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Non tank meele should run faster.


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I understand their is slows later on in the game, But non tank meele's need to run faster than the range classes. No way to get out of thier range as they can run and gun, you see a few people cutting u off in a warfront turn around next thing they slowing rooting you...
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I think it's less "non-tank melee" that need some speed as it is Scoundrels and Operatives. They are the only melee classes that don't get a closer (and they're often over looked when people talk about melee classes, they truly are melee). Assassins and Shadows get a dash, Knights/Warriors get a charge (some specs get more than one), as do Vanguards/Powertechs. Leaving only the lowly Scoundrels/Operatives without a way to close the distance. And lacking in any ranged stuns, they are at an unfortunate disadvantage when fighting anything with range. Unless they get the drop on someone they can easily be mowed down before they can stroll their way into melee range of a ranged dps.


I'm assuming you're talking about these unfortunate souls? Because while I admit many classes could use some tweaking, these are the only two are are truly at a complete mechanical disadvantage as far as lacking gap closers. I wouldn't mind seeing them given a dash or "shadow step"-like ability, though I'll admit my bias as I play a smuggler myself ^.-

Edited by Shainra
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Both of the stealth melee classes (assassin/operative) have a base 15% extra move speed pretty low in their talent trees.


I believe the sentinel/marauder has this as well, but i'm not sure.


Also, every melee dps has a large speed boost ability gained either through talents or skills (sentinel/mara short term stealth increases move speed, operatives/scoundrels can talent their vanish ability to grant 50% move speed, assassins/shadows have force speed)


Hope this helps a bit to address your concern.

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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