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Queue times are discouraging me from logging on


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This isn't an ultimatum rant to Bioware, just an observation on mine and few other SWTOR friends behavior. It's taking anywhere from 20-40 minutes for a WZ que to pop on our server Republic side and it's actually a pleasant surprise when the Republic starts with a full 8. A majority of the time we have 6 or 7. The Queue times and lack of full groups has led to me logging on less and less each week. It's not just me, the regular crew of folks that do PVP republic side on our server are also logging on less. An old WOW friend sent me a scroll of resurrection and I'm seriously thinking about it just for the DB3 game. MMO's are an escape for me. I play to unwind and have some fun. Warzones, even in their current state or still kinda fun, but waiting around for queues isn't fun at all. The whole Rated WZ thing left a bad taste, but even with that fiasco it would still be salvageable for me if they would allow cross server queing and 8 man groups that are persistent. Meaning we don't have to re-form each time. I'm not a game designer, but it seems like allowing 8 man queues shouldn't be that big of a deal especially since I'm assuming they have been working on that for awhile. Like I said when I get into a WZ with a full group of the regular crew WZ's are fun and a great stress reliever, but waiting on long queues and then not having enough people isn't fun.
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They're going to have to implement either cross-server pvp or server merging as there just aren't enough people that are pvping. We've got about 10 people on at a time on each faction. The problem with that is that one side is inevitably worse than the other and they stop queuing. You then have 10 people queuing against 4-5 and no one can get into a wz. BW needs to get their heads out of the clouds and start combining servers. It's getting ridiculous.
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