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Daily lvl 50 quests. make an entire hero 2 / 4 zone


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Currently we have Ilum, Belsavis and Corelia with mostly Solo quests and a few heroics 2's and 4's mixed in.


I think it would be cool if you made a planet / zone for lvl 50 daily's that every quest was a hero 2 or hero 4.


It can be a pain to put together a 4 man team just to do 1 daily quest, once the team is together it would be nice to have multiple to tackle in the same location.

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Why only do one quest?


Group up and steam roll though the solo dailies and then do the heroic stuff. You'd get your dailies done much faster in a group and it's not like you lose out on anything.

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We do, and then a hard mode afterwards often, but that's what led me to think that it would be cool to have a chain of heroic daily's rather then 1 heroic 4 plus a bunch of solos to steamroll in the location.. Their is plenty of solo daily's for the solo players already, and just like daily's are to begin with, participation in them is not required.
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