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Shorter flashpoints, or flaspoint checkpoints


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Hey all,


I wonder if flashpoints in this game are too long.


Before you comment, I would like everyone to be honest with themselves and ask, did you skip the mobs in hardmode Taral V? If yes, then it confirms my suspicions.


Taral V is the shortest hardmode flashpoint because you can skip plenty of mobs and bosses. Why do people skip? Because it is too long. They don't want to spend time killing trash mobs and killing bosses that only give 1 tionese crystal.


Taral V takes 30 mins for me, seems like the ideal flash point length. Directive 7 takes 1 hour, and False Emperor takes 2 hours.


Asking for flashpoints to be made shorter may be controversial, so how about we add checkpoints in long flashpoints, like using the scepter to get to the 2nd part of Maraudon? This is almost like dividing a long flashpoint into multiple parts, so people can decide how much to do depending on how much time they have, and not be obliged to sit through 2 hours of False Emperor to get the Columi chestpiece.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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