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Boba Fett is Both Dead and Alive (Technically)

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You just said anything that Lucas approves written or verbal (which btw still waiting for that quote saying written statements are g-canon) is considered g-canon.


Lucas has to approve everything. By YOUR OWN WORDS everything is g-canon because lucas approves it.


No. He's saying Lucas' approval of something is G-Canon, IE a stamp of approval and canonicity, but when the material is written by another author it becomes C-Canon.


Edit: The only way Lucas can approve something and have it not be canon is if:


A. It was never intended to be canon from the start.


B. It was retconned.


Neither have occured for Fett.


Also, address this:


The closest thing to what you're talking about is a retcon.


Fett hasn't been retconned.


Fett continues to appear in new books to this day.


The vast, vast majority of those books, (IE, NJO, LOTF, FOTJ) are all classified as C-Canon.


If Fett living wasn't at least C-Canon, they would've pulled every book he appeared in long ago, and refused to allow him to appear in any more. They haven't, and they don't.


Why? Money and popularity, obviously. Doesn't change the fact that he is still there.

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why do you think they would pull it? Have they ever pulled anything? Even the Jedi Wookies they still allow them to exist those that have already been made.



See by creating this canon system and making the statements Lucas can have Boba be dead and still not actually have to say it. he gets the money from people buying his books and still can say he is dead as he does.


Yup Boba still is in books allthough not as many post ROTJ books. his focus now seems to be all pre a new hope .

And to to this day Lucas still says he is dead.


Dude.... Wow. Just wow.... Ok, to answer your first question:


Yes, in fact. They pulled ALL Old Republic comics with Wookiee Jedi in them from store shelves when that retcon went into effect. Lowbacca was made a CANON EXCEPTION.


See by creating this canon system and making the statements George can have Fett dead in HIS story but alive in the C-Canon PARALLEL UNIVERSE as well.


George says Fett is dead in HIS story. In HIS FILM ONLY UNIVERSE. Yet by voicing or writing his APPROVAL for Fett's return in the C-Canon PARALLEL UNIVERSE, he made it possible for him to live on there. Now, would you like to see the quote AGAIN where George says the Expanded Universe is a PARALLEL UNIVERSE?


George first says this in 2001:

“There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don’t intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don’t get too involved in the parallel universe."


Oh! And THIS one in 2005:

STARLOG: "The Star Wars Universe is so large and diverse. Do you ever find yourself confused by the subsidiary material that's in the novels, comics, and other offshoots?"

LUCAS: "I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions."


There. That right there proves your One Universe argument wrong. As much as I dislike the idea, it's better than your "Everything post-RotJ is N-Canon" garbage.


Also, if you notice, George contradicts himself in two back to back sentences. First, he says he doesn't care about the ExU, then he states that he tries to keep his work consistent WITH the ExU. Also, if he didn't care about the ExU, he would allow the authors there to kill off Luke, Leia, and Han. Now, by YOUR OWN ARGUMENTS, you have been proven wrong.

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You just said anything that Lucas approves written or verbal (which btw still waiting for that quote saying written statements are g-canon) is considered g-canon.


Lucas has to approve everything. By YOUR OWN WORDS everything is g-canon because lucas approves it.


Seriously, man. I said the STATEMENT OF APPROVAL. The ACTUAL STATEMENT. I did NOT say the APPROVAL OF, although THAT approval set it up for the Return and Survival written in C-CANON. How dense are you??????


He CAN approve something and not have that thing be Canon. However, by YOUR OWN WORDS AND ARGUMENT, every Statement he says OR writes IS G-Canon. Btw, there is no distinction in the G-Canon definition between verbal and written statements.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself.


Yep, no distinction. Verbal AND written statements. Are you finished splitting hairs yet?


Seriously, I'm done here. You refuse to admit that you're wrong, and you refuse to show any conclusive proof that you're right. Meanwhile, I and others here have shown proof that your arguments are flawed, and your continued dispute is not holding water.


But that's good that there are other Wookiee Jedi still alive. Just no new ones can be added, as per George Lucas.

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real quick before i head to bed. I'll get to yours tommorow Vel




Kirlocca and Tyvokka are NOT old republic jedi wookies. Also do you have a source saying the old republic comics are no longer canon? Does it say all of the stories are not canon or just the ones with the wookie jedi?


Show me where it says all the other wookies are retcon and Lowbacca is an exception. I'm willing to bet you are making stuff up again.


Ok so when have I ever said there is one universe? In fact when i talked about the duel universe system you said I was wrong.


How have I been proven wrong again? Just because there are two universes it doesn't mean post ROTJ isn't C-canon or at least major parts of it are.




In a nutshell, anything created by the author would be C-level. Anything in the the novels created by George Lucas (whether it comes from unpublished early script versions, unpublished author interviews with George, or George's revisions to the novelization manuscript) would be G-level unless contradicted by the films.


interesting he doesn't say memos or written statements like you claim.


Oh and here is another quote by Leeland Chee



Is there anything post-Return of the Jedi that is G level?


Not in the database, no. If there is anything anywhere, only George knows.


N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.


hmmm Dark Empire came out BEFORE episode 3. Episode 3 talks about how Anakin is there to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force. Could it be that Dark Empire is one of those significant amount of material that was rendered Canon????


keep reading canon wars you might find your answers yet.

Edited by jarjarloves
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real quick before i head to bed. I'll get to yours tommorow Vel




Kirlocca and Tyvokka are NOT old republic jedi wookies. Also do you have a source saying the old republic comics are no longer canon? Does it say all of the stories are not canon or just the ones with the wookie jedi?


Show me where it says all the other wookies are retcon and Lowbacca is an exception. I'm willing to bet you are making stuff up again.


Ok so when have I ever said there is one universe? In fact when i talked about the duel universe system you said I was wrong.


How have I been proven wrong again? Just because there are two universes it doesn't mean post ROTJ isn't C-canon or at least major parts of it are.






interesting he doesn't say memos or written statements like you claim.


Oh and here is another quote by Leeland Chee







hmmm Dark Empire came out BEFORE episode 3. Episode 3 talks about how Anakin is there to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force. Could it be that Dark Empire is one of those significant amount of material that was rendered Canon????


keep reading canon wars you might find your answers yet.


Nope. I'm done. I've provided all the quotes and clarification I need to provide, and you still don't get it. The statement of approval, whether written or verbal, is G-Canon. There is no distinction made between the two. As is ANY statement George Lucas makes about Star Wars. I did not say in this argument that Fett's survival itself was G-Canon. Just the Statement of such by George. Actually, I said TO AN EXTENT, as far as his statement to his aide in either verbal or written form that he gave his consent for Fett to return.


Either you are picking apart every single sentence and word and trying to make it fit your own view, or you're reading between the lines for something that isn't there. As far as I'm concerned, you are only arguing for the sake of argument. You brought up "George's Word Is Law", and you still refuse to admit that post-RotJ is C-Canon, despite all evidence that it is. It's a parallel universe that is classified as C-Canon. It's in the G+C Expanded Universe that Leland Chee describes as having both Expanded AND Film continuities.


Seriously, if you don't like that and refuse to accept it, take it up with Leland Chee and/or George Lucas. I'm done.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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why do you think they would pull it? Have they ever pulled anything? Even the Jedi Wookies they still allow them to exist those that have already been made.



See by creating this canon system and making the statements Lucas can have Boba be dead and still not actually have to say it. he gets the money from people buying his books and still can say he is dead as he does.


Yup Boba still is in books allthough not as many post ROTJ books. his focus now seems to be all pre a new hope .

And to to this day Lucas still says he is dead.


They have NOT allowed the Wookie Jedi's that were made before to exist. Go find me a NEW print of ANY book or comic with a Wookie Jedi in it besides Lowbacca.


They are not allowed to even be on a new book shelf. You might find one on e-bay or a garage sale . but NOT in a new book store.


Books with Fett in them i can still find a BAM and a few others.

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They have NOT allowed the Wookie Jedi's that were made before to exist. Go find me a NEW print of ANY book or comic with a Wookie Jedi in it besides Lowbacca.


They are not allowed to even be on a new book shelf. You might find one on e-bay or a garage sale . but NOT in a new book store.


Books with Fett in them i can still find a BAM and a few others.


Indeed, yet again. Fett has played a major role in post-RotJ novels and comics, and has never been retconned out of C-Canon by Lucas or Chee. Without Fett's influence, most series from Dark Empire down the line would have to be completely retconned. As to the veracity of jarjar's statement that there are other Wookiee Jedi in the post-RotJ era, Lowbacca is the only one I've heard of. Granted, I haven't read much past Vector Prime, but I'll be checking on that soon.


Now, it is a fact that all Old Republic comics with Wookiee Jedi in them have been retconned and pulled from store shelves. I checked my local comic book shop and the owner confirmed that. He got the order of recall on them when it happened.


It's funny how he argues that nothing post-RotJ is even C-Canon, yet if that was the case, would Luke, Leia, and Han have immortal plot armor? If George didn't even care about the ExU, would he make it so no new Wookiee Jedi could be written in?


Jarjar fails to see that if George didn't want Fett in the Expanded Universe, he would not have approved his return and survival there. He ignores that Leland Chee calls the entire Expanded Universe C-Canon. Hell, the DEFINITION of C-Canon states that the Expanded Universe novels, comics, and storylines in games are all part of C-Canon. It makes no distinction between pre-prequel and post-RotJ.


Also, the definition of G-Canon states that ANY statements made by George are G-Canon. It doesn't specify written or verbal.


Jarjar's arguments are vague at best. He tells us we're wrong, yet fails to explain how he's right. He puts links up and tells us to go read. Instead of putting quotes up and explaining how they support his argument. He tries, but all he says is that the quote he posts proves he's right. Personally, I am done answering him. He's done nothing to show us how he's right. Every quote I've posted from the website jarjar recommended supports our arguments.


If he's going to completely ignore everything but G-Canon, then he's a waste of my time.

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Indeed, yet again. Fett has played a major role in post-RotJ novels and comics, and has never been retconned out of C-Canon by Lucas or Chee. Without Fett's influence, most series from Dark Empire down the line would have to be completely retconned. As to the veracity of jarjar's statement that there are other Wookiee Jedi in the post-RotJ era, Lowbacca is the only one I've heard of. Granted, I haven't read much past Vector Prime, but I'll be checking on that soon.


Now, it is a fact that all Old Republic comics with Wookiee Jedi in them have been retconned and pulled from store shelves. I checked my local comic book shop and the owner confirmed that. He got the order of recall on them when it happened.


It's funny how he argues that nothing post-RotJ is even C-Canon, yet if that was the case, would Luke, Leia, and Han have immortal plot armor? If George didn't even care about the ExU, would he make it so no new Wookiee Jedi could be written in?


Jarjar fails to see that if George didn't want Fett in the Expanded Universe, he would not have approved his return and survival there. He ignores that Leland Chee calls the entire Expanded Universe C-Canon. Hell, the DEFINITION of C-Canon states that the Expanded Universe novels, comics, and storylines in games are all part of C-Canon. It makes no distinction between pre-prequel and post-RotJ.


Also, the definition of G-Canon states that ANY statements made by George are G-Canon. It doesn't specify written or verbal.


Jarjar's arguments are vague at best. He tells us we're wrong, yet fails to explain how he's right. He puts links up and tells us to go read. Instead of putting quotes up and explaining how they support his argument. He tries, but all he says is that the quote he posts proves he's right. Personally, I am done answering him. He's done nothing to show us how he's right. Every quote I've posted from the website jarjar recommended supports our arguments.


If he's going to completely ignore everything but G-Canon, then he's a waste of my time.


rolf again Kirlocca and Tyvokka are NOT old republic and they have been in content AFTER George Lucas's statement about wookie jedi.



also i NEVER said wookie POST ROTJ.... wait do you think everything PRE ROTJ is the old republic era? Please tell me you know enough to realize that there are much more then 2 eras right?


I've also never ever said Lucas doesn't care what happens in the EU. You need to stop coming up with strawman arguements.


I have also NEVER said the EU wasn't C-canon thats the entire purpose of the EU.


just please explain this you say that every story even in games is considered C-canon so tell me is this c-canon



according to you the Story MUST BE c-canon. There must have been a time when Leia and the other girls performed Hologram girl for Jaba.

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They have NOT allowed the Wookie Jedi's that were made before to exist. Go find me a NEW print of ANY book or comic with a Wookie Jedi in it besides Lowbacca.


They are not allowed to even be on a new book shelf. You might find one on e-bay or a garage sale . but NOT in a new book store.


Books with Fett in them i can still find a BAM and a few others.


they don't currently make new ones currently however Kirlocca appeared in several comics AFTER George made that statement. Course that was back in 2006 and George made the statement when they tried to make a Wookie Jedi in Kotor 2. It was KotoR 2 that caused George to say that.


However Kirlocca still appeared in comics for a while till his story was finished.


edit: wait he also appeared in a 2010 RPG book.

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according to you the Story MUST BE c-canon. There must have been a time when Leia and the other girls performed Hologram girl for Jaba.

For crying out loud, man, you can't seriously be dense enough to suggest that because one game is considered C-canon that all games are C-canon. There is a huge difference between a game like Knights of the Old Republic, which tells a story in the Star Wars universe, and Kinect Star Wars, which is a collection of minigames with a Star Wars theme.


No one said that all games are C-canon. Hell, not even all of any one game is really C-canon. Take KOTOR for instance. Light-side, full completion is C-canon. Dark Side is N-canon. KOTOR 2? Light-side, full completion, and Brianna joins the crew even though the Exile is female. Dark-side is N-canon.


Kinect Star Wars is N-canon. Yoda Stories is N-canon. Super Star Wars, Super The Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi are all N-canon. Star Wars Arcade (both version) is N-canon.


X-Wing Alliance: C-canon, except for the final battle, where you fly the Millennium Falcon, which is N-canon, as that part is overridden by the movies.


Seriously, man, if you're going to debate this stuff, at least be intellectually honest. Misrepresentation is not intellectually honest.

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RE: Wookiee Jedi


This is a pretty inane restriction to be put on the EU. Notice that Lucas never said there can't be any Force-sensitive wookiees--only that wookiees can't be Jedi.


Since the force-sensitive people in Dawn of the Jedi are not yet Jedi, but Je'daii, it's perfectly okay for wookiees to be included. And they are.


So, basically, what George has done is make it so that the Jedi Order will refuse to train any wookiee that is force-sensitive, even if the consequence of that refusal is the wookiee's fall to the Dark Side. Can you imagine a wookiee Sith? I doubt a sith would be too concerned with not giving into bloodlust. Lightsaber in one hand, claws out on the other. And all because the Jedi order discriminates against wookiees.

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So I'm guessing the blood ties bobba fett is dead darkhorse comic is non-cannon. I havn't actually read it but by the looks of it he is dead.


I just wish he was eaten by the sarrlacc and that was the end of him.

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So I'm guessing the blood ties bobba fett is dead darkhorse comic is non-cannon. I havn't actually read it but by the looks of it he is dead.


I just wish he was eaten by the sarrlacc and that was the end of him.


Not necessarily./. The intriguing thing (to me) is that it's set in 10 BBY, so he'll have to come back somehow.


Second issue (of 4) comes out in next week!

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For crying out loud, man, you can't seriously be dense enough to suggest that because one game is considered C-canon that all games are C-canon. There is a huge difference between a game like Knights of the Old Republic, which tells a story in the Star Wars universe, and Kinect Star Wars, which is a collection of minigames with a Star Wars theme.


No one said that all games are C-canon. Hell, not even all of any one game is really C-canon. Take KOTOR for instance. Light-side, full completion is C-canon. Dark Side is N-canon. KOTOR 2? Light-side, full completion, and Brianna joins the crew even though the Exile is female. Dark-side is N-canon



Seriously, man, if you're going to debate this stuff, at least be intellectually honest. Misrepresentation is not intellectually honest.


The only one being dishonest is captain zone who has lied and made stuff up such as when he said george originalky wrote bob fett living or more recently about how he daid one boba fett book was more canon then the others




Yo are getting confused. Im not saying that but Captian zone is. I am pointing out that obviously just because it was approved its not canon. Captain Zone believes that if lucas aproves something its canon

Edited by jarjarloves
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The only one being dishonest is captain zone who has lied and made stuff up such as when he said george originalky wrote bob fett living or more recently about how he daid one boba fett book was more canon then the others




Yo are getting confused. Im not saying that but Captian zone is. I am pointing out that obviously just because it was approved its not canon. Captain Zone believes that if lucas aproves something its canon


Ok. That's IT! You have constantly IGNORED when I've said that I was wrong about certain issues, and that I was given misinformation on the scripts. Now, I suggest you back the hell up and check yourself. You lost the argument, and now you're very close to crossing the line.


EDIT: And YOU were the one that brought the "George's Word Is Law" argument to the table. So don't even go there.

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rolf again Kirlocca and Tyvokka are NOT old republic and they have been in content AFTER George Lucas's statement about wookie jedi.



also i NEVER said wookie POST ROTJ.... wait do you think everything PRE ROTJ is the old republic era? Please tell me you know enough to realize that there are much more then 2 eras right?


I've also never ever said Lucas doesn't care what happens in the EU. You need to stop coming up with strawman arguements.


I have also NEVER said the EU wasn't C-canon thats the entire purpose of the EU.


just please explain this you say that every story even in games is considered C-canon so tell me is this c-canon



according to you the Story MUST BE c-canon. There must have been a time when Leia and the other girls performed Hologram girl for Jaba.


You will not enjoy this, but it will be over quickly...


You stated that the ENTIRETY of the post-RotJ Expanded Universe is N-Canon, since Lucas said it isn't what he would have done.


Here, ONE MORE TIME, is the Definition of C-Canon. READ IT:

C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


For the above quote, I have a question for you. Does it state anywhere in there that the post-RotJ Expanded Universe is NOT C-Canon?


Here, ONE MORE TIME, is the Definition of G-Canon. READ IT:

G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


For the highlighted segment in the above quote, I have one question for you. Does that specify between written and verbal statements, or statements to his employees vs. statements to the public?


Oh, and it's NOT according to me. It's according to your own misinterpretation of the Canon RULES that YOU keep bringing up. I'm just posting them here. If you want to bring the "George's Word Is Law" up, then EVERY part of the Canon system is in effect here. The entire system was set up by George and Leland to keep things as orderly as possible.


Now, THIS is what it boils down to:

George's statement of approval for anything is G-Canon. BUT, Leland Chee decides which Canon level the SUBJECT of the Approval is assigned, unless otherwise notified by George Lucas himself.. For example, Boba Fett. Now, if you say that George's STATEMENT of Approval isn't G-Canon, then you're going against your own "George's Word Is Law" argument. If you've changed your mind on that, now would be a good time to say so.


Also, Leland Chee himself placed Boba Fett into C-Canon with the rest of the post-RotJ Expanded Universe. Are you saying that Leland is wrong too? So unless or until the Canon system is clarified further or revised and made easier for everyone to understand, that's where we're sitting. If it's an Official part of the Expanded Universe, it's C-Canon.


Now, if they made up an "E" or "X" Canon for Exceptions, that would probably clear things up a bit. But hey, we go with the Canon system already in place.


EDIT: I'm finished here. You refuse to see reason or use your common sense. You can't prove that you're right. I'm out.

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Off Topic for a moment.


HERE's a little something for those who say that Chewbacca's death wasn't approved by George Lucas:


George Lucas retains artistic control over the Star Wars universe. For example, the death of central characters and similar changes in the status quo must first pass his screening before authors are given the go-ahead. In addition, Lucasfilm Licensing devotes efforts to ensure continuity between the works of various authors across companies.[94


Chew on that, or find proof otherwise and post it. Here's the link to where I found this:



Click on the Expanded Universe link in the table of contents section, then look at the second paragraph.

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The only one being dishonest is captain zone who has lied and made stuff up such as when he said george originalky wrote bob fett living or more recently about how he daid one boba fett book was more canon then the others




Yo are getting confused. Im not saying that but Captian zone is. I am pointing out that obviously just because it was approved its not canon. Captain Zone believes that if lucas aproves something its canon


Captain Zone has not lied about anything. If you regard him as a liar then all of his work is for naught, he has been working his tail off for you and for us (us being those that are trying to convince you Fett is alive).

Edited by Tuscad
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they don't currently make new ones currently however Kirlocca appeared in several comics AFTER George made that statement. Course that was back in 2006 and George made the statement when they tried to make a Wookie Jedi in Kotor 2. It was KotoR 2 that caused George to say that.


However Kirlocca still appeared in comics for a while till his story was finished.


edit: wait he also appeared in a 2010 RPG book.


They are not Jedi , but force sensitive. Je'daii. Big difference.

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Captain Zone has not lied about anything. If you regard him as a liar then all of his work is for naught, he has been working his tail off for you and for us (us being those that are trying to convince you Fett is alive).


Hey, if jarjar wants to believe that Boba Fett in the ExU is N-Canon or even S-Canon, then nothing we say, post, or prove is going to convince him otherwise. I'm done arguing with him. My last post up there was THE last post to him, and I'm not replying to anything else he posts.


Common Sense Argument? Check. Didn't work.


Canon Interpretation Argument? Check. Didn't work.


Canon As Written Argument? Check. Didn't work.


*shrug* If he is so hellbent that Fett is dead everywhere in any Canon, no other arguments are going to get through to him.


He uses his own misinterpretation of everything and a lack of proof (which ironically he can't post any conclusive proof, either) to tell me I'm wrong or "lying" about something. He ignores key facts.


Chances are he won't even acknowledge my previous post but will jump all over this one. For the simple fact that my previous post proves beyond any reasonable doubt that George OK'd Fett's Return, the post-RotJ ExU IS C-Canon, and Fett's return and survival are also listed as C-Canon.

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Off Topic for a moment.


HERE's a little something for those who say that Chewbacca's death wasn't approved by George Lucas:




Chew on that, or find proof otherwise and post it. Here's the link to where I found this:



Click on the Expanded Universe link in the table of contents section, then look at the second paragraph.


how many times do you have to be proven wrong about everything star wars before you realize you don't know what you are talking about


SS (Shelly Shapiro, Editorial director, Del Ray Books):

We didn’t get George’s permission to kill Chewie in particular: Chewie was simply not one of the characters George said we could not kil

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Captain Zone has not lied about anything. If you regard him as a liar then all of his work is for naught, he has been working his tail off for you and for us (us being those that are trying to convince you Fett is alive).


yes he has.


The best part is that Lucas never retconned The Bounty Hunter Wars, and it leaked out that his original screenplay for Episode VI had Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc pit at the end of the movie. That right there says it all. In C-Canon, Fett is alive. In G-Canon, since it was never retconned, and since UNPUBLISHED portions of screenplay are STILL considered G-Canon, Boba Fett is alive. All the Boba haters can chew on that one. :D




I suggest you watch the commentary on the special edition OT, then. George decided not to have Fett climb out as a scene since it didn't fit with the end of Jedi being so cheerful and sweet and all that. And at no time did he retcon anything in the Bounty Hunter Wars, since the different levels of canon are there for a reason. G, T, C, and N. It hasn't changed, man. lol In fact, so far only a few things in the ExU have been declared completely N-Canon. Wookiee Force sensitivity being one of them. And even then, he didn't make it retroactive. So Lowie and any previous Wookiee Jedi still exist. Just no other Wookiees can become Jedi now.


Also, as long as nothing in the ExU DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the Movies, it's considered either T or C Canon. Clone Wars is T-Canon, for example. Besides, if a character's survival had been Retconned, no further books would be written about that character being alive, unless they took place prior to his or her death. Read up on it. :)





And of course you missed the point. He says INSTEAD OF, but you don't get it. The Original Screenplay is still G-Canon. Also, if he really wanted Fett to be dead, he would have retconned all Boba Fett books and comics that portray him as alive after RotJ. He hasn't. It's still C-Canon at the very least, and thanks to that little loophole, it's most likely also G-Canon. Just because it didn't fit into RotJ, doesn't make it less true. It did NOT contradict the rest of the movie. There would have been no repercussion if he HAD climbed out at the end, other than there would have been no doubt. You also missed the part where he DID say it was "possible" when asked in that same USA Today interview if Fett could possibly make it out. I mean, he DID originally write it that way. George only "declared" him "dead" since it was convenient, and he honestly doesn't care what the fans think.


But whatever. You'll probably tell us all that "Han shot last" next, right?


But seriously, Batman has come back from the "dead". So has Boba Fett. Just another thing they have in common.


George never said that it is a lie


Also I love how he says i'm stupid for brining up Star Wars yet comparing Batman being killed and coming back to Boba Fett is fine.


He also has yet to provide one single source saying


1. Written statements by George Lucas are canon.

2. proof of leeland chee saying Boba Fett surviving is C-canon

3. proof that George lucas aproved Chewbaccas death.



Where I have proved that George Lucas wrote the script for ROTJ with Boba Fett dying and George Lucas has said MANY times even as recent as the 2011 Blu Ray release confirming that Boba Fett is dead.


Captian Zone prefers to use Ad hominem attacks, false dichotomy and straw man arguments to try to win. He has even said the following after losing this arguement last time.



Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. G-Canon does include unpublished and unused scripts and screenplays, unless they directly contradict the movies. But to me, G-Canon is now dead. To hell with his Canon that has restricted everything. George can take his rewrites and other nonsense and shove it up the chimney for all I care. Star Wars is bigger than he is. It's grown into a huge fan fuelled universe that has a life of its own. I'm done with his garbage, and those who defend it.


]You obviously didn't see my new philosophy. There is no more G-Canon to me. He wants to continue to rewrite history, then that's on him. I'm not buying it anymore. He's a hack, and always will be. Tim Zahn is a better writer. Hell, Kevin J. Anderson is a better writer. Karen Traviss even... ok, not her.


But to answer your question, UNPUBLISHED scripts are still G-Canon, as are original screenplays. But that's all a moot point now. You go find it. I said I'm done arguing with the Lucas Faithful. Your Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. Wonder why you would believe anything on there after someone goes in and edits it.... lol


Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. G-Canon does include unpublished and unused scripts and screenplays, unless they directly contradict the movies


another lie by him.

Edited by jarjarloves
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yes he has.


George never said that it is a lie


He also has yet to provide one single source saying


1. Written statements by George Lucas are canon.

2. proof of leeland chee saying Boba Fett surviving is C-canon

3. proof that George lucas aproved Chewbaccas death.



Where I have proved that George Lucas wrote the script for ROTJ with Boba Fett dying and George Lucas has said MANY times even as recent as the 2011 Blu Ray release confirming that Boba Fett is dead.


Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. G-Canon does include unpublished and unused scripts and screenplays, unless they directly contradict the movies


another lie by him.


1. You need to learn the difference between a a lie and a mistake. If everyone who was mistaken about something was a liar..... Well, insert punny joke at your expense here.


2. There's no difference between a statement and a written statement, at least not in the rules of G-Canon.


3. Fett is a major character in books that postdate his "death" in ROTJ, that have been classified C-Canon by Chee. That should be more then enough.


4. Why are we talking about this?


5. "Where I have proved that George Lucas wrote the script for ROTJ with Boba Fett dying and George Lucas has said MANY times even as recent as the 2011 Blu Ray release confirming that Boba Fett is dead. In his universe. In the "parallel" universe, which is classified as C-Canon, he lived.


6. Again, learn what a lie is.


So, are you going to address my post from a while ago, or what?

Edited by Velaran
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yes he has.













George never said that it is a lie


Also I love how he says i'm stupid for brining up Star Wars yet comparing Batman being killed and coming back to Boba Fett is fine.


He also has yet to provide one single source saying


1. Written statements by George Lucas are canon.

2. proof of leeland chee saying Boba Fett surviving is C-canon

3. proof that George lucas aproved Chewbaccas death.



Where I have proved that George Lucas wrote the script for ROTJ with Boba Fett dying and George Lucas has said MANY times even as recent as the 2011 Blu Ray release confirming that Boba Fett is dead.


Captian Zone prefers to use Ad hominem attacks, false dichotomy and straw man arguments to try to win. He has even said the following after losing this arguement last time.




Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. G-Canon does include unpublished and unused scripts and screenplays, unless they directly contradict the movies


another lie by him.


Ok, jarjarloves.... ROFL btw.... How many times have you made a mistake? Do you count each time as a lie?


I admitted to making mistakes in that argument. Now, I've beaten you on your own "Canon" game, and you refuse to admit it. You have YET TO PROVE how you are right. I've posted everything there is to post on how Canon works, and how it applies to Boba Fett's survival. If you wish to win a debate, I would suggest that you not be vague about your sources. You say "go read this huge wall of text and look for something that will prove yourself wrong. herp derp derpity derp." Instead, why not actually POST the quote that you want everyone to see? Is that too much trouble for you? You obviously know how to copy/paste. Right?


I changed my mind about Canon when I realized that according to the Canon system as it's currently set up, Boba Fett is alive in C-Canon. If he had been relegated to even S-Canon, he would not be such a prominent fixture in the post-RotJ ExU.


The quote about George taking an active role in the ExU in the post about Chewies's death was actually from the official Star Wars wiki. I confess that I kind of posted it as bait to see if you would bite. :)


Oh, and that was one funny insult about me not knowing anything about Star Wars. I had to grin at that coming from someone who apparently has no clue how George and Leland's Canon system actually works. :D It's actually fairly simple when you look at how it's worded.


Also, don't misrepresent your position. You were saying in posts earlier in this thread that you had quotes saying there was only one continuity. Therefore, you appeared to be arguing that point. Do you deny that? Now, did you change your mind, or were you just trolling?


But seriously, my position in the Fett's Return and Survival debate is pretty solid, if you bother to read the last post before the one about Chewie's death. If you have an actual rebuttal, I'll be ready to read it in the morning. Fly safe. o7


Edit: Oh, and both of those Wookiee Jedi from the Prequel Old Republic, Kirlocca and Tyvokka, are both deceased. So they are being seen in flashback comics or novels now? That right there is skating a thin edge as far as getting away with something that is now S-Canon at best. We all know that George really doesn't like the idea of Wookiee Jedi. lol


Technically, it's the "Rise of the Empire" era, but if you say that the Prequel Republic isn't the Old Republic, then you will lose any remaining credibility with me. The ruling government up until Palpatine's Galactic Empire is referred to as "The Old Republic".

Edited by Captain_Zone
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