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Reset advanced class ?


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Simply put. If the game is designed to give a different story line based on AC changing it would break your storyline Unless you completed BOTH story lines prior.



Perhaps it would be best to give this option to swap specs based on your Legacy and If you have completed Both of the AC lines And if your characters have hit 50.

Edited by lebenharvest
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Simply put. If the game is designed to give a different story line based on AC changing it would break your storyline Unless you completed BOTH story lines prior.



Perhaps it would be best to give this option to swap specs based on your Legacy and If you have completed Both of the AC lines And if your characters have hit 50.


They actually don't want AC switching at higher levels. Bioware was thinking about puuting in a buyer's remorse AC change. They then added a lot more info in game for each AC to make the player informed. It is now completely the players fault if they pick the wrong AC.

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They actually don't want AC switching at higher levels. Bioware was thinking about puuting in a buyer's remorse AC change. They then added a lot more info in game for each AC to make the player informed. It is now completely the players fault if they pick the wrong AC.


Agreed, there needs to be a hell of alot more consequence for your actions in gaming. People need to make decisions an stick by them. Tor is one of the fastest leveling games ever made for MMO's. It rivals Rift for leveling speed. So why does it matter ?

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I'd just like to point out that using "other games don't let you do it" or "WoW didn't work that way" as reasons for why allowing AC changes is bad, is one of the most idiotic arguments I've ever heard.


Are we playing WoW? Are we playing anything other than SWTOR? No, then quit bringing it up. I could bring up the fact that classes like the druid or paladin had specs that played as differently as the AC's in SWTOR. They were allowed to switch at will. However, that's not a sufficient reason for AC changes to be allowed in SWTOR.


The simple fact is that it makes no sense to force players to replay the same content a second time just to try the other AC. I have yet to hear a single convincing argument for WHY it is detrimental to YOUR game experience to allow someone you don't even know switch their AC.

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I'd just like to point out that using "other games don't let you do it" or "WoW didn't work that way" as reasons for why allowing AC changes is bad, is one of the most idiotic arguments I've ever heard.


Are we playing WoW? Are we playing anything other than SWTOR? No, then quit bringing it up. I could bring up the fact that classes like the druid or paladin had specs that played as differently as the AC's in SWTOR. They were allowed to switch at will. However, that's not a sufficient reason for AC changes to be allowed in SWTOR.


The simple fact is that it makes no sense to force players to replay the same content a second time just to try the other AC. I have yet to hear a single convincing argument for WHY it is detrimental to YOUR game experience to allow someone you don't even know switch their AC.


Because they would be terribad at their new class much like someone who has brought their max level toon of ebay. Leveling is about learning to play and knowing my luck it would be me that ends up grouped with them


And then they would start QQing saying about how the game is too hard and demanding nerfs..

Edited by corbanite
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Oh no, you don't like the class you picked and you have to roll a new toon in a game that is heavily story driven and you can choose different options just to see what would happen? That sounds terrible... oh wait no no it doesn't you may say that "Well 1-10 is just a tutorial planet and I already did it"... Ok fair point but lets just take a look overall.


<Edit deleted Wall of text and just summerized what I had said>


Point is it is not going to kill you to do the 1-10 content over again if you don't like your AC you picked, for most people its better this way then picking your class right off the bat, 1-10 you learn the feel of the basic spells, see if you want to continue that style or not and if you do then you get a in depth description of what class your picking and the style it is, you know wither you want to be a caster dps, healer, melee dps, tank, you have a feel for the basics and then you pick your AC based around what style you want to what base class you liked.


Edit: I could see how ever "Hey your level 10(ish), give these 2 ACs a whirl against these training droids and tell me what one you want to go for", and while your on that quest allowing you access to say Mid 20s levels of both ACs (one at a time) in that instance to see what feels best for you... that would not be to hard of a quest to add in to the game for each class and would be an acceptable way to not have you feel gipped for picking a wrong AC since at that point its all on you.

Edited by Hockeyhacker
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