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operative stealth nerf


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did our damage get nerfed? silently, better yet ?? it just feels that way today .. anyone else?


I noticed the same thing. Since Tuesday my damage was not as high as it used to be... I thought that was just a coincidence and maybe I had run into some tougher opponents than I usually do.


I am playing with two relics for some time now and I even got a new War Hero piece today, so it can't have anything to do with the Matrix Cube that has gone missing.

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I would like to push this thread back to the top in order to find out if other people have been observing similar things.


Nope, I'm still getting BS crits in the region of 5k against PVE targets. HS does seem to be more effected by RNG than BS as others have noted which has resulted in me upping my Crit rating a little, but other than that damage seems the same as normal.


I haven't run any dummy tests recently - that would be the best way to compare if you're feeling like you've lost some damage.

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Hey I am noticing the same thing on my operative too. The thing is I am criting much less on backstab and hidden strike so much that my other skills like lacerate feel like they are critting more. I might think our talents with bonus crit might not be working as intended due to bug?


Last night I got a new war hero piece but my dps has dropped significantly which doesn't seem right.

Edited by Shadowam
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Last night I got a new war hero piece but my dps has dropped significantly which doesn't seem right.

Just because a piece says war hero does not mean it will increase your damage more. A bunch of the enforcer pieces (as an example) will lower your overall damage due to the mods and enhancements that come with the piece. Also buy a war hero critical piece replacing a battlemaster power piece will also lower your "damage".


Be careful with what you buy.

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Sorry I wasn't clear. Got a new war hero piece with stat improvements across the board incl crit but the crit rate of backstab and hs seem to be much lower. My overall dPs in wz seem much lower after getting better gear, almost 100k lower. Just tried remodding two piece pve bonus and it's abit better but I would expect to crit 65% of the time with bs but doesn't seem like the case. Anyways just an observation till other people can confirm. Edited by Shadowam
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