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Staggered Launch = awesome?


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Apparently one of the perks of being a VIP invitee to SWTOR means that you are already 45+ and you can form a 16 person Op group and sit around Tattoinne and kill all the lowbies that are leveling, essentially making the entire zone unplayable for anyone.


Now I know you could say: "don't roll on a pvp server" but that is a completely assinine comment. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the dumbest idea ever (see staggered launch). As it is, I was forced to sit in a que because I pre-ordered 1 week after the VIPs and now my game is unplayable in direct correlation to a horrible planned and thought out idea (again, staggered launch).


I'm sorry, but this launch is quickly becoming one of the worst launches in MMO history - Way to knock MMO progress down a notch Bioware!


Staggered Release didn't help with server stability (The servers are just as stable now as they were on day 1 - So it didn't matter if it was staggered or not)


Staggered Release didn't help with "spreading the population" cause all servers are pretty much full anyway.


Staggered Release didn't help with Que's as we can all see


Staggered Release didn't "give them more time" to release "more servers" because they obviously haven't done that.



I just hope all other MMO companies watch this launch, laugh at bioware, and learn to never do this in their games.

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I dunno, can you really claim that staggered launch didn't help with any of those things even though the launch was staggered? Who knows what it would have been like with all 1MM people logging in at once.


As far as I can tell, we had a staggered launch, and aside from massive queues, it was a complete success. No lag, super stable.

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Oh, the tears must be so deep they are flooding your parent's basement. :rolleyes:


For me, this has been an absolutely flawless launch, I am barely in queues, and have had 100% server stability. And it certainly seems to the vast majority of servers are very stable, and sure a handful have some deep queues, that is bound to happen.


Bravo BW, keep up the good work!

Edited by Turando
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Apparently one of the perks of being a VIP invitee to SWTOR means that you are already 45+ and you can form a 16 person Op group and sit around Tattoinne and kill all the lowbies that are leveling, essentially making the entire zone unplayable for anyone.


Now I know you could say: "don't roll on a pvp server" but that is a completely assinine comment. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the dumbest idea ever (see staggered launch). As it is, I was forced to sit in a que because I pre-ordered 1 week after the VIPs and now my game is unplayable in direct correlation to a horrible planned and thought out idea (again, staggered launch).


I'm sorry, but this launch is quickly becoming one of the worst launches in MMO history - Way to knock MMO progress down a notch Bioware!


Staggered Release didn't help with server stability (The servers are just as stable now as they were on day 1 - So it didn't matter if it was staggered or not)


Staggered Release didn't help with "spreading the population" cause all servers are pretty much full anyway.


Staggered Release didn't help with Que's as we can all see


Staggered Release didn't "give them more time" to release "more servers" because they obviously haven't done that.



I just hope all other MMO companies watch this launch, laugh at bioware, and learn to never do this in their games.


All of your points can be addressed with one of two counterpoints:


1) The ingame experience is excellent for nearly everyone on every server.


2) You have no idea what things would be like if they let everybody in all at once. So don't pretend like you do.

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It worked up until about the 3rd day of invites. By then a lot of people had already invested about 24-30 hours of game time [level 25ish].


Day 1 and Day 2 literally had no queue's. Day 3 - suddenly there was a 500+ queue, while last night it was at 800+].

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Apparently one of the perks of being a VIP invitee to SWTOR means that you are already 45+ and you can form a 16 person Op group and sit around Tattoinne and kill all the lowbies that are leveling, essentially making the entire zone unplayable for anyone.


Now I know you could say: "don't roll on a pvp server" but that is a completely assinine comment. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the dumbest idea ever (see staggered launch). As it is, I was forced to sit in a que because I pre-ordered 1 week after the VIPs and now my game is unplayable in direct correlation to a horrible planned and thought out idea (again, staggered launch).


I'm sorry, but this launch is quickly becoming one of the worst launches in MMO history - Way to knock MMO progress down a notch Bioware!


Staggered Release didn't help with server stability (The servers are just as stable now as they were on day 1 - So it didn't matter if it was staggered or not)


Staggered Release didn't help with "spreading the population" cause all servers are pretty much full anyway.


Staggered Release didn't help with Que's as we can all see


Staggered Release didn't "give them more time" to release "more servers" because they obviously haven't done that.



I just hope all other MMO companies watch this launch, laugh at bioware, and learn to never do this in their games.


Cry some more. You rolled on a pvp server.

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Staggered Release didn't help with "spreading the population" cause all servers are pretty much full anyway.


Staggered Release didn't help with Que's as we can all see


Staggered Release didn't "give them more time" to release "more servers" because they obviously haven't done that.



I just hope all other MMO companies watch this launch, laugh at bioware, and learn to never do this in their games.


They're doing exactly what they said they would do. They told use there would be full serves and queues because everyone wants to play 24/7 now. If they opned up to many servers ala Warhammer they'd have to shut them all down in a couple months cause a lot of people would be crying about how their server has no one on it.

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