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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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FYI (since I saw this in a couple of posts) negative posts populated the forums before release with the occasional fan boy intrusions. Even so, people who like the game will continue to play it until they get bored, others will just quit, like I just did. Just canceled my sub as I don't consider this an MMO and worth paying a monthly fee for. It has been like this since launch and even before that, from what I've heard. I'm not going to put a long list of reasons why I'm leaving because they match everyone else'


Even if it were F2P I probably wouldn't play it. The game has no feeling to it, just vast emptiness and shallow & meaningless conversations with NPCs. Choices have 0 impact on your game play, on the contrary to what they've advertised (and are still).


In conclusion - I'd swap this game for KOTOR sequels any day. And gosh darn it the engine sucks.


Having a rather fun time myself; surprising since I am not so great in a WASD environment (eg; Datacron Hunts are a pass for the most part). The storylines are entertaining, as well as many of the Companions, and enjoy the personal spaceship for each character. Just re-subbed, too.



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I played GW2 for all of 6 hours before deciding I had made a huge mistake by paying for it.


Well...donot feel too bad. I paid for a 6 month sub for TOR and feel now like that was a huge mistake. Wish I had made a 1 month or 3 month sub mistake..lol.

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I don't like getting into this discussion but I know for a fact people that say:


"This guy was proven fake" ...Are liars.


No one ever "proved" he was lying nor did Bioware / EA ever say EA Louse had no inside information.


They just dodged questions about it.

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well that article is one of those lies, but anyway this game has potential to be good but it doesn't feel like star wars, it doesn't feel like a planet, it's too themeparked for it to feel like an actual planet. It takes longer then 30 minutes to take a speeder all the way across the planet. It's one of those planets smaller then earth in star wars I guess. The open world pvp in this game is just dead, all people do is warzones which I find not really fun, I prefer big open world pvp battles, 100v100 etc.
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You guys won't be happy until the game shuts down, until the fun for folks who love SW:TOR is ruined.


Some people have to turn everything into a contest, so that they can "win" -- in this case, hoping to be able to say "I told you so" if/when the game is shut down because it didn't have some feature(s) they wanted. Prophets of doom get twisted pleasure out of that sort of personalized vengeance.


Also, I really do not see a consensus in what the playerbase would have been happy with in the game at-launch. There are cries for various features to stay up-to-date with other MMOs, but people place differing importance on those features. The only common theme is "innovation", but no one seems to know what sort of specific innovation they want to see.


Luckily, I did not spend the last dozen or more years of my life grinding away at a game for years after I stopped enjoying playing it, as many people seem to have, so I'm not that burned out on the general type of experience that TOR offers. And I am pulled into the story with the VO/cutscenes enough that I don't even think about leveling, I just want to get to the next part of the story.


I hope the devs don't de-emphasize the continuation and growth of the class and planet storylines at the expense of "features" catering to people who are likely chronic game-hoppers and won't renew anyway.

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I played GW2 for all of 6 hours before deciding I had made a huge mistake by paying for it.
Like it or not, GW2 offers a lot more in every single aspect. I've said it before and I will say it again.


It is downright pathetic that a game in beta with parts of the content still locked for the public has a TON more features than another game with 200 million budget after 6 months of lying to customers and misrepresentation of information.


SWTOR did not even have guild banks at release and it took them 4 months before implementing essential MMO requirements. Taking into account the mentioned financial resources behind the project and its hype, this is just laughable and can not be excused by any means.

Edited by Metallistic
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Well...donot feel too bad. I paid for a 6 month sub for TOR and feel now like that was a huge mistake. Wish I had made a 1 month or 3 month sub mistake..lol.


Its post like this which make me laugh. When i regret buying a game, I either


a) trade it for a new game


b) give it to a friend to play and see if they can enjoy it.


You guys who hate the game yet post day in and day out must be missing something in the upstairs department, Its obvious you dont like this game reading your posts. Yet you are still here trolling everyday.

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You think I haven't? Due to the awesome 30 days that they gave all the 50s of my server (on top of the other 30 that they billed me for anyway before putting the extra 30 in), I am technically still paying for it. Its funny, they gave free 30 days to so many on our server yet, I would find more parents in an orphanage than players on our fleet.


Yay so you're going to post 5-10posts a day for the next two months on a game you don't care to play anymore? so when did you decide you didn't want to play? obviously not before the 12th as you were still subbed, so in roughly 18ish days you went from willing to sub, to complaining on the forums instead of just ... leaving?


Oh you people and your ways, you know if you just posted why you're quitting (dead server) and left it would do the same thing except the forums wouldn't be plugged up with the exact same thing posted hundreds of times a day, but nope everyone needs to be heard multiple times a day that they are not satisfied.

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Its post like this which make me laugh. When i regret buying a game, I either


a) trade it for a new game


b) give it to a friend to play and see if they can enjoy it.


You guys who hate the game yet post day in and day out , Its obvious you dont like this game reading your posts. Yet you are still here trolling everyday.


Might want to reword the part i took out, i got reported because of a late night post and some people took it the wrong way.

But yeah i don't understand whats the compulsion to keep posting, i saw it all the time on the wow forums, rift, aion... its all the same, "I'm quitting for x reason, but ill still keep posting every day until my sub is up!"

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Yay so you're going to post 5-10posts a day for the next two months on a game you don't care to play anymore? so when did you decide you didn't want to play? obviously not before the 12th as you were still subbed, so in roughly 18ish days you went from willing to sub, to complaining on the forums instead of just ... leaving?


Oh you people and your ways, you know if you just posted why you're quitting (dead server) and left it would do the same thing except the forums wouldn't be plugged up with the exact same thing posted hundreds of times a day, but nope everyone needs to be heard multiple times a day that they are not satisfied.


They paid for it, they have every right to. If it goes beyond the forums rules, it will get deleted/locked.

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Its post like this which make me laugh. When i regret buying a game, I either


a) trade it for a new game


b) give it to a friend to play and see if they can enjoy it.


You guys who hate the game yet post day in and day out must be missing something in the upstairs department, Its obvious you dont like this game reading your posts. Yet you are still here trolling everyday.



a) Can't do that on a sub based MMO

b) Fairly sure that's against the Terms and Conditions



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Might want to reword the part i took out, i got reported because of a late night post and some people took it the wrong way.

But yeah i don't understand whats the compulsion to keep posting, i saw it all the time on the wow forums, rift, aion... its all the same, "I'm quitting for x reason, but ill still keep posting every day until my sub is up!"


I'm like the Phantom of the Opera. I've been wronged by BW so I'm going to haunt these forums until my subscription runs out even if I haven't logged into the game in 3 weeks. Hopefully I can dissuade anyone thinking about playing this game from making a huge mistake.

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you will be amazed what an expansion and some mega marketing will do for the game.


You're implying that an expansion won't yield as poorly as the 300 misspent millions.


Marketing? Really?

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as in High retention of their pvp community..


Ahh yes, that's why, in the first year of GW1's life they bleed PvPers because of the UAS fiasco. And PvPers continued to bleed out because of the continued issues with skill balance in the game. Ask any PvPer in GW now and they will say that it is in a sorry state of affairs.


Like it or not, GW2 offers a lot more in every single aspect. I've said it before and I will say it again.


It is downright pathetic that a game in beta with parts of the content still locked for the public has a TON more features than another game with 200 million budget after 6 months of lying to customers and misrepresentation of information.


SWTOR did not even have guild banks at release and it took them 4 months before implementing essential MMO requirements. Taking into account the mentioned financial resources behind the project and its hype, this is just laughable and can not be excused by any means.


Essential to you perhaps, but not essential to everyone. The only feature I really wished they had out of the gate was the customizable UI - and we have that now. So what do you really think is essential? Because I am willing to bet that there will be an equal number of people who don't find those things essential as those that do.



Edited by BJWyler
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Oh you people and your ways, you know if you just posted why you're quitting (dead server) and left it would do the same thing except the forums wouldn't be plugged up with the exact same thing posted hundreds of times a day, but nope everyone needs to be heard multiple times a day that they are not satisfied.



People have every right to post.


Personally I'd rather they were encouraged to reroll on a more populated server - people leaving helps no one, and will hurt you in the long run.

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Yay so you're going to post 5-10posts a day for the next two months on a game you don't care to play anymore? so when did you decide you didn't want to play? obviously not before the 12th as you were still subbed, so in roughly 18ish days you went from willing to sub, to complaining on the forums instead of just ... leaving?


Oh you people and your ways, you know if you just posted why you're quitting (dead server) and left it would do the same thing except the forums wouldn't be plugged up with the exact same thing posted hundreds of times a day, but nope everyone needs to be heard multiple times a day that they are not satisfied.


So why did you post?

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Realize the way the game industry uses layered distribution opens the door for that exact kind of data manipulation in order to cover there real goal...


Maybe it is to gain access to the items locked away in the vault.

May the force be with you.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Niaymh

I played GW2 for all of 6 hours before deciding I had made a huge mistake by paying for it.

GW2 at least innovated on the MMO genre instead of releasing a game that was the exact same as every MMO to date since Everquest was released and adding story on it, which by the way, the story is nowhere near as good as Bioware games usually are.


GW2 is an amazing game, people just need to realize not every type of game will please everyone.


I played GW1 and the devs have always been very involved with the community, and they actually play the game WITH the players sometimes and they actually care and listen. Unlike SWTOR devs who release a video saying they care, but then never release the content they say they will.



Like it or not, GW2 offers a lot more in every single aspect. I've said it before and I will say it again.


It is downright pathetic that a game in beta with parts of the content still locked for the public has a TON more features than another game with 200 million budget after 6 months of lying to customers and misrepresentation of information.


SWTOR did not even have guild banks at release and it took them 4 months before implementing essential MMO requirements. Taking into account the mentioned financial resources behind the project and its hype, this is just laughable and can not be excused by any means.


I have no idea where this huge budget for SWTOR went, unless it all went into marketing? Because this is just a complete joke if they spent 300 million on the game.


Even for 1.2, they promised rated warzones, a FULL functional legacy system and we've gotten NEITHER.


They scrapped Rated warzones literally 2-3 days before the patch launched. They released the legacy system without even bringing in everything that isn't a roleplayer would care about like exp bonus etc


They do this every patch; "Get ready for patch 4.7! full control space flight, multi-player space fights and new space flight raids!"


3 days before launch of patch: We've decided to hold off on the space flight additions, those will come in a future patch to be released in a not yet determined date. Here is 30 days free game time and a pet, have fun!


My sub runs out soon, I definitely won't be coming back to this game, not because it's bad but the way the devs handle it is just unacceptable. This game had so much potential, i've given it almost 6 months and it has only gotten worse. Not worth the time or effort.

Edited by KhealThar
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Yeah, I love how these people swear up and down that the game is dead...yet they're still here, we're still here, and the game is still here. So that's their definition of dead, huh?
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I'm like the Phantom of the Opera. I've been wronged by BW so I'm going to haunt these forums until my subscription runs out even if I haven't logged into the game in 3 weeks. Hopefully I can dissuade anyone thinking about playing this game from making a huge mistake.


Already covered; do not group and play solo. Thus, there is little chance of ever encountering folks like the Phantom and spoiling my game.... :cool:

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this entire thread is how GW2 is the messiah for all of GAMING and the MMO space.


why is this thread allowed to stay open? good lord there are some hardcore GW2 zealots in here.


i've heard these "PEOPLE" yes i went there.. These PEOPLE because they totally lack any restrictions. i've heard of some fans making death threats to youtube people who say anything bad about GW2 in a public space. DEATH THREATS.


regardless they herald gw2 so high that anything less than absolute perfection will cause GW2 to fail. and fail it shall. all i hear good about gw2 is the fact they have nice set pieces. SO WHAT after the 100th time seeing the same npc circle jerk with his friends it will get boring after awhile. there's no depth to gw2 outside of its sparkly fluff. nuff said.

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LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs are one of the unique, interesting features of this game that offers immersion.


So sick and tired of people bashing this game. Does it have problems?


Yes. So do ALL other MMOs. Never seen one yet where people where not griping on the forums over one thing or another.


But I still enjoy getting out there with an alt and seeing the planets from a new perspective with each class storyline.


If you are a hard core pvper, yeah, this may not be the game for you. But then hard core pvpers seem to blow through the games designed for them in a few months anyways.


You must have 7 characters to level 50 then and listened to EVERY bit of that amazing voice acting over and over and over again.


Your ADD finally payed off

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You must have 7 characters to level 50 then and listened to EVERY bit of that amazing voice acting over and over and over again.


Your ADD finally payed off


Some of us actually do that, because we actually like hearing the voices, and enjoy playing a story-centric MMO.


Really why is that hard to understand?

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Hyperbole has become the most bastardized cliche word mmo forums have ever seen.


People just like the poster I've quoted use the word "hyperbole" to push their own hyperbole.


Your biggest problem here is lack of follow-through. That was my SECOND post.


The first post was as follows:


Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.


When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.


I'm going to add just one more bit in here. The HEART of this game, is Star Wars, through and through. THAT is what is "nailed" in this conversation. BioWare "nailed" Star Wars down. I understand that people liked SWG. We get it. Never played it myself, never really had the urge, but I get it.


But Star Wars was NOT about setting up your life as an interior designer. It was NOT about standing out in the plains mining resources and creating pets for sale. It was about swashbuckling your way through the galaxy in a life-or-death struggle against the enemy and their dastardly plans. It was about escaping planets, rescuing Princesses from the clutches of evil warlords, gathering with like-minded rebels and fighting together to destroy your enemy.


Or, contrarily, it was about banding together with your fellow Imperial officers in a quest to crush this insignificant rebellion which had the audacity to refuse your obviously superior plans for ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. It was about succeeding in your goals and performing better than your competitors to insure your progression through the Imperial ranks and prevent yourself from being force-choked against a bulkhead due to incompetence.


BioWare got it done. And I highly doubt that this was some last-ditch effort that came together in the last two years. They started with the right goals. They started by determining the core of the movies, the core of what the game should be, and made it happen.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.


Which I think you'll agree is a LOT more than simple hyperbole. To this list of things that I typed, the person I was responding to above replied simply: "Your post is crap."


THAT is when I posted that all they had was some sad hyperbole. Not a single point was refuted in any way, or even addressed. I don't find that a convincing form of debate or argument. Your mileage may vary.

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If you really believe SWTOR offers anything near immersive qualities then sadly I believe your MMO profile must be very very limited. :rolleyes:


WHO CARES if someone's MMO profile/experiences is limited. A person enjoys the game and that is all that matters. Its funny how the SWTOR bashers like to.....bash people to claim to enjoy the game. It is as if they cannot fathom that not everyone sees SWTOR the same way they do.


I enjoy SWTOR, I like the stories and I believe they are immersive. So you want to bash my MMO profile as well?


I like the game and thats all that matters, who cares what you think.

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