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Str Vs Power


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I don't think diminishing returns have changed since 1.2 and most of what I have read and seen states that reaching 75% surge and 30% crit are the points to hit before DR stats devaluing taking surge/crit over power.


Power has no diminishing returns whatsoever.


If you are already at 75% surge and 30% without any buffs whatsoever, it is best to invest in power and nothing else. Point per point spent after this benchmark you sill see a more consistent increase in DPS going with power as opposed to continuing with crit and surge (realize that pushing surge higher does increase your crit cap = higher numbers, but you are playing the game of chance with crit).


If we ever get a talent in our trees that increase our str by 9% or w/e it is that all other classes seem to get, then the gap between str and power returns would diminish (power would still be barely ahead, but nothing to seriously write home about imo).


Most Simulators, Formulators or spreed sheets i have used till now, agree that after ~ 3970 Strength both Stats will have equal EP Values of 1.


But it is nice to see that there are Marauder`s in Game with an IQ over 9000 like Hizoka that can feel EP Values by just playing the game with their shear amount of skill and can feel where DR hits Strength to hard, to prove their goto Stat POWER!!! :rolleyes:

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I don't see how some people are pulling 1700-1800 dps on that OPS dummy.

HERE is my Marauder and I can't break 1300 yet ( i usually go for about 3 minutes for a test)

I have a mix of augments (mostly PWR) on my helm, chest, legs, and implants,rakata stims and adrenals and I was buffed with a full compliment of class buffs.

Note: the stats on that page aren't accurate, my STR and other stats are higher than what this page shows.

How are some people getting 400-500 dps more?




With Warrior buff and Rakata Might Stim I have 1647 STR, 450 Bonus dmg, 29.42 Crit,and 69.86 Crit Multiplier,accuracy of 100.7

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Without seeing a log (to check the usage of skills), I'd definetely have to say that your mods just plain suck. You only have ONE good mod in your chest. This is one part which REALLY hurts your bonus damage. You should easily have 100 more with your gear.


From your link, you also have not a single datacron, you have 2/2 Decimate - these two in Narrowed Hatred, Ravager or Malice would push your DPS. Cloack of Annihilation is 2 lost points for PVE. You could e.g. use this points for Enraged Charge, to start your DPS rotation/prority list more easily.


I'd personally switch at least 2 points to Narrowed Hatred and use these freed Accuracy stats for Surge, swap out all mods which are not Deft Mods and swap some crit enhancements to power enhancements. Also, you might consider swapping your OH hilt wth the MH hilt. Additionally you should use the modable bracers+belt and of course use gear which allows augments.

Edited by Bloodymoon
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Without seeing a log (to check the usage of skills), I'd definetely have to say that your mods just plain suck. You only have ONE good mod in your chest. This is one part which REALLY hurts your bonus damage. You should easily have 100 more with your gear.


From your link, you also have not a singel datacron, you have 2/2 Decimate - these two in Narrowed Hatred, Ravager or Malice would push your DPS. Cloack of Annihilation is 2 lost points for PVE. You could e.g. use this points for Enraged Charge, to start your DPS rotation/prority list more easily.


I'd personally would switch at least 2 points to Narrowed Hatred and use these freed Accuracy stats for Surge, swap out all mods which are not Deft Mods and swap some crit enhancements to power enhancements. Also, you might consider swapping your OH hilt wth the MH hilt. Additionally you should use the modable bracers+belt and of course use gear which allows augments.


My mods are Rakata and Columi in all of my gear, Orange helm,chest, and legs, with Rakata or Columi stuff (best I could get for each slot) and augmented with PWR and Crit augs.

I have a ton of Datacrons, but I haven't updated that link yet, I have the +10 to all stats one as well.

I just got to Social 2 so now I can get the moddable belt, not sure where I can get moddable bracers.

I don't pvp at all, so I can't use BM gear :/


HERE is a log from yesterday, before I swapped out 3 str mods for 3 pwr mods.

One thing I noticed, is that in HM ops and FP's I seem to be hitting harder than what this log shows (ie Annihilate hitting for 4300 etc..) at times.


I'll look into swapping the skill points, and I will swap the hilts (i'm currently at work)

Thanks for the advice.

EDIT: I updated my gear list to show exactly what I have, with the exception of ear,wrist and belt~ those aren't moddable.

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My mods are Rakata and Columi in all of my gear, Orange helm,chest, and legs, with Rakata or Columi stuff (best I could get for each slot) and augmented with PWR and Crit augs.

I have a ton of Datacrons, but I haven't updated that link yet, I have the +10 to all stats one as well.

I just got to Social 2 so now I can get the moddable belt, not sure where I can get moddable bracers.

I don't pvp at all, so I can't use BM gear :/


HERE is a log from yesterday, before I swapped out 3 str mods for 3 pwr mods.

One thing I noticed, is that in HM ops and FP's I seem to be hitting harder than what this log shows (ie Annihilate hitting for 4300 etc..) at times.


I'll look into swapping the skill points, and I will swap the hilts (i'm currently at work)

Thanks for the advice.


The difference you can see in HM ops and Flashpoints compared to your solo Dummy Log is the "still not fixed" (Bioware stated that they want to fix it with 1.2 but nothing happened till now) stacking Armor Debuff up to 100%


Hint: You can buy an orange Belt and Bracer from the Legacy Vendor in Dromund Kaas for 100k Credits.

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Simple rules for Annihilation gearing:

1) Always choose item modifications with the lowest Endurance for a given item rating level (example: for 61 PvE gear, that's 49 in armorings/hilts, 32 in mods, and 27 in enhancements)

2) Split Accuracy Rating and Surge Rating equally (you have 10 slots of gear that make you choose an equal value of one or the other)

3) Get Critical Rating to around 150

4) Stack as much Power as you can get

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My mods are Rakata and Columi in all of my gear, Orange helm,chest, and legs, with Rakata or Columi stuff (best I could get for each slot) and augmented with PWR and Crit augs.

I have a ton of Datacrons, but I haven't updated that link yet, I have the +10 to all stats one as well.

I just got to Social 2 so now I can get the moddable belt, not sure where I can get moddable bracers.

I don't pvp at all, so I can't use BM gear :/


HERE is a log from yesterday, before I swapped out 3 str mods for 3 pwr mods.

One thing I noticed, is that in HM ops and FP's I seem to be hitting harder than what this log shows (ie Annihilate hitting for 4300 etc..) at times.


I'll look into swapping the skill points, and I will swap the hilts (i'm currently at work)

Thanks for the advice.

EDIT: I updated my gear list to show exactly what I have, with the exception of ear,wrist and belt~ those aren't moddable.


From the log only:


Forget Smash for single target. You should also end up with 17-18% for Annihilate and a bit more for Rupture and Bleeds - which should correct itself wenn Anni is used always. 217 seconds should equal at least 21 Annis, but you used it only 13 times.


You also got unlucky with Ravage. Should you miss rage for more Anni and Rupture, do use less Vicious Slash and more Assault. You should never have "bad luck" that no rage for Anni or Rupture occurs...

Edited by Bloodymoon
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awesome, thanks for the input!

I'll make some adjustments when I get home from work tonight


I would get augmented sabers as well and drop in overkill augments. Maybe swap the crit crystal for power also.

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you know this thread is made about 3 times a week. Instead of pretending you are the first one to ever have the thought why not actually LOOK for the information.


post like yours are made 3 times a min so instead of pretending your the first one to think of it why not just SHUT UP

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this is why so many marauders are bad. thats WAY too much strength. I do over 1700 DPS on boss fights and only have 1505 str.


Power is the best stat once you have 25% BASE crit. Its such a shame people are too damn lazy to actually think on their own and figure this stuff out, instead they wait for someone else to do it for them. Hell they are too lazy to even read the posts already on the same topic.


1505 STR doing 1700dps? I spell a liar.

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The difference between stacking Str - Pwr is that IF you focus on Str you can:


IF 1 str = .0052 Crit & .2 Bonus Damage.

Then 1800 Str = 9.36% Crit & 360 Bonus Dmg.

Then 2000 Str = 10.4% Crit & 400 Bonus Dmg.


IF 1 pwr = .23 Bonus Damage.

Then 1500 Str & 300 Pwr = 7.8% Crit & 369 Bonus Dmg.

Then 1500 Str & 500 Pwr = 7.8% Crit & 415 Bonus Dmg.


The point is, look at the Crit difference by stacking STR vs PWR. You can now reduce your Mod's +Crit Rating and stack more Str / Pwr, while maintaining the same Crit %. That's the Benefit of using a Primary Stat vs Secondary.




When I did s spreadsheet to see which is better the difference isn't that much. The gear stats I used was full war hero with no mods changed and a Matrix cube. With all +18 Strength augments and the 7 slots filled up I get an extra 26.46 Bonus Damage and 0.657 critical chance. With all +18 Power augments with 7 slots filled I get an extra 30.43 Bonus Damage.


This is all with the 4 class buffs and my +104 strength and +43 power stim. So the question is do you wan an extra 0.657 critical chance or an extra 3.97 Bonus Damageon top of what you get from the stats? For me I don't see that much of a difference between the two unless someone else has any info to add to this.


Forgot to add but I also have all the datacrons so the data might have a very small difference from others without all of the datacrons. All of the datacrons give a +40 stat bonus to Willpower, Strength, Cunning, Endurance, Presence, Aim.


These are all the buff stats I used:

Strength = 1579

Power = 234

Critical Rating = 383


Thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=421522&page=2

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