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Give. Bioware. Time.


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As someone said before, the more people unsub, the less money they make the less money they make the less patches go up and so on.


Its a endless cycle get it?


Nonsense. You talk like the majority hate the game. No evidence of that.


On the other hand, some of the really venomous haters seem compelled to stick around and try to tear the game down for everyone else. That, in it's own way is deliberate griefing.


People who hate a game staying subbed is worse then if they unsub, get some fresh air, and check back later. They spread ther hatred in game and out of game. It's not healthy for them, and it certainly is not healthy for the community.

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Because i play this game because its starwars, I hate elves and all that stupid fairy stuff (I wont even watch harry potter). In fact if it had not been for SWG i would never have even played any mmos or videogames (my last game before SWG was earth worm jim).


I cant unsub because this is the only option i have to play in the starwars world. I certainly wont be playing anything else out there (bunch of lord of the rings garbage, lol).


I want this game to be good ( I really do), but every time i look at my jedi knights stupid samuari gear or his lame capes, I am like "WTH dude?"


I find myself wondering if these people have any idea what the heck they are doing.


Then you are genuinely left with two choices: 1) manage your expectations and your perspective on the game. 2) continue to be frustrated, disappointed, and unhappy about a game.


It's ONLY a game. An it's not like there are not a lot of Star Wars IP games in the market after all these years. I suggest you just take a break for a couple months, come back when server transfers and 1.3 release and see if it feels any better for you.

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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.


6 Months in: .....?

8 Months in:....?


Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?

While I feel the tone of this post is a bit rude and unhelpful, it explains fairly well why I'll be unsubscribing soon.

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Being patient is one thing. I enjoy the game but, every game company has the same problem (this includes Bioware). They never learn from those who came before them. They ALWAYS make the same mistakes because they think their version of a catastrophe is better than the other 5000 attempts. They always come up ending like this.


it doesn't matter if it is your FIRST mmo or your 100th. Companies need to do their research before making and organizing content. If multiple companies come out saying "this idea was a complete and total screw up", think of something else. BW, didn't.


^^ This times infinity!

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We gave them time- what have they been doing? Making the game systematically worse.


They ruined pvp balance, took out meaningful pvp, made trying to win/do well in pvp more and more unattractive through an increasingly worse reward system.


The game is becoming less and less attractive to play every patch- 1.2 was pretty much the NGE all over again, and everyone predicted it would ruin the game- yet BW went through with it- and voila, 25% of their subs gone like that.


I'm willing to give a company time when they show they're making good use of that time- when they're doing nothing but *********** the game up more and more though, it doesn't make the future look bright at all.

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Didn't Bioware state that they expected a drop in subscriptions such as the one they experienced? Due to the trial players and casuals dropping out?


SWTOR was designed with the casual player in mind. WoW started leaning towards this as well. Making raids shorter and gear easier to obtain. This is detrimental to the full time or hardcore raiders of course. In saying that, the demographic they are aiming for only plays a couple of nights a week or a couple of hours a night. Meaning they don't need to rush out with massive content updates straight away, because they are still progressing through Hard Modes and Ops.


I imagine they plan to accomodate the full timers and hardcores but it's not at the top of their list. There is a lot of problems no doubt, but I think they have put in a solid effort to try and fix them all. Speaking of which wasn't vanilla WoW as buggy as hell? lol


I'm not trying to make excuses or saying that this is their official stance just offering a different point of view :)

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Being patient is one thing. I enjoy the game but, every game company has the same problem (this includes Bioware). They never learn from those who came before them. They ALWAYS make the same mistakes because they think their version of a catastrophe is better than the other 5000 attempts. They always come up ending like this.


it doesn't matter if it is your FIRST mmo or your 100th. Companies need to do their research before making and organizing content. If multiple companies come out saying "this idea was a complete and total screw up", think of something else. BW, didn't.


It doesnt matter how much research you do. The reason these types of things happen to all companies is proof that you just dont learn until the things happen. You can try to minimize as much as possible (and to be fair SWTOR did have a smooth launch compared to other mmos).


Hell ALL KINDS of games have patch problems. WoW still has stuff like this going on and they've been doing this for a long time.

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For those of you whom can't even log into the game due to crashes, I don't blame you for unsubscribing.....But if you do, and actually like the game, check back in with it eventually. Chances are, they will have fixed it.

Give Players F2P,

i only reply ur thread title,

when u wish ppl give BW time,

then they should give players f2p during the time,

most players complain less and less cause the free 30 days,

i do like the game atm, but BW still dont fix the low population issue,

there r too many solution they can do, but the didnt do it,


i already reroll once,but the new server die again,

i wont do it twice,

so if bw fix this issue in the future, i wont SUB to come back to check it,

unless it has a free login , i will come back to check,


but in my experience, ex: EQ2, it wont help too much if BW fix things too late,

EQ2 is a good MMO and F2P, but it just cant make me to login again atm.

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What you are asking for is peopple to be patient on the internet. That is an oxymoron.
I waited four years from the time I heard of the game. What they had at release was and will remain the bulk of the game's design philosophy and style of implementation. There will be no radical innovations to SWTOR going forward, only tweaks and additions to the current design.


Still, I like Star Wars and I like MMOs. I'll take a few months off, reassess after 1.3 lands. If 1.3 fails to engage, then I won't renew my sub. Too many other games on the way to dither with one that can't figure out how to make level 50 play fun, and social play accessible.

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I agree with the OP. Give them time. I prefer this game 10000000 times more than WoW. And I played WoW for a long, long time.


This game is interesting, it's fun, I CAN find groups when I need to.


But see, I'm PATIENT.


I don't care if Bioware began this game back in 1990 with 22 years to twink it.


I don't care about raiding (been there, done that in EQ times 100). I don't care if there are bugs (I still finish class stories with bugs...looking at you end of chapter 1 in Agent story). I don't care if Kira keeps stabbing herself in the face with her lightsaber.


The voice acting is amazing. The stories are intriguing. The swish swish of light sabers makes me feel like I'm in Star Wars. The companions make me feel more immersed in my characters.


I've played many MMOs and in those MMOs I didn't give a crap about my character. It was just a bit of pixels I played to kill stuff. In SWTOR I FEEL for my characters.



In the Sith Warrior story when I found my companions unconscious in the airlock bay, I was furious and took the DS hit to make the boss suffer as much as I could. No one ****s with my companions and gets away with it!


In the Agent story, I was livid throughout all of chapter 2 when my agent was being mentally ***** throughout and I couldn't tell a damn person what was happening.


Bountyhunter. Torian was kidnapped and made me see red when I had to go rescue him from people who thought they were hot ****.


Bountyhunter chose the DS option to put as many bullet holes as possible in Gault's double because he pissed me off so much in my quest to obtain him.




THAT is why I continue to pay and play and care about nothing else but this game. I'd rather play this game than have hot lovings with my husband.


I feel more hatred, humor, love, sorrow, etc in this game than I do in real life.

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I agree with the OP. Give them time. I prefer this game 10000000 times more than WoW. And I played WoW for a long, long time.


This game is interesting, it's fun, I CAN find groups when I need to.


But see, I'm PATIENT.


I don't care if Bioware began this game back in 1990 with 22 years to twink it.


I don't care about raiding (been there, done that in EQ times 100). I don't care if there are bugs (I still finish class stories with bugs...looking at you end of chapter 1 in Agent story). I don't care if Kira keeps stabbing herself in the face with her lightsaber.


The voice acting is amazing. The stories are intriguing. The swish swish of light sabers makes me feel like I'm in Star Wars. The companions make me feel more immersed in my characters.


I've played many MMOs and in those MMOs I didn't give a crap about my character. It was just a bit of pixels I played to kill stuff. In SWTOR I FEEL for my characters.



In the Sith Warrior story when I found my companions unconscious in the airlock bay, I was furious and took the DS hit to make the boss suffer as much as I could. No one ****s with my companions and gets away with it!


In the Agent story, I was livid throughout all of chapter 2 when my agent was being mentally ***** throughout and I couldn't tell a damn person what was happening.


Bountyhunter. Torian was kidnapped and made me see red when I had to go rescue him from people who thought they were hot ****.


Bountyhunter chose the DS option to put as many bullet holes as possible in Gault's double because he pissed me off so much in my quest to obtain him.




THAT is why I continue to pay and play and care about nothing else but this game. I'd rather play this game than have hot lovings with my husband.


I feel more hatred, humor, love, sorrow, etc in this game than I do in real life.



Edited by Dezzi
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I agree with the OP. Give them time. I prefer this game 10000000 times more than WoW. And I played WoW for a long, long time.


This game is interesting, it's fun, I CAN find groups when I need to.


But see, I'm PATIENT.


I don't care if Bioware began this game back in 1990 with 22 years to twink it.


I don't care about raiding (been there, done that in EQ times 100). I don't care if there are bugs (I still finish class stories with bugs...looking at you end of chapter 1 in Agent story). I don't care if Kira keeps stabbing herself in the face with her lightsaber.


The voice acting is amazing. The stories are intriguing. The swish swish of light sabers makes me feel like I'm in Star Wars. The companions make me feel more immersed in my characters.


I've played many MMOs and in those MMOs I didn't give a crap about my character. It was just a bit of pixels I played to kill stuff. In SWTOR I FEEL for my characters.



In the Sith Warrior story when I found my companions unconscious in the airlock bay, I was furious and took the DS hit to make the boss suffer as much as I could. No one ****s with my companions and gets away with it!


In the Agent story, I was livid throughout all of chapter 2 when my agent was being mentally ***** throughout and I couldn't tell a damn person what was happening.


Bountyhunter. Torian was kidnapped and made me see red when I had to go rescue him from people who thought they were hot ****.


Bountyhunter chose the DS option to put as many bullet holes as possible in Gault's double because he pissed me off so much in my quest to obtain him.




THAT is why I continue to pay and play and care about nothing else but this game. I'd rather play this game than have hot lovings with my husband.


I feel more hatred, humor, love, sorrow, etc in this game than I do in real life.


You're clearly not interested in the MMO part of the game - not that you would like it if you were, because SWTOR is a mediocre MMO.


I honestly couldn't care less about my characters in this game any more than any other MMO. The writing was some of the most monotonous and flat storytelling BioWare has ever done.


I couldn't even tell you what happened in Act 3 of the Trooper story, and it's my main, I didn't skip any dialogue, and I only have 2 characters. That is how unmemorable it is.

Edited by Gungan
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There's nothing wrong with being patient & letting the BW devs eventually put in the features that you want as a player. However, it's much more enjoyable for me to go play games that already have these features, drop my sub in the meantime, and then come back after 6-12 months to see how the game is. This game has hit it's ceiling. Until better (some would say basic) features come along, I plan on playing for another week or so & then moving on with D3 & GW2 when it hits. If BW implements the (basic) features that would make this game great instead of just a good RPG, then I'll return gladly.


Feature examples:

A real solo queue.

Ability to queue for WZ of choice.

Cross-server queuing.

Additional character slots.

Maintenance only once/week.

OWPvP or RvR PvP


There are many others, but these are the bread & butter of MMOs (other than a real solo queue where you don't have to fight premades).


Great RPG, mediocre MMO.

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People gave WoW time. Why? That is because they had not much to fall back to. After alot of people got their MMO cherries popped, they know what an MMO is and how good it can be. Whne SWTOR came out, they faced an audience that knew about MMOs, about what an MMO should have, and have end game content.


So giving SWTOR time? With various MMOs releasing all over, I think they should have a real good idea of what kind of crowd they were going to face.


In short, Bioware used up its time (at least for over 24% of its subs).

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It doesnt matter how much research you do. The reason these types of things happen to all companies is proof that you just dont learn until the things happen. You can try to minimize as much as possible (and to be fair SWTOR did have a smooth launch compared to other mmos).


Hell ALL KINDS of games have patch problems. WoW still has stuff like this going on and they've been doing this for a long time.

So many have had such a love affair with WoW that your point gets overlooked. WoW's end game became cliques of haves & have nots which created a situation that, even though they added tools over the years to address it, Blizz has been unable to fix. They changed the game's focus to help the "casuals" catch up and alienated the extremists as a result.


So the extreme players came here and tried imposing their will, but instead found a game and a community that wouldn't cave in. So they'll scream in angst and go to GW2, then Tera, then .. and then ... and then ... I don't think that perfect MMO will ever be there for them because it's too niche for commercial success. And nobody nails it perfectly right out of the gate. Nobody. Expecting an MMO to have their favorite features from every other MMO when it launches is just narcissistic.


Bioware's already stated what the plan is for this game and even hinted at some rather interesting stuff down the road. Since I don't play to pwn or follow herds to the next advertised miracle, I'm good with the game's progress so far.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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You guys needs to take it easy, this is Bioware first MMORPG.


That doesn't really matter, they chose to go into this field. Also they didn't study up and are repeating the mistakes that alot of MMO's make, had they studied up and if they actually tested their patches we wouldn't be so angry and/or disappointed.

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You guys needs to take it easy, this is Bioware first MMORPG. Time is running out, as Elder Scroll Online is coming and mark my words its huge.


Except the employees making this game are Mythic employees under the Bioware name, so it's NOT their first MMO.

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You guys needs to take it easy, this is Bioware first MMORPG.


I used be of that mindset. For the first few months I was like 'Yeah so the game's got problems but they're still learning'. 6 months down the line that excuse doesn't cut it- I'm encountering the exact same problems I experienced now as I did when the game launched. Only difference is that now, those problems have balooned and spiralled into a snowball so big that the game is unplayable for me after every maintenance / fix.


The lack of empathy in official announcements doesn't help either, nor do the 'well it must be your problem' attitude of the CS staff.


In short, I've given BW enough of my time. Time that has been pre-paid every month I might add.

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I used be of that mindset. For the first few months I was like 'Yeah so the game's got problems but they're still learning'. 6 months down the line that excuse doesn't cut it- I'm encountering the exact same problems I experienced now as I did when the game launched. Only difference is that now, those problems have balooned and spiralled into a snowball so big that the game is unplayable for me after every maintenance / fix.


The lack of empathy in official announcements doesn't help either, nor do the 'well it must be your problem' attitude of the CS staff.


In short, I've given BW enough of my time. Time that has been pre-paid every month I might add.

Encountering the exact same problems you experienced now as you did when the game launched? What game breaking problems would those be? Edited by GalacticKegger
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