Incredible Cross Sections


2. Show me some of these notes. I want to see the notes by Leeland chee that you claim to have seen that retcon the books. You've seen them now I would like to see them.


Like I said I haven't read the Darth Plagus book I have only heard there where some controversial things in it.



also I'm pretty sure if i looked at that visual ditionary I could find some non canon stuff.

Edited by jarjarloves
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1. Incredible Cross Sections


2. Show me some of these notes. I want to see the notes by Leeland chee that you claim to have seen that retcon the books. You've seen them now I would like to see them.


Like I said I haven't read the Darth Plagus book I have only heard there where some controversial things in it.



also I'm pretty sure if i looked at that visual ditionary I could find some non canon stuff.




These stories your refering to are under the infinities label now. Under that label they are considered S-Canon with parts being C-Canon.


Read that artical and it explains (with quotes from LC and even GL) There were even posts in this thread by YOU pertaining to them being retcon'd.

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These stories your refering to are under the infinities label now. Under that label they are considered S-Canon with parts being C-Canon.


Read that artical and it explains (with quotes from LC and even GL) There were even posts in this thread by YOU pertaining to them being retcon'd.


According to the link you provieded they are still c canon and not part of the infinates label. Thanks for proving me right


Btw if he survived how come george or leeland dont come right out and say it?

Edited by jarjarloves
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1. Incredible Cross Sections


2. Show me some of these notes. I want to see the notes by Leeland chee that you claim to have seen that retcon the books. You've seen them now I would like to see them.


Like I said I haven't read the Darth Plagus book I have only heard there where some controversial things in it.



also I'm pretty sure if i looked at that visual ditionary I could find some non canon stuff.


Incredible Cross Sections are C-canon, per the same quote from Chee. Unless they contradict other materials... in which case, Chee reviews them and determines where to place them.


You would find N-canon stuff, but not in the timeline section. The only N-canon stuff mentioned come in a later section about merchandise, parodies, etc.


Also Palpatine and Plagueis don't directly create Anakin. The Force creates him in response to Plagueis's experiments with force-sensitive beings and/or to balance itself due to their rise in power.

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Incredible Cross Sections are C-canon, per the same quote from Chee. Unless they contradict other materials... in which case, Chee reviews them and determines where to place them.


You would find N-canon stuff, but not in the timeline section. The only N-canon stuff mentioned come in a later section about merchandise, parodies, etc.


Also Palpatine and Plagueis don't directly create Anakin. The Force creates him in response to Plagueis's experiments with force-sensitive beings and/or to balance itself due to their rise in power.


It's hopeless, imo. For him to accept that Boba Fett is alive in C-Canon would take the common sense that God gave a 5 year old. The quote by Leland Chee here should have been enough:


Question: "Is there anyting in C-Canon that overrides G-Canon?"


Leeland chee says "Well there's the boba fett thing."


I showed that quote to my boss and fellow techs yesterday at work. ALL are Star Wars fans to some extent, and ALL of them said something to the effect of "I knew Fett was alive!"


My boss said he was bringing in the 2012 VG today since he owns it. Yeah, jarjar's arguments are now invalid, and he can wait until the end of time for George to say "Boba Fett's alive" for all I care. In C-Canon, it doesn't take a statement from George other than his approval.


Anyhow, I'm out to get ready for work. Peace!

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Thanks guys. The book is a pretty good overview... definitely worth checking out if you run across it. Its timeline also includes many of the C-canon events from major video games (including SWTOR and TFU), and provides a pretty good refresher on the major events, though admittedly some of the overviews are a tad brief.


I may pick up the Complete SW Encyclopedia Set sometime. I'll bet Fett's survival in C-canon is included in there as well.


Of course, by George's words, he's dead in G-canon, but his inclusion in the Guide would indicate that he is allowed to continue on in C-canon. Whether you consider it an alternate universe, one of the few allowed exceptions, or some other explanation, ultimately the OP's statement that Fett is technically both dead and alive was correct.


I do have the Complete SW encyclopedia, and Boba Fetts survival is in it. Take that however you want to.

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