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Reset advanced class ?


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I guess it's not possible at the moment, to changed your advanced class.

Since the game is very new and people want to try out things, so in my opinion players should have a chance to reset their advanced class choice atleast for once, twice could be better since if you didn't like the new choice, you could still change back.


I mainly suggest this because at the start of new game, people really dont know what they are signing into when choosing advanced class, and it's just shame to realise at level 40 that just maybe you should have chosen the other option, consider this and good luck for everyone out there :)

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I guess it's not possible at the moment, to changed your advanced class.

Since the game is very new and people want to try out things, so in my opinion players should have a chance to reset their advanced class choice atleast for once, twice could be better since if you didn't like the new choice, you could still change back.


I mainly suggest this because at the start of new game, people really dont know what they are signing into when choosing advanced class, and it's just shame to realise at level 40 that just maybe you should have chosen the other option, consider this and good luck for everyone out there :)


you are thinking that AC is like a skill tree which you can respec it is not. What they did here was instead of makign you decide on your class right off the get go they broke it down into a two step process. The final step being your choice of AC.

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I guess it's not possible at the moment, to changed your advanced class.

Since the game is very new and people want to try out things, so in my opinion players should have a chance to reset their advanced class choice atleast for once, twice could be better since if you didn't like the new choice, you could still change back.


I mainly suggest this because at the start of new game, people really dont know what they are signing into when choosing advanced class, and it's just shame to realise at level 40 that just maybe you should have chosen the other option, consider this and good luck for everyone out there :)


The game explains pretty clearly what advanced classes are when you create your character. Just click "Advanced Classes"

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All of you have a good point, that changing AC is like changing class in other MMORPG. But we are not talking about other games here, we are talking about SWTOR and it's kinda different than others that I have experience with, let me show you what I mean.


In SWTOR the story/RP part plays a big role, changing class, will change the whole story, but if you change AC, the story stays same. Your playstyle will change, but basic abilities stay the same. So in the end it's very different than changing class.

Let me remind you that I am NOT suggesting that you can change your AC whenever you want, but I suggest that you could have the possibility to change it limited times (once or twice).

This game is different, the story plays a big role for many players, and I guess not too many out there want to read the same book again and spend time and money for it, just because they chose the wrong option at the beginning of the journey.


Real Jedi would be mercifull, Sith wouldn't :p

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I guess it's not possible at the moment, to changed your advanced class.

Since the game is very new and people want to try out things, so in my opinion players should have a chance to reset their advanced class choice atleast for once, twice could be better since if you didn't like the new choice, you could still change back.


I mainly suggest this because at the start of new game, people really dont know what they are signing into when choosing advanced class, and it's just shame to realise at level 40 that just maybe you should have chosen the other option, consider this and good luck for everyone out there :)


I may have to quit if this were ever done, decisions have to have consequences, reroll if you want a new class. No AC switching.

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An AC is not the same thing as a class in other MMOs. Look at the name. It says ADVANCED CLASS. It's base abilities exactly the same. Story exactly the same. First 10 levels- exactly the same.


It's not as simple as saying- it's the same as other classes. No it isn't. It was not even designed that way at all.

It's just one extreme of two. The other being to treat it like a talent tree- which it isn't either.


Hence, compromise. Allow people a chance to test it prior to cap at the very latest 2-4 times max.

Could do this a number of ways.

Edited by Crogga
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can we get mods to just create one thread for this and start deleting the others please, tired of every forum having at least a few AC switching threads. i think were up to 2093582058295293082930293058235890834559028359023236378230672 by now.... still dont see it happening, ever!
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An AC is not the same thing as a class in other MMOs. Look at the name. It says ADVANCED CLASS. It's base abilities exactly the same. Story exactly the same. First 10 levels- exactly the same.


It's not as simple as saying- it's the same as other classes. No it isn't. It was not even designed that way at all.

It's just one extreme of two. The other being to treat it like a talent tree- which it isn't either.


Hence, compromise. Allow people a chance to test it prior to cap at the very latest 2-4 times max.

Could do this a number of ways.


NO No No NO. Please don't do this BioWare. Skip the story 2nd time around or play the other light/dark side. Every other game you play, when you change classes you still have to play the same story/grind...........

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An AC is not the same thing as a class in other MMOs. Look at the name. It says ADVANCED CLASS. It's base abilities exactly the same. Story exactly the same. First 10 levels- exactly the same.


It's not as simple as saying- it's the same as other classes. No it isn't. It was not even designed that way at all.

It's just one extreme of two. The other being to treat it like a talent tree- which it isn't either.


Hence, compromise. Allow people a chance to test it prior to cap at the very latest 2-4 times max.

Could do this a number of ways.


bioware even stated their AC's are more like classes in other games so your already wrong. the base abilities might be the same but the play style of each AC can be very different, and as for the storyline, you should be thanking bioware for making 8 storylines for you to go through, since most mmo's have 2... if any, instead of complaining about it.

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For everyone complaining that changing would be like "changing classes blah blah".... No.....

Not even a little bit, plus there isn't enough variation in most skill trees to call them completely separate classes. Advanced classes are a specialization, and personally I believe you should be given ONE or maybe two re-AC's per character if you decide to try the other side of it.


It takes way too long to progress say a knight sentinel, to get to 50 and have to re-roll a new character just because you get tired of duel wielding...

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It takes way too long to progress say a knight sentinel, to get to 50 and have to re-roll a new character just because you get tired of duel wielding...


Because that's the only difference between a Sent and a Guardian, the two lightsabers.

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Because that's the only difference between a Sent and a Guardian, the two lightsabers.


EXACTLY, they aren't "separate classes", that's a bunch of bull. They are essentially the same and you should have the option to switch it up a few times.


Seems ridiculous that you could get stuck into an AC forever just because you picked something you NEVER got to test out at level ten or eleven, hardly with enough experience to even know what you're doing.


(Coming from a happy Sentinel player that will never change his AC, but still)

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EXACTLY, they aren't "separate classes", that's a bunch of bull. They are essentially the same and you should have the option to switch it up a few times.


Seems ridiculous that you could get stuck into an AC forever just because you picked something you NEVER got to test out at level ten or eleven, hardly with enough experience to even know what you're doing.


(Coming from a happy Sentinel player that will never change his AC, but still)


I was being sarcastic.

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I've played both, and you really weren't.


You played both to 50? Or even to level 15, where you get an array of different abilities specific to that AC? Or went up the two different skill trees specific to that AC?


So yes, I was being sarcastic.

Edited by Jaku
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You played both to 50? Or even to level 15, where you get an array of different abilities specific to that AC? Or went up the two different skill trees specific to that AC?


So yes, I was being sarcastic.


I've gone to 15 on a Guardian and 23 on a Sent, they aren't much different. I hate to compare it to WoW but it's almost exactly like a frost Deathknight versus an Unholy, or more appropriate a fury warrior vs. an arms warrior. I find very little gameplay mechanics different. PLUS: The story is way too guided to want to play through it more than once imo...

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I've gone to 15 on a Guardian and 23 on a Sent, they aren't much different. I hate to compare it to WoW but it's almost exactly like a frost Deathknight versus an Unholy, or more appropriate a fury warrior vs. an arms warrior. I find very little gameplay mechanics different. PLUS: The story is way too guided to want to play through it more than once imo...


I'm not against AC switching, but as someone who's gotten pretty high on both, I was just irritated with the notion that there only difference was two lightsabers. But I digress.


I don't think most people will mind playing the same main class story over again, honestly. MMO players are used to going through the same content to get to level cap. But I have suggested from the very begining that AC changes be a big deal, maybe a long quest chain attached to it. Something you couldn't do very often, ect..

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My god.....seriously people.


Your AC becomes your class, so that after level 10 you are, for example, no longer a Sith Inquisitor, you are either a Sorcerer or an Assassin. Your AC is your class.


Changing AC would be like changing from a Hunter to a Shaman - simply ridiculous.


Your AC is your class - not your spec.

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This topic has been debated to death almost with really no solution. though I think %70 or more voted in polls throughout development that they do not want AC repecs.


It really isn't that ahrd to level another class to ten and try them out then. Space bar is your friend. once you know where to go it doesn't take that long to level.


on that note I ,ook at as similar to AIon in when your priesnt gets' to level 10 you can become a chanter or cleric. 2 different classes that inherit the same abilities of skills for that priest class.


Same with Consular. You get all consular skills from 1-50 but also have sills associated to specific Advanced Class (AC) yet the Shadow is a melee based class that can stealth and even tank depending on which tree you go up. You can be a midranged fighter by choosing the shared Balance tree. The sage is a ranged fighter much like a Mage or sorceress in MMO terms. They can also heal for support depending on which tree you go up.


i'm playing both right now and they have totally different play-styles. Sure you might say it's a spec but not neccessarily. The idea of going from a ranged fighter to a melee based fighter on a basis of a re-spec shouldn't be the case unless they, as suggested, may have chosen the wrong AC then maybe you can get the mulligan.


I Don't want to see players able to change at level 50 when tehy get bored or want to try something different be able to change with out even knowing how the class plays.


the journey of playing a AC is to know all aspects of the AC not all of sudden be one.

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It seems most people are not getting the fact that the first 10 lvls are the playstyle 'try-out' so -to-speak. for instance, knowing that the SI can go either melee or caster and knowing that I was going to end up a Sorc, I personally played the first 10 lvls like a caster.


Now I know its kind of hard to play a SI as melee before 10 but the point is you get abilites from your base class that give you a taste of more to come. Anywhoser its late, I have an early morning. so in the immortal words of porky pig "Adi Adi Adi...Thats all Folks"

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I mainly suggest this because at the start of new game, people really dont know what they are signing into when choosing advanced class, and it's just shame to realise at level 40 that just maybe you should have chosen the other option, consider this and good luck for everyone out there :)


If you don't like an advanced class, you won't level it all the way tol 40. You would stop and pick another class much earlier.

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