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Nerf the heck out of this Purple Lightning Nonsense @!@


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Lol @ the OP,


The Sith inquisitors is a mirror of the JC . Don't see any one crying over that.

The lighting is the only spells they have , ie Sith. The JC throws rocks . Same dmg just looks different.

Edited by Rallic
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Lol @ the OP,


The Sith inquisitors is a mirror of the JC . Don't see any one crying over that.

The lighting is the only spells they have , ie Sith. The JC throws rocks . Same dmg just looks different.


The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.

Edited by Gratus_Mortuus
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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.


Are you sure about that? Go to one of those websites with a skill calculator and look at the Madness tree for SI, then look at the Balance tree for JC.

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The Rock is called "Project" and barely does any damage. The lightning is continuous, does a ton of damage and stuns at the same time. It's grossly over powered. Those using it know it and those dying to it know it. Bioware appears to be oblvious; hence the post.


Electrocute is the only ability to my knowledge that a SI gets that will stun a player. The ability you are talking about is a channeled ability that does NOT stun, it slows a character only. As another has mentioned, SI and JC are mirrors, they have a channeled ability also, they also have a stun.

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Electrocute is the only ability to my knowledge that a SI gets that will stun a player. The ability you are talking about is a channeled ability that does NOT stun, it slows a character only. As another has mentioned, SI and JC are mirrors, they have a channeled ability also, they also have a stun.



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The sides are exact mirrors for those who have not tried out both characters yet. All the way up to 50, abilities and talents are the same.


The only difference are animations and in the case of Shock/Project, a time delay to allow for the animation.


For those that may be confused by the continuous lightning stream from inquisitors, don't blame the players there. It just seems like that. While sages get a boulder, followed by pebbles, followed by a force blast etc... sorcerers get a short lightning, followed by a long channeled lightning and then by a shorter lightning and then burst lightning. Overall, it seems the sorcerers are just chain casting lightning when there are many abilities in there.


Bottom line, no channeled lightning from a sorc stunned anyone. Slowed yes, but not stunned.

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The sides are exact mirrors for those who have not tried out both characters yet. All the way up to 50, abilities and talents are the same.


The only difference are animations and in the case of Shock/Project, a time delay to allow for the animation.


For those that may be confused by the continuous lightning stream from inquisitors, don't blame the players there. It just seems like that. While sages get a boulder, followed by pebbles, followed by a force blast etc... sorcerers get a short lightning, followed by a long channeled lightning and then by a shorter lightning and then burst lightning. Overall, it seems the sorcerers are just chain casting lightning when there are many abilities in there.


Bottom line, no channeled lightning from a sorc stunned anyone. Slowed yes, but not stunned.


INB4 someones personal experience says otherwise when the 3 toed sorc from Korriban flattened his 32 man huttball team.

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to sum it up. Sorcs and Sages are annoying as hell. Sins and Shadows arent less annoying either. Conclusion the class Inquisitor/Conselor as a whole is a pain in the arse for others, that is why 95% of warzones are polluted. with these classes. Edited by neocoma
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ive been seing way more bh's on my server than inquisitors, people realize that bh is more overpowered than inq. so they role bh. standard fotm characteristics.


only because bh are easy mode in PVE, they are balanced fine for PVP and dont have the tricks of the INQ

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All I know is that stupid purple lightning hits me, I'm stunned while it's happening and then dead. That's not pvp. it's amazing this got past beta.


It didn't get past beta unnoticed, us testers sent mountains of feedback about it.


Lol @ the OP,


The Sith inquisitors is a mirror of the JC . Don't see any one crying over that.

The lighting is the only spells they have , ie Sith. The JC throws rocks . Same dmg just looks different.


It's not that SI is OP and JC is not. It's the overabundance of SI vs the lack of people playing JC. When you go into a warzone, you could have 6/8 Imps playing SI and maybe 1 Republic playing JC.

Edited by ViperI
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