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What's Killing SWTOR?


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Option 1) Re-roll on a more populated server and enjoy the game with more people while waiting for transfers


Option 2) Come to the forums and complain that you have nothing to do because you play on a dead server and have to read other posters telling you to choose option 1


1 is not an option. Replace it with unsub because we're not replaying the same content because BioWare screwed up.

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Option 1) Re-roll on a more populated server and enjoy the game with more people while waiting for transfers


Option 2) Come to the forums and complain that you have nothing to do because you play on a dead server and have to read other posters telling you to choose option 1


Well I rerolled .....TWICE! Each time to what at the time was a heavy pop server. The last reroll was to the Harbinger server. Guess what....still cannot get a group for flashpoints. There are over 100 people in the fleet when Im writing this. I tried the LFG tool that Bioware provides, and I was one of three that had the feature turned on. I tried spamming LFG to find other players.....nothing. I REFUSE TO REROLL AGAIN!


Is a dungeon finder actually going to work at this point? Its pretty obvious that nobody wants to do flashpoints. Its pretty sad actually, because its my favorite part of the game. I had such high hopes for this game. Ive been a forum member since 08, and followed the entire development cycle. I beta tested like a lot of you did. I just cant at this point find myself caring about TOR. I keep forcing myself to log in and play but I end up thinking "whats the point"?

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Lack of people to play with is the major killer here.

Even if you do re-roll on another populated server, noone wants to group because they've already completed the quests and storylines.

And they are not worth repeating.


The other major issue facing the game is 2004 era MMO gameplay in a 2012 AAA title.

If we wanted to play other MMOs, we would still be playing other MMOs.

Until shareholders and investors stop paying for a re-skinned WoW, the genre is not going to expand, and new games will die quick painful deaths like WAR and SWTOR.


SWTOR bled off 400K subs before the free 30 days and 1.2.

This is almost a mirror image of what happened to EAs last big MMO. It is mind-bottling that they didn't learn anything from their past mistake.

Time to stop relying on 'metrics' and painting by numbers, EA.

Edited by theskurGe
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1 is not an option. Replace it with unsub because we're not replaying the same content because BioWare screwed up.


Understood, Some of us value our already invested time. And some of us were ASSIGNED to our servers. My Republic toons are on ice, but I've rerolled on a better server Imperial side. It's still hit and miss with groups, even with 3 times the population. I myself will stick around at least until all 8 class questlines are done. It will take a while and hopefully something will change my mind between now and then since I want the game to succeed and do enjoy playing it when I'm not wasting time trying to find a group.

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Put simply, patch 1.2.
I personally thought 1.2 was pretty good, though the PvP non-update was a bit of a letdown. The new UI rocks and I'm just getting familiar with Legacy unlocks. They are expensive but since I don't play like I'm entitled to a winning lottery ticket so I can have everything this very minute, it's not an issue. There were changes to classes, but I can't think of an MMO that doesn't do this in major patches, so nothing critical there. At least we don't have to continually update or reload a zillion addons when stuff changes. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Stupid, fickle players with unrealistic expectations who think the rest of us care what they think about the game we enjoy.


Oh, did you mean the game itself? I thought you were talking about the SW:TOR forums.


The game is just fine, save for the overabundance of stupid, fickle players with unrealistic expectations who, for some totally inexplicable reason, think the rest of us care why they want the game to fail.


Game cost us all fifty bucks plus sub fees. Nobody WANTS it to fail.


Fact is, if developers put up a big assed billboard that said




The very act of doing so would save subscriptions because no, people do not want the game to fail. There is a very good reason initial sales where some of the very best ever seen for an MMO---people want their Star Wars MMO and they want it to rock.


Oddly, folks aren't that fickle, etiher. The reasons given for dissatisfaction are consistent and relatively without variation. What this means is that fixing these things would probably render a stellar product that would have a long subscription retention period.


None of this gets posted because anyone gives a hiney whether or not you care, by the way. All of it goes up in some blind hope that somebody that DOES care will read it and actually take action(it rarely works, but gets done on every MMO forum). The only other recourse we have is cancelling our subscriptions, and that venue is being taken with zeal as well.

Edited by Notannos
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What about bugged operations? Let's say you got a 50 and you were ready to do operations to find out that the content is blocked by bugs? Is this important? (A lot of guildees have dropped out of game because of this, and some still hang around for at least the pvp content).

Ya im pretty much quit a month ago. SOA restting broken plat forms and a let alone the tank and spank in 6 and hald minutes or you loose. There is no other challenge other than a dps race

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I tried to stick it out but I cancelled my sub a fortnight ago.

Massive Bioware fan, Massive Star Wars fan, love the game, but with lack of people to play with and lack of motivation to start again on a busy server, it is time for me to spend my free time elsewhere. Guild Wars 2 will be out before merges anyway... probably

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Poor social gaming mechanics.. in my opinion.. I really don't see the game designed well for promoting social grouping.. It's pretty much a solo game all the way.... Most people now aren't even doing flashpoints from 1-50 because they rather just keep on grinding quest then to do a LFG flashpoint.. Bad Bad design .. This is what happens when you design linear follow the numbers quest system.. You get 99% solo play..
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SWtoR has alot of problems


But IMO having NO MEANINGFUL Endgame PvP/RvR is killing the game faster than anything...pvpers hit 50 and have a whopping 4 meaningless warzones to play in...thats not endgame pvp, thats capture the flag for 10 minutes


If you would like to know what I mean by meaningful endgame PvP/RvR...go read the Dark Age of Camelot Wiki-x

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SWtoR has alot of problems


But IMO having NO MEANINGFUL Endgame PvP/RvR is killing the game faster than anything...pvpers hit 50 and have a whopping 4 meaningless warzones to play in...thats not endgame pvp, thats capture the flag for 10 minutes


If you would like to know what I mean by meaningful endgame PvP/RvR...go read the Dark Age of Camelot Wiki-x


That too.. DAoC rocked for what limited time I played it.. I heard AC was fun to play as well.. I'm excited to see what GW2 does with their WvWvW pvp.. I hear they are like 1 week or 2 week long battles of 3 sides fighting each other where you have to build up YOUR base (earning points) while destroying the others (earning points) and killing each other in the process.. MOST points win....... Last PvP I did what was any fun was Alterac Valley in WoW.. I loved those 45 minute long battles.. Even Wintergrasp was fun and had a purpose..

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Well...I was 100% addicted to Swtor. Played up to 50, ran some instances, got fully geared in BM. And THEN...I got bored. Running dailies, and repeating the same crap over every day. The game stopped being fun. I tried playing alts, but the world seemed different. It seemed dead. I decided maybe I played too much, and that I should take a break (something I have NEVER done in an MMO before).

So I decided to try a game called TERA. And then I realized why I wasn't playing Swtor anymore. It's just not a fun MMO. It feels dated, and isn't interesting. TERA, for me pretty much revealed all of Swtors downfalls as an MMO. I have canceled my sub to Swtor as of 10 minutes ago, and donated all of my money to my guild. I will not be coming back any time soon. TERA will most be likely be my new MMO for many years to come. I wish it could it would be Swtor because I am a HUGE Star Wars fan (I mean HUGE). Unfortunately...the game (as an MMO) is a complete let down, is out dated, has a HORRIBLE engine, and copied WOW in almost every way. The story was great, and the VO's were awesome...but everything else in this game is stale. And it isn't taking people too long to figure that out. After the initial playthrough, and when the "new" Star Wars setting becomes familiar, what are we left with? We are left playing World of Warcraft in Space, with an engine that can not sustain real open world PvP.


Seriously...check out TERA if you love MMO's. It will show you what a next generation MMO can be. It's not Star Wars...but it is a much, MUCH, better MMO (not game...MMO)

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Well...I was 100% addicted to Swtor. Played up to 50, ran some instances, got fully geared in BM. And THEN...I got bored. Running dailies, and repeating the same crap over every day. The game stopped being fun. I tried playing alts, but the world seemed different. It seemed dead. I decided maybe I played too much, and that I should take a break (something I have NEVER done in an MMO before).

So I decided to try a game called TERA. And then I realized why I wasn't playing Swtor anymore. It's just not a fun MMO. It feels dated, and isn't interesting. TERA, for me pretty much revealed all of Swtors downfalls as an MMO. I have canceled my sub to Swtor as of 10 minutes ago, and donated all of my money to my guild. I will not be coming back any time soon. TERA will most be likely be my new MMO for many years to come. I wish it could it would be Swtor because I am a HUGE Star Wars fan (I mean HUGE). Unfortunately...the game (as an MMO) is a complete let down, is out dated, has a HORRIBLE engine, and copied WOW in almost every way. The story was great, and the VO's were awesome...but everything else in this game is stale. And it isn't taking people too long to figure that out. After the initial playthrough, and when the "new" Star Wars setting becomes familiar, what are we left with? We are left playing World of Warcraft in Space, with an engine that can not sustain real open world PvP.


Seriously...check out TERA if you love MMO's. It will show you what a next generation MMO can be. It's not Star Wars...but it is a much, MUCH, better MMO (not game...MMO)


Lmao...and peeps want to speed things up with LFG stuff....so they get bored faster..

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I tried to stick it out but I cancelled my sub a fortnight ago.

Massive Bioware fan, Massive Star Wars fan, love the game, but with lack of people to play with and lack of motivation to start again on a busy server, it is time for me to spend my free time elsewhere. Guild Wars 2 will be out before merges anyway... probably


Don't expect GW2 till late summer early autumn...and as a beta tester I can tell you; it has just as big a hate machine as SWTOR does...that is the in thing to do now, not actually play games just rage against them on forums

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Don't expect GW2 till late summer early autumn...and as a beta tester I can tell you; it has just as big a hate machine as SWTOR does...that is the in thing to do now, not actually play games just rage against them on forums


Where is all this hate? People keep saying GW2 is getting bad reviews, but "as a beta tester", I can tell you I've yet to see the hate...

Edited by Dezzi
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Where is all this hate? People keep saying GW2 is getting bad reviews, but "as a beta tester", I can tell you I've yet to see the hate...


Not sure.. I've seen both, but the negative reviews never really say in detail WHY they dislike the game.. I think the idea of a dynamic zone is fabulous.. I love the idea of soft or hard grouping on open world events.. Many of the things I dislike with this WoW design will NOT be in GW2, we'll I'll keep an open mind till I play it..

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A. Released too soon. Legacy(complete) shoulda came with release, rated pvp should have been with release, functional end game crafting system(this augment system is not remotely creative or enjoyable).

B. The various sage/sorcerer "bugs" should not have been at release. Since they were they should have brought everyone up to their level, not nerf the most popular class in the game.

C. Nerfs in general for a game this new were just a bad management decision. There were ways to fix it without nerfs, and that is definately the route they should have taken.

D. Split specs, multiple specs should have came with the game.

E. Summon group, summon raid should have came with the game.

F. More spec options should have came with the game period. The game lacks considerably when compared to recent games like RIFT in this regard and even most older games as well.

G. Their "matrix" for determining classes being equal in dps are broke. Fix them.

I point to the following things that prove this is broken.

A. Jedi / Sith Knights got a buff.

B. Shadows/assassins got left completely alone.

C. The least played class in the game(scondrels/operatives) got chain nerfs...for no apparent reason.

D. The best classes in game to create..bar none....are force related...you can SURVIVE as one of the non force user classes but you bring nothing unique to the table that force users cant do equally well or better, easier.

Hate to burst peoples bubble...while this is star wars force users were rare, not the bulk of the population. Bioware catered completely to this without bringing in the balancing forces that non force users used to deal with them. Cartosis, pets that nullify force use, poisons that prevented force use....etc...

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Dead Servers

No ranked Wz's

Gear is a 100% grind fest

Raids are clustered with bugs every patch

Every patch brings more bugs than fixes

They're more worried about fixing small stuff than fixing the big issues

TTK lol

Death of classes

Winning warzones has no real reason to win them, when you can lose and profit more than being a tryhard and getting a win.

People using space bot to lvl

No chat bubbles

No dual spec

You do dailies, then what? Pvp?

No server mergers, 1.3 mill "active" subs and only 40 people in the fleet at peak times?

Tab targeting doesn't work anything like it should

Focus frame doesn't allow modifiers alt, shift, or ctrl to be used with the initial hotkey

Focus frame is terribly implemented in this game

No world pvp

Annoying world events that will require you to kill yourself or buy from a vendor to ensure no death

Graphic Engine is horrible, can't sustain more than 15+ vs 15+ with dropping frames to 5-10 even with m 5000$ PC

Sound is STILL bugged after 3 going onto 4 weeks being broken.

Devs lying about games

1.2 lied about ranked wz's

Ability delay, STILL. Where the action is more important than the actual ability being performed.

Star wars, the old knockbacks. Knockbacks.

Resolve bar not being effected by roots. Not snares, but ROOTS, no one should ever be rooted over 10+ seconds with no resolve from any of the roots being applied to them.

All classes are one trick ponies. Build this ONE spell up, and then use that spell. Rinse Repeat.

PVE is a broken record, full of bugs items dropping of a class that's not even in the raid make up.

No real world exploration, this game is basically single player with multiplayer assets.

Space baring through content over and over and over.

Buffing the strongest classes, and destroying other classes in one patch.

Legacy system is based on "how much credits can we charge for Role playing stuff"

Armoring mods and being able to xfer the set bonus to other pieces of gear, only works with PVP gear and the NEW tier gear.

Edited by ironmb
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Lmao...and peeps want to speed things up with LFG stuff....so they get bored faster..


I would honeslty love to do some hard modes, and it would probably keep me subbed for a while. The only problem is there is never anybody to do them with.


I have yet to see either of the post-launch flashpoints. I don't want to run Taral V for the 10000th time because it's the fastest way to get your daily done. I want to do the hard flashpoints.


But he's 100% right. TERA is a much better MMO as far as gameplay and community goes, with some actual purpose behind the PVP.

Edited by Gungan
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1- The game was released too soon


SWTOR lacked basic features that MMO players take for granted and many of these STILL haven't been rectified.


No 'target of target'

No customisable UI

No combat log

No LFG channel

Terrible TAB Targeting implementation

Terrible market implementation

Terrible chat system

PVE content riddled with bugs (the first three bosses in D7 alone would routinely bug out, etc)

PVP content riddled with bugs (teams could enter WZs with an extra member, spawn-camping in Ilum etc.)


2- The endgame content was RIDICULOUSLY easy:


'Hardmode' flashpoints (especially Black Talon) got facerolled by horribly-geared PUGs from the outset, making normal lvl48+ flashpoints and their associated quest completely redundant.


A few months after release, normal operations were getting facerolled by PUGs with no vent. Fabricator was the only real sticking point because of the fight mechanics, while Soa was only difficult because of the number of times the encounter would bug out.


Dedicated raid guilds had already blown through the 'hardmode' operations within a few weeks and there was nothing left for them to do. Within a couple of months, these 'hardmodes' were getting farmed by trade chat PUGs.


3- The PVP system was very poorly implemented


The lack of blue 'starter' gear at lvl50 meant that the developers continually gimped the requirements for Champion and eventually Battlemaster gear, cheapening these sets and making the Valour system completely irrelevant in the process.


The entire system was then discarded and completely overhauled for 1.2, to be balanced around the new Rated WZs...which aren't even in the game yet!



4- No cross-server transfers, too many servers


Players would grind their character to 50 only to find it stranded on a dead server, without the population to sustain PVE or PVP content. The lack of transfers meant they were (and still are) unable to do anything other than start a whole new character from scratch on another server.


4- The developers have no imagination


Ilum was great fun on servers with a high population (Swiftsure still holds 'Ilum Tuesdays') and an effective means of getting PVP comms. On low population servers however, Ilum was often a ghost town.


Rather than address the issue with the simple expedient of adding more caches to Ilum (which would give low population players a feasible means of acquiring comms and give them a reason to be there in the first place), the developers simply threw their hands up and admitted defeat, removing the only large-scale 'open' PVP in the game.


5- The SHEER ARROGANCE of the developers


Bioware/EA continually shoot themselves in the foot by making outlandish claims that give the distinct impression they think the subscribers are idiots.


- FotM Sorc's were apparently the most represented class in the game pre-1.2 because "players identify with iconic Star Wars characters like Emperor Palpatine" , while the least-played class was Scoundrel ie: HAN SOLO


- Georg Zoeller's bizarre outburst about "Teams of Operatives stun-locking people and causing them to quit the game" has become something of a running joke, especially as Operatives have repeatedly been nerfed into the ground and are the single least-played Imperial class.


- Daniel Erickson's outrageous whopper of "subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have" was so transperantly obvious to anyone actually playing the game that it came as no surprise when subscriptions were revealed to have dropped by 400k





I stand by my prediction that SWTOR won't have a million subscribers by the end of the year.

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