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Patchiness of patch quality and low server pop: your only problems

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I'm a bioware fangirl. Have loved all their games I've played. I really enjoy SWTOR. It's got great story, top notch voice acting, the most realistic RPG characters I've ever been able to play, and a whole lot more. But I'm worried about the game for two reasons.


Bioware, or whichever part of EA is responsible for this, please get your act together with these patches. Let's face it, Tuesday's patch was tiny. Very little had been done. So to have matrix cubes disappear like that really just looks sloppy. Put that together with the crash to desktop issues (CTD) that many Vista computers are having since 1.2, and people will frankly begin to wonder if you even field test patches before you send them out. If you aren't testing patches before implementation - do it, do it now. CTD is a game breaking issue that still hasn't been fully addressed on many machines.


The low population servers are really killing the game. Fort Garnik has been light for Months, but now it's a ghost town. People are either fleeing the server and rolling alts, or are unsubbing. Who knows. All I know is that I can rarely get groups together for FP or WZ and I'm lucky/ecstatic when there are 10 members on for our guild. People don't want to play a game where they can't group, and many of the play since launch people are so invested in legacy that they don't want to start over. And who can blame them. Merging/transfering people now will save the game, not end it. Frankly, EA has low stock now and it's really not going to hurt it much more to just merge/transfer now while EA is low. Do that, see the happy people return to star wars and watch the stock rise.

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