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1.2.3 Cover Not Fixed

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Level 50 human. Thing is pre 1.2.2 you could hit cover on the move and it would stop you and put you into cover. Post 1.2.2 cover(crouch) works only if you come to a complete stop then pop cover. In PVE it's not a big deal, PVP on the other hand has been a real struggle. No more quick stop and pulse detting people or quick sabos.


The real rub is that it was completely fine before but now I'm wondering if it's just this way for good. It's not that it's a complete deal breaker, but it makes a class that is already a bit of a chore to play in pvp that much less enjoyable.

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I had that problem too PRE 1.2.2, but now I can auto run and hit F to get into cover and it will put me in cover and not take me out. The exact opposite of what happened to you.


Very strange that you and other are still having problems. Not good Bioware, not good.

Edited by DaltonFury
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I haven't touched my sniper since the glitch showed, I simply went to another server and started an Operative.

The glitch seemed to only show up when on the uneven ground of Hutta, on the Black Talon FP it seemed to vanish.

Of course, I could be thinking of a completely different bug together. Just my two credits.

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Well I'm not talking about autorun into cover, I do very little autorunning in pvp ;). I'm talking about normal s key movement. Pre 1.2.2 if I was running in a fight and hit cover it would stop my movement even if I was still holding S and drop me into crouch. Now even if I do it in rapid succession like let off S and hit crouch at the same instant it bugs. It's only if I dramatically release S then hit crouch will it work properly. This is exactly how it was in 1.2.2 and not how it was pre 1.2.2. Also on flat ground in fleet.
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Rolling into cover works for me and mounted cover.


Yeah I meant rolling into cover works.


Mounted cover works if I stop and then hit cover, just not if I'm moving on my mount, but that's such a minor thing I just can't even work up even the smallest of cares.

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Hard cover works just fine for me , but trying to drop portable cover on the run is a no-go. My character ends standing up behind the cover screen. I've ran the repair and it made no difference :jawa_frown:
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I think there is a lot of confusion arising from the fact that the difference post-1.2.2 is very intangible. It's a feel kind of thing, and it's very hard to put your finger on what is different, but something definitely IS different. Having leveled my sniper all the way through 50, I've gotten a feel for how to roll into cover where and when I want. After the patch dropped, it just doesn't seem to work the same way. Sometimes when I'm trying to roll into cover, I'll just drop in place or not get in cover at all. Again, it's just a feel thing that I subconsciously learned and execute, so I'm not 100% sure but I'm fairly certain that when you'd get the little green crouching man behind an obstacle, all you had to do was hit the cover button and you'd roll into that spot. If you wanted a different piece of cover or a different angle, you just had to change your angle relative to the obstacle and your target. Now, you need to be actively moving towards that spot in order to roll into it. Now, this might be the opposite (moving towards a spot no longer allows you to roll into it), because again it's not something I actively think about while playing. I have just noticed that it has become inconsistent and is no longer working as I'm intending it to, when I used to be pretty good at it.
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Cover is absolutely still broken. While I no longer have problems dropping into cover (in place), rolling into cover is still failing about half the time. This bug occurs both while moving and while stationary.
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Hate it when the cover's not fixed even when 1.2.3's released. Hard to play in pvp, especially when rolling into natural cover, where doesn't roll completely into natural cover, popping out before you hit natural cover. Last night's pvp, when i played as sniper with full hp against Sent with 30%hp, and got killed by him 1v1 thanks to nat cover bug.. Still have problems with dropping into portable cover while holding a movement key, pops out if i don't release the movement key fast enough.. Edited by OneLancer
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Def broken. Last night i rolled along the ground a few times only to stand up and just watch the action :D


Yeah, it's happening to me all the time now.


Starting to get annoying, and dropping cover doesn't work 100% of the time either.


I mean is it really that hard to fix Bioware? :rolleyes:

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problem seems to be once i press "F" and pressing some other ability cancels the process of going to cover :rolleyes: It was not like it used to be so wondering is there a solution for it or we need to adjust our self to the new mechanics .
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Unbelievably annoying, I hate it when they say they "fixed" something while it really isn't. Granted, it doesn't happen as much as it did, but it's still enough.


Rolling into cover breaks up now and then, and when you start getting the random breaks, it seems to get completely messed up for a while.


The game often says "Unknown effect result" when I press the cover button, this seems to happen a LOT in the Denova warzone when you stand on certain objects (like the metal of the turrets and the inside of a bunker).


Ever weirder is when I'm in cover and suddenly begin back-pedalling like crazy, my forward movement stops working, my autorun stops working and I just run straight out of cover like some retard. For reference: I don't even have my back-pedal key BOUND on my smuggler, and it STILL does that quite often.

The only solution is to take cover again, which might or might not work.

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problem seems to be once i press "F" and pressing some other ability cancels the process of going to cover :rolleyes: It was not like it used to be so wondering is there a solution for it or we need to adjust our self to the new mechanics .


this actually lead to a work around for me. i have my F key bound to the up scroll on my gaming pad. if i flick it i cant roll into cover. if i go just one tick up then i roll into cover fine. so i think that the game isn't applying the cover effect until we are actually against the point. thus the multiple ticks are causing the game to try to place me in cover mid roll. and this stops my roll half way. annoying but i should be able to adjust the key bindings i am using to fix it. but it appears if you wait till you hit the point which you are rolling to before you hit any other key it works fine. so no more spamming flourish shot as we are rolling it seams.

Edited by RavinKing
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