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Subs down 25%


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it is closer to 38%, they sold another 400k copies of teh game in that time too and still dropped to 1.3 mil


If you want to start from box sales, the TOR is STILL above the curve. Hell, RIFT went almost 2 million box sales/giveaways to 250k subs.

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I'd like to know what EA was smoking when they blamed casuals for the fall in subs. I know plenty of hardcore people that have quit SWTOR.


Yeah that one boggled my mind too, they keep trying to pander to hardcore gamers and they will hate them no matter what.


Meanwhile they are telling their investors that it's the casuals who are leaving.

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Yeah too bad 9.5 million of those subscribers are Asians that logged in for ten minuets or less, all the Western servers are ghost towns.

Ghost towns in comparison to....what exactly? Takes a lot of nerve to call WoW servers ghost towns when swtor has their messed up server situation.

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If you want to start from box sales, the TOR is STILL above the curve. Hell, RIFT went almost 2 million box sales/giveaways to 250k subs.


So Tor has brought in no new subs in then last 3 months?

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I'd like to know what EA was smoking when they blamed casuals for the fall in subs. I know plenty of hardcore people that have quit SWTOR.

This is the first MMO i ever played and I am still playing it. We are easy scapegoats i guess, damn casual players :p.

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lol like this game could ever get 5 million this is the tortanic it will be at 5 hundred thousand by the end of the year and will go f2p


Agreed. Hopefully the Tortanic will sink sooner, then I can play it for free and not be upset that it's a sub par piece of garbage :)

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I just want to see the game do well, I know I've bashed it in multiple posts on this forum..but Im bashing the game because Im freakin frustrated.


This is Star Wars, probably the most iconic IP on the planet.....it deserves better. Ive played MMOs since 2002, for the most part I know what the good ones entail. This game is scaring me atm, I cant believe the negativity on the forums but at the same time it's justified in alot of ways.


I think they are finally realizing people expected ALOT more. I know I probably drive people here crazy with all my pro-RvR talk...but its for a reason, it has been a KEY ingredient in many successful MMOs throughout the years...and it gives an option to people that dont like 5 hour PvE raids an alternative as a PvP endgame...and stuff like that KEEPS subs.

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This is the first MMO i ever played and I am still playing it. We are easy scapegoats i guess, damn casual players :p.


I'm so sorry that this has to be your first MMO experience :( Go dump this crap and play Rift. Your eyes will open and will be amazed. The graphics are AMAZING, the CS is amazing, the community is amazing. Go and try it out and I guarentee you won't come back here :)

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Yeah too bad 9.5 million of those subscribers are Asians that logged in for ten minuets or less, all the Western servers are ghost towns.


If you have any deceny man, don't talk of ''ghost town'' about WoW servers.

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I'm so sorry that this has to be your first MMO experience :( Go dump this crap and play Rift. Your eyes will open and will be amazed. The graphics are AMAZING, the CS is amazing, the community is amazing. Go and try it out and I guarentee you won't come back here :)


Not at all true.


I played Rifts and did not enjoy it at all. The story was so bland and so uninspired. I stopped playing long before my six month subscription ran out. I left a decent sized guild that I had helped to form because I just didn't get anything from the game. I hated the way their dungeons worked and I detested the pressure to make sure my second spec was always healing because harder mode dungeons always seemed to need more than one.


TOR I am still playing and enjoying. I'm also enjoying something off the treadmill to the end game. So, considering me a traditional casual gamer in TOR. And I am still here, still plugging along and still reading the forums and occasionally butting in.


It is always hard to say what someone else will like and you don't.

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Absolutely. And, as I've already stated ad nauseum, they NEED to get on the ball with transfers, ranked warzones, endgame content and at least let us know what they're doing for open-world if they hope to enjoy an upward trend of subs, much less hold even.


So, you're really going off about nothing, and making assumptions about me that aren't true. Educate yourself about me before you ASSume, please.




It's in the numbers, man. I'm net defending BioWare here when I say that a 25% loss is ABOVE the typical MMO curve for a 6 month old MMO. It is what it is. Don't shoot the messenger. You're right, numbers do speak for themselves, but you have to take ALL of the numbers into consideration, don't you think?


I wasnt just addressing you though i was responding to your post. I like bioware so i dont want to see them ruined. I hope these numbers are a wake up call that everything thats happened since 1.2 was announced has led to this moment...

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I'm so sorry that this has to be your first MMO experience :( Go dump this crap and play Rift. Your eyes will open and will be amazed. The graphics are AMAZING, the CS is amazing, the community is amazing. Go and try it out and I guarentee you won't come back here :)


Yes, SgtJeremy, I am sorry that this is your first MMO experience when the community for the MMO has stand up players like Mr. Sublimitas above. Unfortunately those type of players permeate all MMOs, which obviously includes Rift, so it's something you get used to.


I would just like to say that I am glad you are enjoying the game, as many other players are as well, myself included. There are many of us here that are welcoming to players and are willing to help everyone out as much as possible. The game does have some faults and problems, but thus far that still hasn't ruined the experience for me, and I hope you can continue to enjoy it as well.


In the mean time, if there's any questions you might have or help you might need in game, feel free to ask - despite what the forums may show, there are plenty of us here to help. You can PM me if you so desire.



PTS, Firaxan Shark, and Sith Meditation Sphere

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And who made it 'supposed to be the major competitor to WoW'? As always; the players themselves with their rose-tinted goggles and not the Devs themselves. They never said to have an ambition to rival WoW, they just wanted a piece of the pie. But the fans made this 'the next WoW killer that will take millions of subs off WoW' and created the unrealistic expectations.


And if the end-of-year break even point is 500.000 subs and they are on 1.3 million 5 months in.. the game is still doing good. No other game that launched primarily in the West has ever had that many players so far into the game's history. Only MMO to beat it was Aion, but that was a major launch in Asia and the West. If TOR keeps between 500.000 to 1 million by the end of the first year the game will probably stay strong for some more time. And honestly, I don't see GW2, TERA or TSW have a great impact on the game like many others suggest. And Diablo 3? It will have the same impact as Mass Effect 3 had at best. So a drop in activity of players for some time, but people will keep their subs for when Diablo gets old.


Sky is not falling, and the game is not the WoW killer. Amazing eh? That these things can be combined in the current MMO market.

I personally prefer a dozen AAA titles with between 500.000 and 1 million players than 1 monster with 12 million as WoW was. The current MMO market is much healthier than before, if people only let others enjoy the game they enjoy without bashing it or trying to destroy the name of a game just because it is not their personal taste.


Best post here.

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If you want to start from box sales, the TOR is STILL above the curve. Hell, RIFT went almost 2 million box sales/giveaways to 250k subs.


In less than 6 months? With almost every commercial break over Xmas featuring a SWTOR advert and a massive marketing push you are not remotely comparing like with like. TOR isnt above any curve because the circumstances are so diverse it makes such a comparison farcical.

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its actully closer to a little more then 1 cent for 10 minutes


Dream on guys. WoW can lose more subs in a year than most MMO's have total. Plus thier last quarterly reports, released today, show them still at 10.2 million "paying" subs. Does not matter where those subs are, same goes for TOR, they wil count thier subs whereever they are in the world. Of course the paying rates will vary according to the exchange rates and such. But the fact remains, they are making money ( profits ) off those subs. When a company loses subs, they make zero off those lost subs. :cool:

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Dream on guys. WoW can lose more subs in a year than most MMO's have total. Plus thier last quarterly reports, released today, show them still at 10.2 million "paying" subs. Does not matter where those subs are, same goes for TOR, they wil count thier subs whereever they are in the world. Of course the paying rates will vary according to the exchange rates and such. But the fact remains, they are making money ( profits ) off those subs. When a company loses subs, they make zero off those lost subs. :cool:


lol I never knew :eek: well looks like TOR is gonna be missing out on quite a bit of money then..

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Yeah too bad 9.5 million of those subscribers are Asians that logged in for ten minuets or less, all the Western servers are ghost towns.


Totally not true. Come to Stormrage ( East Coast server ) during peak play times and you will eat those words. Once in the morning...non peak times recently..I counted 47 priest's alone in SW....not sure how many other classes was on. Compare that to my TOR server who had a total of 42 players on fleet at peak weekend time.

Edited by Valkirus
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Dream on guys. WoW can lose more subs in a year than most MMO's have total. Plus thier last quarterly reports, released today, show them still at 10.2 million "paying" subs. Does not matter where those subs are, same goes for TOR, they wil count thier subs whereever they are in the world. Of course the paying rates will vary according to the exchange rates and such. But the fact remains, they are making money ( profits ) off those subs. When a company loses subs, they make zero off those lost subs. :cool:


No idea why people still try to claim WOW is a failure etc As you have said they have more subs than any other MMO by a country mile and when I joined 4 months after launch the game was thriving and continued to grow. This game has been downhill since launch and most of us saw it coming as you could tell after a few days play it was just not going to be good enough.

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The problem with Star Wars: The Old Republic is that there are too few Skywalkers and too many walkers.


Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: EA ) is getting crushed today after reporting last night there were just 1.3 million active players by the end of March.


"Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing," CEO John Riccitiello said back in February.


EA has poured a lot of money into that game. When you lose 400,000 players -- and all of your momentum -- in two months, you don't get that back.


Tell that to Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI ) . The world's largest video game company saw its World of Warcraft gamers peak at 12 million nearly two years ago. After relentless quarterly declines, the ranks of orcs, dwarves, and elves stand at 10.2 million by the end of December. We'll get a new tally when the company reports its quarterly results tomorrow.


Optimists argue that the defections decelerated in Activision Blizzard's most recent quarter. Just 100,000 net gamers bolted during the holiday quarter. However, the trend is still pointing in the wrong direction.


When EA raced to 1.7 million Star Wars fans during last year's debut of Star Wars: The Old Republic, many figured the players were coming at the expense of World of Warcraft. Now that EA's contender is slipping, could some of those 400,000 net defections be racing back to Activision Blizzard?


Don't bet on it.


There's a word to describe what's happening here -- and I'm about to coin it: Zynganization.


Zynga (Nasdaq: ZNGA ) has taught gamers to be fickle. Just as FarmVille players swap their farmlands for urban living in CityVille, social games don't stay on top for too long. There may never be another seven-year run of greatness like World of Warcraft accomplished.


Software developers don't see it that way. They still believe they can plug in expansion packs to keep a title going, but gamers are no longer as committed. Even Zynga found this out the hard way when Mafia Wars players didn't jump on Mafia Wars 2.


So, yes, Zynganization.


Keep that word in mind when Activision Blizzard reports further shrinkage tomorrow. Have the word handy when EA shakes its head three months from now, befuddled at how Legacy and Allies couldn't stop its dearth mauling.


You were wrong, at least about Activision-Blizzard numbers.

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You know what I couldnt beleive? I couldnt get over how fast Bioware doled out -


Invite a friend free trials


Weekend trials


An almost randomly thrown out 30 "free" days


The just couldnt get how fast these things were given out, just seemed unheard of at that stage in any MMOs life let alone a successful one.

WoW had refer a friend trails from DAY 1. I still have my original box with the codes. They also did Free weekends in the first 4 months.


Then they gave over a month of free play time due to the constant server crashes.

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