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Need Advice on Equiping Comapnions


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Hello, I have been caught with the problem of wanting to move my companions into social gear so that they can look more individual rather than wearing the old cent/champ and columi gear. When I added it up it would cost about 350k per companion to tear out all of their mods/enhancements/armorings/etc. I had noticed and had it confirmed that certain stats cap on companions, such as their health won't go much beyond 15k. What I was wondering is whether it is worth the money to rip out the mods/enhance/armors from the columi/cent/champ gear or should I simply make the purple 22's and put those in the social/orange gear? I am a 400 artificer and cybertech so I could research the schematics needed and make them myself. Would it be worth the stat increase for the 23 and 24 mods over the 22's for companions despite the huge financial cost or would the stat cap on companions render the 23 and 24 stat boosts rather moot and I should just go with the 22s? Thanks in advance for the advice!
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It can be worth it to gear your companions up as much as possible. Hell, my quinn is 10x times better than some healers I PUG with. He sits at a little over 15k which is enough.


He has a rakata earpiece...columni implants, boots and Tionese everything else. You can rip the mods out and put them into social gear but I'd wait until they start getting the social gear into medium or heavy armor depending on your companion's choice.

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