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I suggest, nerf Lord Vivicar.


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You're annoyed that you can't beat him at level 29?


The answer isn't nerfing him, it's keeping all his stats EXCEPT his 100% chance to avoid your attacks (if you're 29) and reducing that. Viv's dps and health are not the issue, it's his avoidance. I think your title is misleading, you're not asking he be "nerfed" (such an ugly word) but that he be killable for a level 29.


I can't change the title of the thread. I'm asking for an either or solution. Drop his level or change the recommended level and color code to reflect that he is 34. The other class equivalent quests at this level, have a lower level boss. For some reason, this one is higher level. I think they made a mistake. But I definitely prefer to do orange quests and fight bosses 3 levels above me. I hate listening to all that trash talk and having some pushover to fight. I had not expected the boss to be such a high level and he really shouldn't be. If it weren't for the missing on interrupts, he'd actually be doable at 29, even though he's 34.

Edited by Kourage
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