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What is the point of this?


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Why is there a Warzone Commendation cap? i mean i'm a level 30 Sentinel and when i saw how easy the Battle master gear got i was shocked. And i hoping to get all the Commendations required before level 50 ( since some GENIUS doesn't let you buy it before level 50 ). Anyway that won't work, why put a 2000 commendation cap? What is the point of this?
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Why is there a Warzone Commendation cap? i mean i'm a level 30 Sentinel and when i saw how easy the Battle master gear got i was shocked. And i hoping to get all the Commendations required before level 50 ( since some GENIUS doesn't let you buy it before level 50 ). Anyway that won't work, why put a 2000 commendation cap? What is the point of this?


To make you have to grind once you hit 50. Welcome to MMOs

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That's stupid, and on top of that you can't buy the gear before your level 50...


what would be the point of buying it bf 50? all that does is give a fresh 50 an unfair advantage over other fresh 50s......:rak_03:

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Well i think they want you to buy that over priced garbage at 20 then level 40 and pre 50 sabers.

But since you have 20 levels to go i guess you can stock up on WZ med packs and crap.

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Well i think they want you to buy that over priced garbage at 20 then level 40 and pre 50 sabers.

But since you have 20 levels to go i guess you can stock up on WZ med packs and crap.


^ That. So many times that.


People don't seem to realize what a waste it is to buy the orange PvP Pre 50 items, and how useful the warzone medpacks and adrenals are post-50.


When I was leveling my Assasin (because I hated my sorc), I didn't spend WZ coms on anything but WZ adrenals and medpacks. I had close to 600 of each stocked up when I hit 50. Now granted, without full, or near full, BM gear, that adrenal is next to useless, but one you have it, your damage is insane. It's especially great to stock up on as many of these as you can while leveling if you are not Biochem.


Once you get at least your full BM gear, the Warzone adrenal is oodles and oodles better than the Rakata Attack adrenal.

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