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Why all the complaints about the price of legacy unlocks?


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A lot of people in this thread are insulting folks for not being happy about the cost of Legacy unlocks. Condescension and antagonistic responses aren't remotely productive, and to be frank those types of posts are easily reported and deleted constantly.


To address the OP, my issue isn't with the cost of legacy locks, per say. It's the economy in general coupled with the actual value of legacy unlocks. Let me clarify. Personally I hate daily quests with a passion. Yet I feel forced to do them, not just for Legacy unlocks that I feel are far more expensive than they should be, but for everything. I raid with a group of folks who completed most of the nightmare content before 1.2. I' was in full rakata before the patch hit. Now, in order to actually maximize my gear because Rakata and Black Hole gear is poorly itemized, I had to pick up extra tokens, buy gear that I didn't need, rip the enhancements out of those pieces, and put them into my gear, take the mods and enhancements out of my Black Hole gear because the armoring is actually the tank version on the dps set. That gets very pricey very quick. I had to do the same with my weapons, pulling 4 pieces out of each weapon to transfer over to a custom orange piece. I spent 100k total on 2 orange pistols with augment slots. I spent 3 times that to pull the mods out and swap them. I was expecting 1.2 to change the economy to a much more player driven system than it was previously. That's what we were told was going to happen. I felt I could focus on the crafting system that I do enjoy in order to make money. Unfortunately this isn't feasible.


They didn't allow us to move the set bonuses with Rakata (or other tier gear) via the armoring slot like they're doing with Campaign gear. They also gave the crafting skills no new orange pieces (except for Armstech that was missing a pattern at 100 and at 400 that the other sets had). I'm an armormech, and instead of getting a lot of new content to work with (being able to craft orange versions of current gear in game) they gave us augments. The problem is the vast majority of people aren't doing EC on hard mode so they don't have access to set bonuses via movable armoring mods. This means almost no one who pve's actually wants the few orange gear sets currently available. PvP is the same, though several of the set bonuses are terrible and there's at least a tiny market for custom War Hero and Battlemaster gear.


Augments themselves are profitable, but only if the player making them also has a slicer maxed out to get the components for it. We all know how gathering missions work. It's like gambling to actually get what you need. I have 3 character maxed out with slicing right now and I've given up on gathering the components. I get a crit (which yields 2-3 of the purple components needed to make an augment, which actually takes 4 of them) maybe once in 10 missions I run. Except I don't have 10 missions I can run for the components, even across 3 maxed out slicing characters. There are commonly 2-3 augment component missions available on each character at any given time and they take ~30 minutes to run. For a while I swapped between them all and ran missions constantly. I spend roughly 40-50k to get enough purple mats to make one augment that sells for ~75k. I have hundreds upon hundreds of the common blue augment mats that I have absolutely no use for. I can't sell them on the AH because there's so many of them floating around that they're practically worthless and they're not used for anything else.


Add on top of this that most people need a handful of augments for now, and that those augments can be pulled out of gear for ~25k which is half the cost of what it takes to actually get the components to make them via slicing, the prospect of actually making enough money to sustain my needs in the long term is slim at best and only with heavy time investment. It's simply much less time invested to make money running dailies, which I absolutely hate. I've been playing since release and I have a total of 122 daily commendations. I think I might have bought a barrel or two early on for 8 each shortly after I hit 50. In total that's ~140 daily quests I've run. And I just can't bring myself to do them anymore.


To add to this, I find the credit cost of most Legacy unlocks is ridiculous. I will never spend 5 million credits to have access to the GTN on my ship. I will never spend 1 million to buy the astromech droid. At this point I think I've purchased one thing from Legacy, that being the Miralian unlock for 1.5 million, for a character that's currently sitting at 38 that I haven't touched in a while.


I guess the TLDR version is that getting credits is easy but tedious and not fun. And honestly, I don't feel that most of what I have to spend credits on is worth the time it takes for me to make those credits. Everything seems frustratingly cumbersome to play the way I've always played in every other mmo out there except for one, Lineage 2. That's a game I quit very quickly not due to the level grind, but the money grind. The sheer amount of credit dumps, from moving mods, to legacy, to adrenals and stims (though I'm lucky enough to have stims supplied by great folks I raid with, they just can't afford to supply everyone with adrenals, mostly because they can't actually get the mats they need to make enough for our raids even if they spent all day running gathering missions every day due to the RNG returns), to repairs (that they finally tuned down recently) just makes me want to shelve this game.

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I think the problem I have is that while I'm grinding creds for months on end, trying to get the money to pay for what's available now, other things will be added that will cost alot too. So it'll turn into unending credit grind. That's my worry.
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Making money is not hard at all in this game... if you don't do anything beside dailies and don't spend a penny on anything... if you like to craft, then you are broke... if you like doing flashpoints and operations and need to respect a lot , then you are broke. If you craft in multiple toons, then you are really really broke...


So yeah, making money is not hard, but enjoying all aspects of the game and still be able to buy the legacy unlocks, its really really tough.

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Well.... I farmed Champions yesterday on and off for about 3 hours and made over 800k in credits. I farm for about 1 1/2 hours everyday.... u do the math. Credits are easy to get in this game.
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At the current prices the unlocks simply aren't worth getting. For me it's not so much that I can't afford it as I simply see no reason to spend that many credits on those things. If the costs were in line with the benefits then I'd probably have a few of them.
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Well.... I farmed Champions yesterday on and off for about 3 hours and made over 800k in credits. I farm for about 1 1/2 hours everyday.... u do the math. Credits are easy to get in this game.


That's the thing... not everyone plays the game all day. In fact some players only player for a couple hours a day. PvPers that only play a couple hours a day shouldn't have to give up PvP for a week to run dailies in their little bit of time. So maybe you should do the math bud. They said in the past higher legacy levels would equal cheaper unlocks.

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That's the thing... not everyone plays the game all day. In fact some players only player for a couple hours a day. PvPers that only play a couple hours a day shouldn't have to give up PvP for a week to run dailies in their little bit of time. So maybe you should do the math bud. They said in the past higher legacy levels would equal cheaper unlocks.


You dont have to play the game all day to make decent credits, if u play say 3 hours a day farm for 1 simple as that.

I've been playing since the game went live and have 3 lvl 50s and a lvl 30,, not much to do after you u reach lvl 50 except to start making alts and farm some everyday.

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Why the complaints?


A, most of the unlocks are useless and not worth the price. Nobody minds paying a premium price for something useful (target dummies) or unique (speeders that were removed, rare color crystals) but they sure as hell mind paying exorbitant amounts of money for minor convenience items (ship GTN) a few of which many feel should be standard anyway (ship mailbox)

B, some of the unlocks are absurd for what they do (fleet pass cooldown? useless) thus making the required price irrelevant. Fleet pass cooldown could be 10k credits and I probably still wouldn't buy it because even at max reduction the chances of me using it twice in one day and/or play period are slim to none.

C, some unlocks are becoming mandatory (rocket boost) which is making legacy become less of that fun thing you mess around with in your spare time and with your alts and more of a thing you have to waste your time doing regardless if you want to or not (especially with the class specific buffs)

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Self-entitlement is the major thing.


This thing has also plagued the Wrath generation of WoW. 5 days after Cataclysm was released, people were already complaining that heroics were too hard and asking for them to be nerfed.


This thread is not about WoW. That game is far from perfect, and it can't be a template for SWTOR. Go play it if you miss it so much.

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I want to roll a rattakki jedi consuler. I already had 3 level 50s before legacy came out.


Of those three it was 2 humans and a Twi'lek. Had I known how to unlock species back in December, i would have rolled differently. Now i am ready to roll a Rattakki but wait...i have to roll a new toon to 50 just to unlock the species i want to have as a jedi, I have the second option of course...i could farm credits all day every day.


I took option number 2 but then when i made the credits, i realized it would cost a ton of credits to remove Battle master mods and add them to orange gear. My jedi looks so stupid right now, but the new orange legacy gear is 250,000 just for the top, I am ready to just delete him.


The point is the rinse and repeat is getting old, grinding credits so i can unlock a species jsut so i can go do the same quests over again is boring.


BTW Voss has become the grave yard of my alts, I am so sick of that place....(a little of topic, but god i hate those quests).

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This thread is not about WoW. That game is far from perfect, and it can't be a template for SWTOR. Go play it if you miss it so much.


Careful, he'll accuse you of being a WoW fanboy for not agreeing with him!


On subject, I don't see why people are complaining. Everything is just aesthetic or convenience. Nothing that gives an advantage to your gameplay or anything.


Sure I'd love a Chiss Trooper, but it's not gonna stop me playing one if I don't grind the credits. Sure I'd love a mailbox on my ship, but it's not gamebreaking that there isn't already one there - besides I rarely log off on my ship anyway.

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To me it feels like double dipping... It took leveling 3 characters to 50 to even REACH level 21 in five months. That alone should be enough effort to unlock the perks. It's a double grind... You grind the levels then have to grind a year or more for the credits to unlock it! I mean c'mon now...


Personally I know how to earn a million creds over 10 hours but it is extremely boring. The thought of having to farm enough to gather some of the unlocks makes me ill with boredom. Farming money is NOT content.


It's just a throttle to give you the illusion of content. The prices are ridiculously high and most any sane person can realize this fact.


Not to mention many of the unlocks are just USELESS. Wow... A whole minute saved on a 30 min or hour cooldown... WOw... So stellar. I'm going to waste credits for something that useless?


Just all feels like a huge slap to the face. How about those Legacy armors and weapons eh? Useless, useless, useless.


How is that NUETRAL GTN working out for you btw? If you thought selling things were difficult on your normal GTN give that thing a go. Everything is just so ill conceived and not thought out to any degree.

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OK people, you have to choose whether to complain about legacy being useless OR about the price...both just makes no sense at all. Why would you care about something being expensive that you dont want?


I dont think they are overpriced, but apparently Im a lot more patient and dont expect to be able to buy all unlocks within a month. I rather have it taking a while than that I have nothing to work for...

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Because legacy was supposed to push you to rolling alts and experience something new. Not a huge load of credit farming. Mind you I've farmed 4m in 3 weeks, yet I'm still FAR from unlocking half of legacy stuff, considering you need those millions for many other things such as modding level 50 gear, vehicles and whatever. And TBH, now I'm completely tired of money farming. I don't think I'll ever unlock any races or that ship GTM unless their prices are reduced.


This guy gets it.


Really, all BW would need to do is implement an XP->credit rollover at max level. (Yeah, fanbois, there's a reason that Blizzard implemented the same thing: it's a good idea!) Right now there's zero incentive to go back and do any missions at 50.

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OK people, you have to choose whether to complain about legacy being useless OR about the price...both just makes no sense at all. Why would you care about something being expensive that you dont want?


I dont think they are overpriced, but apparently Im a lot more patient and dont expect to be able to buy all unlocks within a month. I rather have it taking a while than that I have nothing to work for...


Its a combination of both really.


Legacy is useless, and the few things that make it interesting are either exceedingly useless or ridiculously overpriced (with a few exceptions)

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OK people, you have to choose whether to complain about legacy being useless OR about the price...both just makes no sense at all. Why would you care about something being expensive that you dont want?


I'm not sure if you're actually serious. Multiply all the costs by 100. Do you still think it's fine? Using your logic, if you don't want it then 100 million credits shouldn't matter, and if you do want it 100 million credits should be acceptable. :rolleyes:


I dont think they are overpriced, but apparently Im a lot more patient and dont expect to be able to buy all unlocks within a month. I rather have it taking a while than that I have nothing to work for...


if you're "working" in swtor you're doing it wrong...

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OK people, you have to choose whether to complain about legacy being useless OR about the price...both just makes no sense at all. Why would you care about something being expensive that you dont want?


I dont think they are overpriced, but apparently Im a lot more patient and dont expect to be able to buy all unlocks within a month. I rather have it taking a while than that I have nothing to work for...


People complain about the emergency fleet pass reduction because it's both useless and overpriced. You could improve the quality of the unlock to the point where it's worth the credits (reduce the cooldown from 18 hours to 2), or you could make it a purely level based unlock so that it's a perk everyone gets for Legacy Level N. Either solution would fix the complaints, so it's ok to 'whine' about both.

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Because legacy was supposed to push you to rolling alts and experience something new. Not a huge load of credit farming. Mind you I've farmed 4m in 3 weeks, yet I'm still FAR from unlocking half of legacy stuff, considering you need those millions for many other things such as modding level 50 gear, vehicles and whatever. And TBH, now I'm completely tired of money farming. I don't think I'll ever unlock any races or that ship GTM unless their prices are reduced.


^^^^^^ This ...


Even though I have the cash to unlock/open most of the legacy items, the point of the legacy system was not to force people to spend tons of cash or have to become gold farmers, it was supposed to have to do with alts and companions, hence the reason they called it LEGACY.


The way it is now, they should have just put a majority of the features on a vendor and called him a "Credit Sink Vendor" that, at least, would have been more accurate than saying this is a Legacy Feature.


Don't get me wrong, I like the Legacy IDEA just not the way they implemented a cost on some of the features. At a minimum, the cost should adjust as you level up in legacy. Something like for every 5 levels of legacy, the cost is reduced by 10%, this would mean that once you hit 50th Level in Legacy (the max) you would have all the unlocks for free and, if you wanted something earlier, you could buy it but the cost would be based on your legacy level.

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Actually, this is the problem. For me, the only way to unlock legacy benefits is spending 100% of my time doing dailies on my level 50 character for most of a year. Or I can craft, but that requires an active GTN to do successfully--which doesn't exist on my server.


So farming dailies over and over for a year is the only real option. As a person who enjoys new stories and leveling alts, that sounds boring as hell to me. Maybe grinding is something you like. But the real problem is grinding is the only option for some people right now.


I'm not saying we should lower the price of legacy unlocks and be done with it. All I'm saying is there should be more than one way to unlock legacy benefits to match different play styles. Instead of just rewarding grinding, reward PvP, reward alt-oholics, reward raiders. Let me spend (a reasonable) amount of warzone commendations on unlocks, etc.


I'm not saying we don't need to earn it. I'm saying there should be different ways of earning it to match different play styles. Right now, with my preferred play style (PvP and leveling alts), it is very difficult to unlock the legacy rewards because neither PvP nor the level 1-40 experience give a noticeable amount of credits.




At the moment the legacy system rewards people doing dailies tirelessly. Yet it also effectively punishes people that:

-Get a very high pvp rank.

-Play with Alts.


-Do OPs and HMs.

-Spend time exploring the mysteries, such as datacrons, rare pets etc.

-Spend money for anything else such as item modding.


Unlocks should certainly have alternative ways.

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My main gripe is simple.


initially it was put forth as

at legacy X you will get reward Y!

love bioware!


instead it turned out to be


at legacy x you can spend a metric ****ton of credits to get reward y.


I am a casual player, I have limited time to play. I have NEVER had a million credits at one time.

Three weeks of grinding you say? Given my limited time it would take me upwards of a month or more.


I, with my limited play time do not want to do the same thing over and over and over for a couple of months.


Time sinks are in my view bad design, and given my time constraints not only boring and repetitive but a real good argument for not playing and doing something else.


At least that's my view. Others have a different view


I'm on the same page with this exactly. I don't have time to do dailies every day or work the AH or really anything besides get in do some quests like once or twice a week... this system would take me months to unlock just one item.


I'm sure the answer is for me to suck it up and just play more b/c that's how the cookie crumbles.

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I don't mind the cost in itself. what I do mind is that it feels like a rip-off, compared to other prices. the fleet pass thing? you've got to be kidding. I'd rather buy 6000 fleet passes, especially considering the few hours it gives you don't really do all that much .. I use the fleet pass once a day, or even less. if I were one of the people that jumped around all the time (so lowering the cooldown would be worth something).. then 3 hours less will still be stupid.


Aren't these unlocks cumulative? Meaning, you unlock the first, which is a 1 hour reduction, then the second, which is a 2 hour reduction, then the third, which is a 3 hour reduction. That would amount to a total of 6 hours off the total cooldown, a full third of it.


Same thing with the quick travel.

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Aren't these unlocks cumulative? Meaning, you unlock the first, which is a 1 hour reduction, then the second, which is a 2 hour reduction, then the third, which is a 3 hour reduction. That would amount to a total of 6 hours off the total cooldown, a full third of it.


Same thing with the quick travel.


I imagine for most people the fleet pass, even with a 6 hour reduced CD, is still a once a day ability. The legacy unlock serves no purpose at all for pretty much everyone.

Edited by iceperson
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So tell me, if I can get 1,000,000 creds in about 3 weeks simply by doing dailies, what's the big deal?


This is simple - I'm not you, and I haven't had anywhere close to a million credits on any of my guys. Ever.


Been playing since maybe two days into the EGA, and my highest character is a level 45 Sentinel. Money is hard to get for me, between crafting enhancements, shields, focii, and color crystals for my other guys, training costs for my new skills when I level up, crafting schematics from the trainer... my credit stock is building up, but for every 100k I earn from quests and missions, roughly 40k is spent on other stuff. I'm still a bit pissed I couldn't afford to buy any of the "rare crystal schematics" they had before the 1.2 update, but it happens.


Long story short, a million is a lot to some of us.

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