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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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Are you playing the same game as me?


I was thinking the same thing haha. Snipers, Sorcs, and dps operatives are very very good. I have a lethality operative alt, and put out twice the amount of damage I can on my PT. Heck the only people getting close to 800k damage done are sorcs and lethality guys.


What he should have said is there are hardly any good dps operatives and snipers the bad ones are so ineffective they rerolled Marauders :p.


The biggest difference is you don't see the sniper or operative facerolling you. You do see the PT, and since they aren't the FOTM, than people go whoa. I just got steamrolled by a well played PT ***! I am a Marauder I should be able to own them!

Edited by TheOpf
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The reason powertech is so good in pvp is NOT because it has high dps/high burst. It is pretty comparable to other classes. The reason it does well is twofold.


1. Damage can always be put out, at any range. Effective range 10m but still, damage is always being done. Dots once applied are doing damage even when you are incapacitated or dead. This is core to the class. Unchangeable.


2. Spiky damage. This is different to burst damage. Dots tick away, and a the delay on TD lets you hit spikes of damage, once every 15 seconds. This could be changed, but shouldn't need to be. TD could be an instant, but honestly if you see a sticky grenade on you and don't pop cooldowns it's your own fault. It is a clear giveaway that rail shots are coming up.


The argument that only two Pyros destroy everything is stupid. I put it to you that any two identical classes working with each other and targeting the same targets will have just as much effect. The only reason you notice two pyros on you at the same time is because they are quite rare, and when I see another one of my class I want to play with them.


I did 818k damage on a full round of voidstar yesterday. I ended up in a premade with two healers and a tank. Didn't die once and put that damage out the whole game. With a good team and a good knowledge at what you are good at this is achievable, easily. Some classes in this game are better at different things. Pyro powertech can put out constant pressure in pvp, but 1v1 actually struggles against good healers etc. It is balanced really well in terms of all the advanced classes. You have to think what your class and your role actually is for your team. NOT omg I can't kill this one class. You probably aren't meant to be able to. Team up.

Edited by ACMessiah
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Two geared powertechs can burn down any class in seconds on my server, even tanks.


2 geared any dps can burn down any class in seconds, even tanks. Have you ever seen a geared carnage marauder and a geared anni marauder working on a guy in unison? Damnest sight I've ever saw. The poor focused man can't move, can't run, armors are being ignored, and crit to oblivion.


I've seen geared sniper combo with gear tankassin doubleteam as well. Even worst. There is nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.

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The reason powertech is so good in pvp is NOT because it has high dps/high burst. It is pretty comparable to other classes. The reason it does well is twofold.


1. Damage can always be put out, at any range. Effective range 10m but still, damage is always being done. Dots once applied are doing damage even when you are incapacitated or dead. This is core to the class. Unchangeable.


2. Spiky damage. This is different to burst damage. Dots tick away, and a the delay on TD lets you hit spikes of damage, once every 15 seconds. This could be changed, but shouldn't need to be. TD could be an instant, but honestly if you see a sticky grenade on you and don't pop cooldowns it's your own fault. It is a clear giveaway that rail shots are coming up.


The argument that only two Pyros destroy everything is stupid. I put it to you that any two identical classes working with each other and targeting the same targets will have just as much effect. The only reason you notice two pyros on you at the same time is because they are quite rare, and when I see another one of my class I want to play with them.


I did 818k damage on a full round of voidstar yesterday. I ended up in a premade with two healers and a tank. Didn't die once and put that damage out the whole game. With a good team and a good knowledge at what you are good at this is achievable, easily. Some classes in this game are better at different things. Pyro powertech can put out constant pressure in pvp, but 1v1 actually struggles against good healers etc. It is balanced really well in terms of all the advanced classes. You have to think what your class and your role actually is for your team. NOT omg I can't kill this one class. You probably aren't meant to be able to. Team up.


And you dont see 818k damage as a problem? This is vastly above the damage potential of most classes. Biowares metrics are obviously consistently showing Pyro PTs top of the tree even with large amounts of deaths - they are on my server and I envisage with all the QQ here on other servers too. And no i dont believe Pyros a heavy armor putative tank class were designed to have the Highest Burst and end damage in PVP. I do think Bioware is aiming for some parity in all dps classes. Yes they need burst dps in terms of their lack of survivability cooldowns. They don't need to however burst down classes in 4 GCDs.


I understand bias for your own class but the inability to see the bigger picture on this forum is horrendous. Ive played level 50 Marauder Powertech and Sorcerer (main). There is clearly a balance issue. And I dont think 8 man organised protective peeling PVP will compensate. Marauders have too many defensive options whilst powertechs ranged attacks mean kiting them as ranged is infinitely tougher and good ones can kite melee too. A hybrid ranged/melee class should not have so many hard hitting options. Out of the three PT Pyros are easily the lowest skill cap at the moment and poor FOTM players are excelling. FOTM marauders generally all suck.


So try and justify all you want but no class should be able to have so much single target burst and aoe spread damage to make up 818k in a warzone post 1.2. You may argue Rage juggers and Sorcerers may get close (ive not seen it - most ive got post 1.2 is around 600k) but thats generally poor positioning for the first and poor cleansing dots /focusing for the second. The reason they shouldnt? Well thats why dps Sorcerers instant Chain Lightening was nerfed.....If they destroyed the heavy aoe dps and medium single target burst of a light armor squishy class with some utility options what makes you think they would not do a toning down for you?


In this I hope at least Bioware are consistent.

Edited by Gannon
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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.


Proved his/her own stupidity with "tank specced in dps gearw which is basically someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



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Killing people in 3-4 GCDs is balanced, right?


No class can do this. What you see are:


*focus fire on a single target

*fully buffed players rolling cd's on a moderately to poorly geared player


Disagree. Taunts should be like guard, requiring the tank stance to be active to use. Problem solved.


TBH, taunt is THE best utility a PT/Vanguard has. Take that away (good pt's play pyro, not ST) and you get rid of half of their already pitiful utility aresenal.

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And you dont see 818k damage as a problem? This is vastly above the damage potential of most classes.


I don't see this as a problem no. This was a very rare game under very rare circumstances. I had two pocket healers and a tank guarding me. It was a full game of voidstar, against very badly geared opponents. I didn't die once, and I was spreading dots around and deliberately targeting weak players. My dps for the game was 890. 890 dps is low considering on static targets such as the pvp test dummy you can easily achieve 1400+ on most dps classes.


I put it to you that any other dps class in my position in that game would have put out comparable damage per second. It was a team effort, against a very poor team.


The very next match against a good premade I struggled to hit 300k. The other team saw what we were doing, harrassed the healers and put me down repeatedly.

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And you dont see 818k damage as a problem? This is vastly above the damage potential of most classes. Biowares metrics are obviously consistently showing Pyro PTs top of the tree even with large amounts of deaths - they are on my server and I envisage with all the QQ here on other servers too. And no i dont believe Pyros a heavy armor putative tank class were designed to have the Highest Burst and end damage in PVP. I do think Bioware is aiming for some parity in all dps classes. Yes they need burst dps in terms of their lack of survivability cooldowns. They don't need to however burst down classes in 4 GCDs.


Pyros are not bursting down anybody who has even the faintest clue what they are doing in 4 GCD's.


I understand that you see Powertech's heavy armor and tanking tree and think that it is a sturdy AC, and the truth is that the Shield Tech tree is pretty sturdy. That doesn't translate to Pyro at all.


The rest of your post smacks of "I got nerfed, so I want BW to nerf you too!", which is just childish at best.


The class has burst DPS and no survival. I think it's balanced and hope Bioware sticks to their guns. There's plenty that could use re-balancing, but I think that Pyro is fine where it is.

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It is easy to see that the OP just got his whig split by a powertech or vanguard and now he's upset. I have an Ironfist vanguard. While I do good damage for a tank class, I wouldn't consider it overpowered at all. The fights I have against equally geared/skilled Juggy/Guardians are close fights to say the least. While admitting this, you must say that half the classes in the game needs to be nerfed. I find the burst damage issue to be one of the most amusing. I don't burst down anyone. I get a lot of kills and put out good damage, but it isn't burst damage. Anyone who says powertechs and vanguards need to be nerfed are idiots and they have no clue how to play their class. I promise that a good vanguard can be taken out by almost any class with the right player behind it. Just because you suck doesn't mean that other classes are better than yours. Take responsibility for your own lack of skill and suck up the fact that you probably should stick to PVE. My vanguard is in 1/2 BM and 1/2 warhero gear. i also have a 50 sniper that I play as well.
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My lord, PT's are unbearable! There are many bursty dps classes in the game. Let's see:

-Infiltration shadows: very heavy burst, cooldown approximately 1:30 min. Yellow damage, hard to mitigate.

-Sharpshooter gunslingers, the burst is also heavy, cooldown approx 1 min. White damage, gets heavily mitigated by tanks and some defensives.

-Scrapper scoundrels also heavy burst, totally depends on stealth and being behind a taret. Very low sustained dps.

- Powertechs/Vanguards Assault spec-very heavy burst, 15 sec cooldown, 90% armor pen on one hit, yellow damage on the other. no downsides, infinite snare on everything, pull.

So, noble vanguards and PT's tell me now, HOW IS IT NOT OP?! How can you possibly claim that everything is fine with your class, when it's grossly, gamebreakingly overpowered?! Yes, you are killable, but no more than any other dps class. The class performs good in any hands. 2-3 powertechs in 1 wz basically grant their team an automatic win. Then again, every day i see a new PT on my pretty small server. Every day someone rerolls PT. Maybe it's because they're so well balanced?

WZ pvp is not functioning how it should because of PT's and Shadow tanks. But shadow's opness is at least more subtle.

Powertechs need to be put in line.

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I believe the more important issue is that operatives still have stuns.


This means that, theoretically, a team of said operatives would be capable of stunlocking a player and eventually result in an unsub for that reason alone.


The only rational thing left to do is nerf concealment operatives yet again. Then buff PT and rage jugg damage to make up for the game's overall loss in killing power.

Edited by Campaigner
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Yea we used to see 1 to 3 PT in a PVP match and now it is 5 to 7.


This indicates just how OP and easy to play that class is and thus needs to be adjusted so this does not happen.


Yeah... I see 5 to 7 PTs, right along side the 5 to 7 Maras, and again the 5 to 7 Sins... those damn 21 man teams of PTs, Maras, and Sins!!! OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Solution is clear, nerf Operatives

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My lord, PT's are unbearable! There are many bursty dps classes in the game. Let's see:

-Infiltration shadows: very heavy burst, cooldown approximately 1:30 min. Yellow damage, hard to mitigate.

-Sharpshooter gunslingers, the burst is also heavy, cooldown approx 1 min. White damage, gets heavily mitigated by tanks and some defensives.

-Scrapper scoundrels also heavy burst, totally depends on stealth and being behind a taret. Very low sustained dps.

- Powertechs/Vanguards Assault spec-very heavy burst, 15 sec cooldown, 90% armor pen on one hit, yellow damage on the other. no downsides, infinite snare on everything, pull.

So, noble vanguards and PT's tell me now, HOW IS IT NOT OP?! How can you possibly claim that everything is fine with your class, when it's grossly, gamebreakingly overpowered?! Yes, you are killable, but no more than any other dps class. The class performs good in any hands. 2-3 powertechs in 1 wz basically grant their team an automatic win. Then again, every day i see a new PT on my pretty small server. Every day someone rerolls PT. Maybe it's because they're so well balanced?

WZ pvp is not functioning how it should because of PT's and Shadow tanks. But shadow's opness is at least more subtle.

Powertechs need to be put in line.


Vanguards are very killable, especialy the assault specced ones that your complaining about. However there is another DPS class that I wont mentions that has insane defensive cools downs and good burst. Vanguard doesnt enjoy these great defensive CDs, and has only burst with some minor utiltiy in the assault tree.


I play a Vanguard as my main, but also have a Sage, Scoundrel, and will be rolling a Sentinel at some point. The game rewards alts, so people roll them. You cant say that because you see a PT being rolled "OMG PTs are OP and need to be brought in line cause someone rolled one!" People like to shake it up and play a different flavor every now and then. Have you even thought that the same people rolling PTs probably have Sorc, Marauders, Snipers ect, and once one gets nerfed they'll rotate to another? Or do you just not care so long and your own class is enjoying top dog status.


PTs are fine, they DPS and thats it. Its not outrageous and they die pretty quickly. No problem.

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PTs are fine, they DPS and thats it. Its not outrageous and they die pretty quickly. No problem.


I don't think any class should be nerfed (except operatives cuz they haz teams) but saying all PTs have is DPS is kinda BS.


Utility pull and taunts alone make them more than just "DPS and thats it."

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I play sniper and don't really have an issue killing them. Sure it can take a little longer, and when 1 on 1 it can be a really close match resulting in my own death sometimes, but it isn't impossible. With a combination of knockbacks, stuns, and burst DPS it's game over. Edited by ishootlasers
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I believe the more important issue is that operatives still have stuns.


This means that, theoretically, a team of said operatives would be capable of stunlocking a player and eventually result in an unsub for that reason alone.


The only rational thing left to do is nerf concealment operatives yet again. Then buff PT and rage jugg damage to make up for the game's overall loss in killing power.


I want to see a staged video series consisting of a team of operatives that go around attacking people, and the target alt f4s every time they attack so they just vanish and look like they unsubbed instantly =P

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The problem is, that vanguard's burst is not contained. You get insane dps on the tips of your fingers. You don't have to be stealthed/wait for cooldowns/get behind a target/stay on target for a while/stack procs. Nothing. You have to press 4 buttons and voila- someone just exploded. Wait 15 seconds. 1 more down. Every burst should be limited by something. That's where vanguards are out of place. Their burst is very frequent and has no restrictions.
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I want to see a staged video series consisting of a team of operatives that go around attacking people, and the target alt f4s every time they attack so they just vanish and look like they unsubbed instantly =P


that would be hilarious

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Haha, yeah I can't wait for 8 man queues to see some funny matchups.


I want an 8 trooper vs 8 stealther video. Troopers fan out and see......nothing!


8 Stealth scans go off, couple of shadowy forms turn up and then BAM! It all kicks off!


It'll be like the next Predator sequel.

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