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PTS Has to be soon if 1.3 is going to happen in June


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I just thought of something. If their 1st quarter starts June and today is May 7th, then they need to get the PTS going very soon. Implementing LFG Across Servers aint no coding joke. I remember when Blizzard did it. If I remember, it was on the PTR for over a month and still launched with a ton of problems. At the time, all of that was over-looked because it was something completely new at the time and Blizzard was given a lot of slack. I don't think Bioware will be given the same courtesy, their own fault, by the player base. They also need to put Ranked WZ's on the PTS soon if that is going to be prior to 1.3 or included in 1.3. They are going to need extensive testing for those features. To really test it out with some sort of load they are also going to need pre-made 50's or Character Copy on the PTS. First quarter doesn't have to mean June, it could all the way into August, but I don't think Bioware has that kind of time with SWTOR. At this point I'm going to assume that we will be hearing about the PTS adding these items very soon.
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I just thought of something. If their 1st quarter starts June and today is May 7th, then they need to get the PTS going very soon. Implementing LFG Across Servers aint no coding joke. I remember when Blizzard did it. If I remember, it was on the PTR for over a month and still launched with a ton of problems. At the time, all of that was over-looked because it was something completely new at the time and Blizzard was given a lot of slack. I don't think Bioware will be given the same courtesy, their own fault, by the player base. They also need to put Ranked WZ's on the PTS soon if that is going to be prior to 1.3 or included in 1.3. They are going to need extensive testing for those features. To really test it out with some sort of load they are also going to need pre-made 50's or Character Copy on the PTS. First quarter doesn't have to mean June, it could all the way into August, but I don't think Bioware has that kind of time with SWTOR. At this point I'm going to assume that we will be hearing about the PTS adding these items very soon.


HA HA HA HA really? Is this your first mmo. This has been in place for a couple of years now. Let me guess you thought guild banks we brought by the easter bunny. Reference Rift lol with a budget of what 5 million. Had cross servers out in 3 months after release. ToR is just milking the cow. Heck did you see the turn out when they released SW 1 last year in 3D a whopping 7 million dollars in its first week or in this case weak. Bio knew this was going to be a dud. Ranked warzones seriously man I think more subs will leave when it is implemented

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Yea, I can't wait for it to hit the ptr, so that the whole 10 50s with raid gear can log in and give them detailed analysis of how well balanced the classes, and game play are only for them to tell the community its our fault that we did not test 1.2 enougn.
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Yea, I can't wait for it to hit the ptr, so that the whole 10 50s with raid gear can log in and give them detailed analysis of how well balanced the classes, and game play are only for them to tell the community its our fault that we did not test 1.2 enougn.


I still dont understand pts. It is just a gimick to slow down game play. Reference every mmo. All this crap is all ready tested its just a ruse. Do you really think they care what we think? Reference guild banks;.

Edited by ScrollTroll
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I still dont understand pts. It is just a gimick to slow down game play. Reference every mmo. All this crap is all ready tested its just a ruse. Do you really think they care what we think? Reference guild banks;.


if more ppl played test server the game would be better geared toward the players. but no one wants to be constantly rolled back etc

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if more ppl played test server the game would be better geared toward the players. but no one wants to be constantly rolled back etc


How would you know hell you didnt sign up until January this year pfft then again why would you want to sign up at all.

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1.2 was significantly postponed, 1.3 will end up postponed as well. PTS will have to see an expansion of their existing character copy systems, but this will require the same automated program they're currently designing for server transfers. Because server transfers are slated for june, I would imagine PTS will be opening in june as well with 1 character copy for accounts to the PTS so that end-game content, which is the primary focus of all of these patches, can be properly tested.


1.3 itself will most likely not be truly released until late july into early/mid august, and will involve rounding out the "campaign" tier of gear by introducing a second operation in the denova level. rated warzones may, or may not, be implemented with it.


PVP is on the decline in this game, it'll still be a useful distraction but is only viable as a primary play method of burst players (those who have 3-5 hour windows where they play and then are done for the week) if they roll on one of the very few full servers.

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I just thought of something. If their 1st quarter starts June and today is May 7th, then they need to get the PTS going very soon. Implementing LFG Across Servers aint no coding joke. I remember when Blizzard did it. If I remember, it was on the PTR for over a month and still launched with a ton of problems. At the time, all of that was over-looked because it was something completely new at the time and Blizzard was given a lot of slack. I don't think Bioware will be given the same courtesy, their own fault, by the player base. They also need to put Ranked WZ's on the PTS soon if that is going to be prior to 1.3 or included in 1.3. They are going to need extensive testing for those features. To really test it out with some sort of load they are also going to need pre-made 50's or Character Copy on the PTS. First quarter doesn't have to mean June, it could all the way into August, but I don't think Bioware has that kind of time with SWTOR. At this point I'm going to assume that we will be hearing about the PTS adding these items very soon.


I feel you're thinking the LFG tool will be more than it actually will be. We have no sources on what exactly it is, but I feel it will be a panel in the 'social/who' tab where you can make a post for various content(not specifically tied to a heroic or flashpoint).


I feel all this will do is basically let someone advertise on a page that they are looking for a group. People can then request to join, and the leader will accept/decline. I feel there wont be any teleporting done at all. I'm thinking it's going to be a very basic system.

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if more ppl played test server the game would be better geared toward the players. but no one wants to be constantly rolled back etc


I'd play on the PTS if it gave me a discount on the main game. I won't pay full price to beta test.... not how I use my leisure time;)

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