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Looking for Merc PvP build


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Hi all, I played an arsenal merc prior to 1.2 (full battlemaster), but even before the patch I started to play around on alts. Now I've returned to my merc and found him to be rather useless in PvP. What suggestions do you have as far as builds and rotations (I'm not trying to stick with just arsenal, any dps build is fine)?
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Not much has changed spec wise really, the only thing I would change is to drop power barrier, it sucks now. I'd put the points into custom enviro suit instead. This is my arsenal build




and here's my pyro build that I'm actually playing atm, I'm enjoying it a lot even though I'm Arsenal at heart.



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Re-Roll a Powertech - don't waste time on a merc.


not really viable to reroll. I have full battlemaster with a few war hero pieces. Not about to just throw it away when I don't have the time to waste leveling up all the way again

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My main since day 1 has been a Merc. I can ASSURE you, that If you want to PvP (and be competitive with the best)... roll Pyro PT, end of story.


Mercs are pretty much the weakest overall PvP class out there due to massive nerfs in just about every patch since release.


I still can't believe they nerfed our DFA radius.

(FU Bioware)

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not really viable to reroll. I have full battlemaster with a few war hero pieces. Not about to just throw it away when I don't have the time to waste leveling up all the way again


Im in the same boat as you. I have re-rolled a few characters but no other 50's yet. I still love the class and it is fun. I tried to argue for arsenal spec early on and quickly realized pyro is the way to go with this class.


This is my spec:




Have to manage your heat a lot more than arsenal. It may take a bit to get used to. Use your surroundings and line of sight to your advantage. I like to have the reduce cooldown on the shield as it does seem to help with survivability to get the shield cool down faster more often.

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Re-Roll a Powertech - don't waste time on a merc.


That's what I did. I am now out of character slots. I also bought GW2 and will probably unsub soon, sadly. MechWarrior Online looks fun. See ya when they make an expansion with more playable species. IF they do... o_0

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That is my build. Most important thing: Keep moving.


I don't find pushback reduction to be needed. If I am getting hit I am not going to be casting PS or Unload, I'm going to be strafing. 3% crit isn't great for 3 points and if you find a better usage for your style, great. I tend to think crit is king in PvP though.


I hear people talk about heat management issues with Pyro but can't say as though I notice them. I also don't tend to stand in place and cast PS a lot either so that could be it. Any opponent that stands still long enough to let me run through an Unload and start PSing is usually one that is going to die long before that anyway. I always R&R when I have a free moment out of combat.


I use rapid shots as much as possible to fill any GCD's while keeping moving.


I think DeGauss is huge. With my shield coming off CD so often from Energy Rebounder I find I use it with pretty much every fight. Usually when a melee gets to me and gets a snare on they are expecting to drop their big damage abilities. Being able to remove the snare while at the same time blunting their damage by 25% is huge.


I always try to assist another dps since my dots become death itself on targets below 30%. Incendiary and CGC by themselves will eat most folks alive at low health.

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I hate to say it, as I loved this class once, but most of the posts here sounding very unconstructive are essentially correct. The merc brings nothing to the table that any other dps AC cannot do much better, and in a more interesting way with additional utility tools.


The only remaining viable pvp spec (I say viable loosely... it's better than arsenal, but it's still worse than any other AC) is Pyro. But those talking about their massive damage numbers on the scoreboard aren't telling you that it's all very gradual, ramped DOT damage and medium hitting casted shots that are largely ignored by healers or just healed off once we're dead. We have very, very limited burst damage so you have to say goodbye to "impact" kills that have any strategic importance.


I strongly advise you to roll another character, or try another game. I've done both, and given the current state of TOR it's more and more likely it won't matter in the end.


EDIT: All of this presumes you are hoping for a dps AC. Obviously, a healing/BG Merc still remains viable though I've heard numerous arguments for/against their PvP effectiveness compared to Op or Sorc healers.

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Since this is a merc pvp topic, I want to ask since I'm a complete noob, as a non healer merc, what pvp armor is best suited? I was wondering between the medic armor for Alacrity ( if I decice to go Arsenal) or Eliminator.

I know Merc is considered the worst adv. class to play atm and I think it's true enough from what I've been playing but I have some hopes that BW will rectify that in the "near" future, and besides, it's my first toon, I'm lvl 45 and I don't wanna restart anything until I've explored/mastered enough of this game.


Any veteran could enlighten me? thx in advance.

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Since this is a merc pvp topic, I want to ask since I'm a complete noob, as a non healer merc, what pvp armor is best suited? I was wondering between the medic armor for Alacrity ( if I decice to go Arsenal) or Eliminator.

I know Merc is considered the worst adv. class to play atm and I think it's true enough from what I've been playing but I have some hopes that BW will rectify that in the "near" future, and besides, it's my first toon, I'm lvl 45 and I don't wanna restart anything until I've explored/mastered enough of this game.


Any veteran could enlighten me? thx in advance.




don't listen to the negatives...i rock th PT/Merc. i solo q 75% of the time, and i'm TOP DMG/Kills/death 99% of the time.


must be all the other players on MZL just suck tho...as it seems from readin these forums.

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don't listen to the negatives...i rock th PT/Merc. i solo q 75% of the time, and i'm TOP DMG/Kills/death 99% of the time.


must be all the other players on MZL just suck tho...as it seems from readin these forums.


You solo Q.. meaning you get into more scrub games than those of us who 4 man queue. Do you even play on a PvP server?


Powertech Pyro dominates anything "Mercenary" in PvP.


To OP: Just stay whatever spec you are now, but stick close to your team and play safety, basically. Stay in the mid for Huttball, never go alone to a point on Alerdan (cuz you suck at 1 on 1) and just stick close to your team.

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You solo Q.. meaning you get into more scrub games than those of us who 4 man queue. Do you even play on a PvP server?


Powertech Pyro dominates anything "Mercenary" in PvP.


To OP: Just stay whatever spec you are now, but stick close to your team and play safety, basically. Stay in the mid for Huttball, never go alone to a point on Alerdan (cuz you suck at 1 on 1) and just stick close to your team.


i solo q 75%+...no, i do not play on a PvP server, atm. the guild i started with friends decided on PvE. (not that it makes any difference. i leveled 4 toons to 50 on PvP server in beta...saw 1 opposite faction member while questing....ONE)


ok. PT/PT vs PT/Merc is a very difficult fight for me...50-50. depends on CD's. i've NEVER disputed that.


but, the last few times i've q'd up, it was in 8v8 WZ's...not 1v1.


i'm having a VERY difficult time understanding the mentality here.


in football, there are 11 players on a side. the QB does not throw the ball to himself, block, and kick the XP's/FG's.


the QB doesn't attmept to take on the LB 1v1, it won't turn out good.


HOLY SCHIZER! it's not that difficult to understand.


i'm sorry. i feel the severe lack of tactics, situational awareness, knowing your enemies, and teamwork are all lost on this community. (most, not all...there are a few that really get it...and it's obvious when you face them or are teammates.)


Sun Tzu didn't complain his class was gimp...he wrote a book on how to overcome. (he played a Merc, FYI :p)

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