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Bioware doesnt care about the pvp comminty


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Tired of pvp being the afterthought of this game.


And for anyone who says they gave us a new warzone, and we have rated on the horizon i say this...


1. The new warzone brings the total number of pvp maps back to what it originally was, 4. Dont forget that ilum was, for all intents and purposes, removed from the game.


2. We have new raids, new ops, new mission areas and yet, still no persistant pvp groups. So fun manually putting the team together after every warzone. This has been talked about since early beta.


3. Pve'ers, and/or bad pvper's are now rewarded for losing games. This is an obvious knock on pvp as there is no such reward from ops or hardmodes. Wtb my full rakata from walking into nightmares pls and ty


4. The exlusion of rated warzones. This is rediculous. Also, this shows the lack of caring for the pvp community as a whole. They would have never, in a million years, released a patch with full pvp maps upgrads and features only to say that they had not yet finished the raids and they would come out sometime in the future.


5. Lack of anything other than queing for warzones to do. Ilum is now worthless, den has always been worthless. So, what do us pvp'ers get to do, sit in a corner in fleet and wait until we are allowed our 15 minutes or less of actually playing the game.


Why should pvp'ers keep paying subscriptions, only to have our money spent on pve concerns.

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I give up, Bioware cannot develop competently.

  1. They put PvP Traffic generation such as Operations and Flash points and put them on the fleet so non opposing factions can interact with it. This is the cause of huge pvp traffic on other MMO's in specific areas.
  2. They keep saying they will be bringing out PvP Ranked warzones on x patch that is around subscription renewal times and then not have it in the patch.
  3. They have totally removed PvP Open world Ilum the planets still there sure but no incentives No quests etc etc its officially dead.
  4. They are listening to the Casual Player base a little to much and is causing problems with how we obtain Gear especially for PvP, Cent/Champ was essentially removed/replaced because of "Recruit gear" Which is obtainable by buying it. Which pissed off alot of people who had to earn that gear.
  5. The list can go on and on


I have just unsubed. - they have 99 Days left on my subscription time because i bought 6month at launch to sort their **** out.


As i said in another post.

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Some valid points, but overall you sound kind of whiny.


PVP was never a huge part of this game. It's still fun.


Don't worry about the rewards of others if it doesn't effect you personally.

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Some valid points, but overall you sound kind of whiny.


PVP was never a huge part of this game. It's still fun.


Don't worry about the rewards of others if it doesn't effect you personally.


It effects everyone, Do you not realize that if you make content easier to get it makes less content? Which means you run out of content faster? Obviously bioware cannot produce content fast enough to keep up with the trend, This is why we lost so many people previously since 1.2 Why else do u think since 1.2 came Populations decreased? They gave you PvE'ers content but we still lost subs? Why? Its because PvP'ers LEFT.

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