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Subs down 25%


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and then no one will transfer,why would someone want to transfer there characters to a dead server


it just shows how little bioware knows about there games community


Actually, it just shows how little you appear to know.


Transfers will encourage people to move off of LIGHT servers that are struggling, and move to STANDARD servers, making them then HEAVY or higher. They may or may not offer paid transfer services to move to the really congested servers (I doubt it though). If they follow the Rift model, they will in fact give vacate notices to the worst of the LIGHT servers and then close them after the notice is expired.


I suppose they may allow you to transfer from a LIGHT to a LIGHT, but you'd have to be mentally challenged to do that. :p

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that my friend is the question many of us are making now, it was suppose to be a MMO, but i doubt a MMO have 50 players total on a server, IF you are lucky.

and correct me if im wrong but, even if you get ALL the classes of this game from 1 to 50, you will eventually become 50 with all, and then what? delete them and start again? Lol


MMO need a solid endgame, solid carrot people can keep following

this game lacks both, 24% drop on subs, being barely top 10 for EA, hell the sims are over SWTOR priority

So dont even try to defend anything, the truth is there, the game need a real change or will go F2P at best.


So what end game are you talking about? Everybody keeps saying end game, but the end game here is no different than any other MMO I have played - and will be no different than the end game in GW2. If the end game is so lacking here, let's the some ideas down on the virtual paper so BW can get an idea of what would keep us happy.



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yeah,i looked at them like a half hour ago


pretty much 90 percent of them if not more said light,a few said standard.and one said heavy


A bit less then half of the NA servers are STANDARD or higher right now. And West Coast servers are not even in prime time yet.

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This game has a features problem, not a content problem. The loss of casuals proves that. Hardcore players need continous content. Casuals need features.


If this game had a LFG it would be the most casual friendly game ever.

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When west coast are in prime time, EST isn't, so yeah, that doesn't really mean anything.


not really for example during this past weekened there where only 30 light servers during prime time.


Peoples play style slows down inbetween content patches. Look at WoW now I just logged on to the Ternas server once a full server it is now only normal.


Guess how many people where in all the horde cities combined? 54. That's it. WoW's servers are just like our servers but the idea is they give the illusion that they are vibrant servers full of players. Now that is also less noticiable with cross server battle grounds and group finder.

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This game has a features problem, not a content problem. The loss of casuals proves that. Hardcore players need continous content. Casuals need features.


I think that's a fair point.

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What are you, two?


They're not worried because they ARE not only making they're money back, but TOR is "very profitable". EA's words, not mine.


Stop logging in at 3 AM local play time. ;)


Don't feed the trolls. No need to acknowledge the children of the forums any longer, as it is not productive to the thread.


I think that's a fair point.


And don't forget to add in the community attitude problem as well.


As I said in one of my previous posts, how about making this thread a bit more useful by explaining what kind of end game is needed, and add in some of those features needed as well.


66 Light

54 Standard

1 Heavy

1 Very Heavy

Fatboi is full again!!

For a weeknight - nothing unexpected. As jarjarloves said, even WoW is no hopping during this time ... wait a minute!! Only 54 players in their hub - when they are supposed to have 10 million players!!! Blizzard lied to us all!!!!!!! WoW is the Titanic and Olympic combined - WoW is dying!!!!!!!!



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Weekends count?


why wouldn't they? They are when the most people play games. During the weekedays most people are too busy. Just look at x-fires stats for any game. You see a MAJOR dip in a game during the week and during non peak hours.

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why wouldn't they? They are when the most people play games. During the weekedays most people are too busy. Just look at x-fires stats for any game. You see a MAJOR dip in a game during the week and during non peak hours.


Oh, ok, thats a relief. That means the game is only 75% dead 2 days out of the week instead of 95% dead like the other 5 days. WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quick name a single EA MMO that is succesful. Compared to WOW, thats what i thought.


Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camalot. Both were really big and earned % profits similar to WoWs. They did NOT earn billions of dollars like WoW but they earned simliar % of profits due to their popularity, cost, and logevity.


Will SWTOR? Too early to say.

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Some info to those who are to lazy to search them self :p


Let me provide you with an update on Star Wars:


Through the end of the quarter, approximately 2.4 million units have sold through. In our last

call we indicated that we had 1.7 million active subscribers, and as of the end of April we now

have 1.3 million, with a substantial portion of the decrease due to casual and trial players

cycling out of the subscriber base, driving up the overall percentage of paying subscribers.

We have already launched a number of initiatives designed to grow subscriptions.





In case anyone missed it, they're including TRIAL PLAYERS as 'active subscriptions'.


What percentage of that 1.3m are accounts only 'active' through the free month of gametime cynically doled out by EA to coincide with the quarterly report?

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ESO is not going to play like an Elder Scrolls game.


It's going to be a GW2 clone, on the Hero Engine (same Engine as TOR that lags if you have more than 10 people on screen)


It's even going to retcon Elder Scrolls lore.

I'm currently not experiencing any problems with server lag when 20+ IN COMBAT players are fighting on my screen. Perhaps the problem is your computer. :jawa_tongue:

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Just keep in mind everyone that before TOR released, Eric Brown (CFO of EA) stated that even 500,000 subs is sustainable, with anything over 1 million very profitable.


Yes, taking a hit in subs this past quarter isn't great by any stretch of the imagination. But SWTOR is still very profitable for them, and as long as they maintain around the 1 million mark (which they are at 1.3mil right now) then there is nothing for concern.


IF by next quarter they dip below the 1mil mark, then there is a more obvious downward trend and cause for concern. Right now we have two reports since launch... First quarter reporting massive sales and subscriptions, and the second quarter with a lesser drop in numbers. There is NO trend right now until the third and fourth quarter reports. To speculate the game is dying is tinfoil hat territory, nothing more. Same goes for saying the game is a massive success. Right now it's maintaining profitability, and that is a good thing.

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