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Nerf the heck out of this Purple Lightning Nonsense @!@


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People need to understand that SI is a class based off lighting. We don't have 1 button that pwns everything lol.


I mean I wish we did. It would be less keybinds but oh well.


Please go play a Sith Inquisitor then get it to level 10-14 so you can understand the fundamentals and see how stupid you really look.


You guys are mad because the cool class (Mage) got chosen so much. Yes I know in your mind you think that Jedis/Sith should be some cool unlock-able class but fact is its not. More people simply want to play a lighting ****** sith.


The abundance isn't because the class is overpowered. It's simply because its effin awesome being a Sith with range.



PS I play on the crucible pits and there is more BH/troopers in my warzones then anything.

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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage.


Are you...brain dead?


Project isnt the same as the lighting channel, project is the same as shock...


the sage and sorc are mirrored classes..





they have the same types of talents

same types of powers

same tree's

same buffs

same CC's

same everything..


So lets try this question again..


Why are people crying about sorcs but not sages..


Better question,

Why is there QQ period, there is no way anyone has gotten high enough level to complain about stuff yet.

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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.


lol........the classes are exactly mirrored, guy............

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Are you...brain dead?


Project isnt the same as the lighting channel, project is the same as shock...


the sage and sorc are mirrored classes..





they have the same types of talents

same types of powers

same tree's

same buffs

same CC's

same everything..


So lets try this question again..


Why are people crying about sorcs but not sages..


Better question,

Why is there QQ period, there is no way anyone has gotten high enough level to complain about stuff yet.


One of the only things they're not mirrored about, and was a subject of heated debate before the wipe, was the pet sacrifice abilities between them - that is, Sacrifice I think it was, and Unity. Actually, the Sage's Unity is completely unbalanced and overshadows the Sith's move. I think at some point they wanted to start making differences, but they need to get back on the ball.....keep them COMPLETELY mirrored.

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only because bh are easy mode in PVE, they are balanced fine for PVP and dont have the tricks of the INQ






A BH can not only out Dps a sorc ( try getting Heatseeker missiles )


A BH merc can heal, wears heavy armor, and has the same amount of CC as a sorc..


How does this class not have the same tricks of an inquisitor?

Edited by Sirolos
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This thread is annoying me:


-Yes, they are mirrored. No, that is not an excuse to keep it op, IF it is op.



-The stun is a single "lightning" skill. The channeled lightning is another. The sages have the same skills.



Keep your pesky lightning and flamethrowers. Ill just continue to snipe you from the background, racking up the kills :cool:

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lol at the nab that doesn't know the difference between the move Shock and Electrocute, (A Stun.)


to me its all wimpy zaps that are way to strong for a lvl 15 or so sithy kid

its not our class we dont care how you call your lazy moves

u nag dont know the difference between a comment and

being a nag

Edited by ODTONE
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A BH can not only out Dps a sorc ( try getting Heatseeker missiles )


A BH merc can heal, wears heavy armor, and has the same amount of CC as a sorc..


How does this class not have the same tricks of an inquisitor?


BH are 75% the time top dps in pvp ive done over 200 rounds probably,

if not its zap freax the other 15%,

gives about maybe 10% the time any non bh or zapers top dps?

youre totally right , that person never tried pvp ifnot he would know

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I play both, and there is indeed a difference between the 2 abilities, if you are arguing there is not - you're either stupid or you have an agenda.


Project has a 2 sec animation before it "goes off" while the Inq's Shock is instant.


The Sith animations just seem to play better.


I'll be sticking with my Sith.

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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.


lol! Dude the classes are mirrored exactly on both sides.

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The anti-inquisitor bandwagon needs to stop. Please try playing all the classes before you make such hasty judgements. The burst damage of SI's are nothing compared to other dps classes. Yes, they can heal, but the heals are pretty crap unless specced deep into the healing tree, but by doing so you are crippling your burst damage. (Not to mention that the targeting system for healing is a nightmare) Yes, they also do have some CC, but so do every other class. I also might add that every class has a CC breaking ability. The simple fact is that SI's need a damage boost if anything at all.


Please stop asking for changes that are completely unwarranted. Stop blaming everyone else for your poor play.

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I play both, and there is indeed a difference between the 2 abilities, if you are arguing there is not - you're either stupid or you have an agenda.


Project has a 2 sec animation before it "goes off" while the Inq's Shock is instant.


The Sith animations just seem to play better.


I'll be sticking with my Sith.


Yes there is a time delay but regardless it doesnt matter. Once you use it(even before it hits) it goes on cool down making the cooldown the same, also once you cast it, it WILL hit the target so its not like you are gaining ANYTHING in that little bit of animation time unless you are about to die and that second counts but at that point you should have casted a heal instead so kinda your fault. either way the delay doesn't mean much at all.


To the OP. First of all just because you notice purple lightning more than pebbles and rocks doesnt mean it should be nerfed. People are saying everything should be nerfed so wouldnt that mean we are all balanced since we are all OP? lol

Anyways, the stun is on a long cooldown and is often absorbed by the players break CC move. If you mean the move that has a chance to stun, JCs have the same thing with their big boulder. TBH as a SI I get focused a lot because my lightning is so noticeable so we get nerfed just by the attention our abilities bring to us. And the reason why you see the "purple lightning" so much is because thats ALL of our skills.


(excuse my lack of spell names, I just woke up and cant find the motivation to care XD)

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Yes there is a time delay but regardless it doesnt matter. Once you use it(even before it hits) it goes on cool down making the cooldown the same, also once you cast it, it WILL hit the target so its not like you are gaining ANYTHING in that little bit of animation time unless you are about to die and that second counts but at that point you should have casted a heal instead so kinda your fault. either way the delay doesn't mean much at all.


A subject of heated debate in the last BETA was that the rock in the air (project) could actually be intterupted or stopped due to ****** game mechanics - allowing to never go off. If I remember right, I don't think interrupts actually did it, but stunning the Sage while it's lifting stopped it in BETA atleast.

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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.


Sith inquisitors are literally a mirror image of Jedi consulars, except the abilities have different names and graphics.


The continuous lightning is called "Force Lightning" and it doesn't stun, it slows movement 50%. In order to use it continuously, Inquisitors need a talent called "Madness" in the "Madness" tree. Consulars have the exact same ability, except theirs looks like a bunch of little rocks hitting the target.


The "stun" ability is called "Electrocute," is instant cast, stuns for 4 seconds, and has a 1 minute cooldown, the same as the Jedi consular ability, which instead of an electrical shock animation, has a "woozy" animation.


There's literally no difference between SI and JCs except for graphics. NONE.

Edited by Vastalee
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Inquisitors are cool. There are many of them in BGs as a result of this. All a player sees before he gets zerged is the huge lightning animation. Player yells nerf.



Whats the difference between getting zerged by five sorcerers and one sorcerer and four snipers? Nothing. Actually, the last group would kill you faster as assassins do more damage than sorcerers.



Lightning stuns. Lightning deals damage. DIFFERENT LIGHTNING SKILLS. You dying quickly means there are more than one person hitting you, not that sorcerers are OP.

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