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I suggest, nerf Lord Vivicar.


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how do you spell irony?

a guy named Kourage, with a signature about not crying?


well played sir, well played.


On The Harbinger week before last there was a guy named "Tuffin-up" who left a Voidstar mach because Imps breached the door fairly fast. We (Republic) ended up winning.

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Don't do him on that level, well that's a given. he is a story boss, so he is supposed to be hard to beat. You can also play Flash points, or PVP War Zones to advance more levels, remember though, any XP you get the higher you are, will be reduced, than what you would get if your 'at level'.
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Well... there are much harder fights. I didn't have issues with Vvicar, but I can understand how it could be difficult. Most "boss" fights are by definition. So help yourself with some of the advice given here on level etc. etc. but know that Vivicar is not the exception, he is closer to the rule. Besides, the level of a mob doesn't really represent the full measure of difficulty. Not all level 34 elites are alike. Vivicar is near the middle of the scale.


Trust me, I capped a several alts and I can tell you first hand, there are fights much more difficult than this one. Doable, but much harder than anything I have experienced as a Shadow thus far.

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I had to google who lord vivicar even is. I'm currently Lvl 44. I have been infiltration and never had any problems with anything. I don't care for the stories so I space bar through all the dialogues and honestly couldnt tell you any of the bosses thus far.


I have no idea what abilities vivicar has but I generally stop any cast from any mob. At 30 infil gets a new mezz that is great for casters. ALWAYS use tharan.


Want another great tip? If I foresee a fight coming after a dialogue I stealth AS SOON AS the conversation is over. Mind Maze the boss and kill the ads.

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Lord Vivicar is one of the hardest fights in the game. That does not mean that he needs to be nerfed. He is one of those fights that when you DO figure out how to beat him, it will become easy to repeat. Not to mention that once you get a handle on Lord Vivicar, you can pretty much handle anything else in the game.


I respectfully disagree. The consulars story has been EXTREMELY easy compared to a sentinel's before Doc is an available companion.

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Keep in mind OP, that you keep comparing your completion of the Alderaan planet story line as an example of a quest completable when you're 3 levels under, but that is a bad example because that quest has to be balanced for any class to complete solo. That means he can't have anything you HAVE to interrupt because Commandos don't have an interrupt. It means he can't have so many adds that he has to be CCd because not all classes get a CC that works on him.



Lord Vivicar can only be attempted by Consulars or people in a group with consulars and that means they knew everyone would have an interrupt. They put him at 34 because if the suggested level is 32 he's high enough to be a challenge without being unbeatable (like if you were say....29), and as mentioned he's an end of chapter boss fight. All these things mean that the devs have the freedom and almost the duty, to make him tougher since they have a bigger control on whose facing the boss (i.e. only people with interrupts, and at the least a healing or tanking companion), and know it's the culmination of chapter 1.

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I am just leveling another shadow on a new server, and was curious if it is actually possible to take out vivicar at level 29, so got to him no problems but try as I might I could not move his health bar and most interrupts failed to work. So I went around the ship killing every moving thing and hit level 30. Went back into him, no change in armor, bar the one point on the tree, and found him easy, didn't need to use heroic moment or anything. Got him first go. Now I need to go and do some leveling up lol.
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What I did for this fight and leading up to the fight is you want to complete all the missions and bonus missions on the planets nar shadaa, tattooine and aldeaan (sorry for spelling) these will help tremendous with your xp and lvling

if you dont like too much questing then i would try the space missions and or more pvp to help you lvl up

But facing your final mission and boss for your Chapter 1 story line at 5-6 lvls beneath the boss is in my opinion is just plain crazy !


My plan for lvling when i was still leveling was to mix questing, space xp, and pvp which help me to stay about the planetary lvl cap and make it where you dont need a group to finish most quests story or planetary

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If you are having trouble with Vivicar, wait til you reach Stark...man, eff Stark.


Seriously. I had to get backup to take him down. Vivicar you can beat with good gear, an understanding of how he works and, if need be, an extra level or two.

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how do you spell irony?

a guy named Kourage, with a signature about not crying?


well played sir, well played.



I take on quests while they are orange to me, and still a challenge. This quest was orange, and 3 levels above me. It should be doable, but it isn't. It's mislabeled. At 29, the quest should be red and marked as a level 34 quest.


I know most of the kids posting smack in this thread can only do a quest they've out-leveled, because they lack skill.



I just completed the Darth Zash fight on my Assassin at level 30 solo the other night. She's level 32 by the way, as should Vivicar be. I believe Kellian Jarro for the Bounty Hunter is also 32. But hey, leave him at 34, but at least warn a player by reflecting it in the quest level or color difficulty level. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kourage
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I take on quests while they are orange to me, and still a challenge. This quest was orange, and 3 levels above me. It should be doable, but it isn't. It's mislabeled. At 29, the quest should be red and marked as a level 34 quest.


I know most of the kids posting smack in this thread can only do a quest they've out-leveled, because they lack skill.



I just completed the Darth Zash fight on my Assassin at level 30 solo the other night. She's level 32 by the way, as should Vivicar be. I believe Kellian Jarro for the Bounty Hunter is also 32. But hey, leave him at 34, but at least warn a player by reflecting it in the quest level or color difficulty level. :rolleyes:


Lol. I still only see groundless crying. Level up, beat him.

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It's a Level 32 quest and is entirely doable at 32. My Shadow alt met Vivicar yesterday and I deliberately avoided reading any of the tactics in advance. First attempt I missed an interrupt and died. Second attempt I took him down comfortably, as Infiltration with Qyzen. Interrupt, Stun, DPS like crazy... Compared to, say, the orginal (un-nerfed) Lightspring this fight is joke-easy.
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I respectfully disagree. The consulars story has been EXTREMELY easy compared to a sentinel's before Doc is an available companion.

Yep, with a tank spec I took down Vivicar fairly easily at lvl 33 with Theran as a companion. Had far more trouble with Angral with my Sentinel.

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Well, I don't know about doing this at lvl 29, but I completed it at 31 with one try and no deaths. I think the quest level being 32 and the boss being 34 is fine as it is.


This fight is not that hard as long as you interrupt his casting. This is the only place he does any real damage. His melee damage is not that great.


If you are using Theran (which you should for boss fights), make sure you let Holiday cc him while you let your force regen.

Edited by Culhaven
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I take on quests while they are orange to me, and still a challenge. This quest was orange, and 3 levels above me. It should be doable, but it isn't. It's mislabeled. At 29, the quest should be red and marked as a level 34 quest.


I know most of the kids posting smack in this thread can only do a quest they've out-leveled, because they lack skill.



I just completed the Darth Zash fight on my Assassin at level 30 solo the other night. She's level 32 by the way, as should Vivicar be. I believe Kellian Jarro for the Bounty Hunter is also 32. But hey, leave him at 34, but at least warn a player by reflecting it in the quest level or color difficulty level. :rolleyes:


You're just too stubborn, aren't you? You can't admit that you're simply completely wrong now you've dug yourself into this hole.


You're either too low levelled, or you're doing it wrong. Vivicar is not an OP boss. Look around you - where is the mass outcry from Consulars everywhere dying before Vivicar's wrath? It's just you. He is not overpowered, the game does not mislabel the mission difficulty, and you need to go level or adapt your strategy in fighting him.

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Let's just get this clearly spelt out for you so you don't make any more 'tarded responses:


1. The game is not broken, Lord Vivicar is not imbalanced, nobody else has found that there's anything wrong with his difficulty.


2. Level 32 quest implies that you should really be at least level 32 to be able to complete it. Not level 29. Not level 30. Not level 12. Not level 31, though you might be able to pull it off a level down.


3. Level 32 quest does not mean that the enemies are level 32. As per the previous post this level rating is an indicator of difficulty for you, i.e. you ought to be at least level 32 to defeat them. If you were level 32, you'd be able to deal with Vivicar without much sweat, because he's designed to be optimally challenged by a level 32 player.


4. Everyone's right, and I sympathised and explained in my first reply but you're too proud to admit this entire thread was a mistake: it's easy and very tempting as a Shadow to stealth past enemies, miss quests, ignore bonus quests and not do flashpoints, group content and space missions. I was finishing Alderaan at around level 29 because of this back in beta (or was it early release? can't remember) and couldn't even beat the boss there as a Shadow, because I had spent my time sneaking past wherever possible instead of fighting, therefore missing bonus objectives and generally ignoring group content and space missions - you miss LOADS of experience which can be more painful to get at a later date. This is your problem: you are too low level to face Lord Vivicar, end of story.




Just saw this response as well.. NO IT SHOULDN'T. IF 29 WAS MEANT TO BE OK IT'D BE LISTED AS A LEVEL 29 QUEST.





32-29 = 3 - you notice the level difference there? How 29 and 32 aren't the same level and content intended to require level 32 does in no way mean it's 'ok for a level 29'.


1. You can find multiple thread's with people complaining about his difficulty (I fought him during early access so my opinion on his difficulty doesn't even exist anymore).

2. Skilled players can do quests multiple levels above them, as long as the target mob isn't high enough to resist everything (29 against a 34, for example.)

3. Most quests have the mobs the same level as the quest recommended level. Therefor, this one should as well.

4. Can't argue with that, lol. /agree


And about your whole 32 /=/ 29. For a player who knows what he/she is actually doing, they can usually beat out any quest that out levels them by a few levels.

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You're just too stubborn, aren't you? You can't admit that you're simply completely wrong now you've dug yourself into this hole.


You're either too low levelled, or you're doing it wrong. Vivicar is not an OP boss. Look around you - where is the mass outcry from Consulars everywhere dying before Vivicar's wrath? It's just you. He is not overpowered, the game does not mislabel the mission difficulty, and you need to go level or adapt your strategy in fighting him.


LOL No, I'm right. There is no hole, you simply can not understand very simple concepts here that I already spelled out. Vivicar is quite easy once you've leveled to within 3 levels of him. The problem is, Vivicar is 2 levels higher than the quest, this is not in line with other quests or other Act 1 bosses! He is 4 levels higher than the trash and mini bosses on his ship. If you're level 29, you see an orange level 32 quests, which you believe is quite doable. After you waste all that time traveling there and clearing to him, you find out it's impossible.


The level indicator and color difficulty is wrong. Either change that, or change his level. The other bosses for the end of act 1 story quests are level 32. He should not be 34. :rolleyes:


If you can't understand this, well then there is no explaining anything to you.

Edited by Kourage
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I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about a class quest? not a raid, not a real raid, but we're talking about a class quest? Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about a class quest man. How silly is that?
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  • 4 months later...

I kind of agree with the OP that the mission log is misleading in that it goes against player experience up to this point.


The mission is marked as orange and level 32 for a level 29. Player experience up to this point is that red = undoable at your current level, orange = doable but hard, yellow = you're in level range, green = you're over leveled but will still receive XP.


I'm level 29 as well and worked my way through the ship without any problems at all. I would have expected a level-check or gear check earlier on, I was very surprised to see him so out of range compared to all the other mobs I faced leading up to this encounter.


At level 29, a level 34 boss encounter should be marked as red.

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To all the people saying "your clearly underlevel for this" Why is the quest orange ? orange quests are doable, or at least have been so far. All OP is asking is that the quest is either marked as lv 34 or the boss has his level lowered to 32. You could even lower the level without altering his stats.


OP is not asking for a nerf, he´s asking for the questmarker to be in line with what he´s experienced so far with other quests.

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You're annoyed that you can't beat him at level 29?


The answer isn't nerfing him, it's keeping all his stats EXCEPT his 100% chance to avoid your attacks (if you're 29) and reducing that. Viv's dps and health are not the issue, it's his avoidance. I think your title is misleading, you're not asking he be "nerfed" (such an ugly word) but that he be killable for a level 29.

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