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Another week with no answers


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Look the point is its BS they cant implement such trivial things like ranked WZ's. Dont allowr for 8 man queing. It should not take 6+ months to do that. There is no reason why any programming should be difficult to the point that they have sit with their mouth stapled shut. That is unless they have no clue how to implement this stuff. Quite frankly based on the removal of content and mum stance on basic things I would have to go with the latter.


You dont like threads like this then the exit button is that way. For the rest of us this place is the only place we can vent our displeasure with a sub par product.


Apply for a job then. Would love to see you pounding out expansion after expansion every week.

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isnt it crazy how a game can come out and be free to play and be owning the game you are paying 15 bucks a month to play lol....... Bw just lost alot of street cred putting out this game for pvp they should of just kept it to the pve side of things. My server went from 100+ in imp fleet to 20 after the gw2 beta! This game is done from the pvp side of things. They will never get most of those subs back even if they kick butt.


they never ever ever said this was a pvp focused game.

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Isnt it crazy how a game can come out and be free to play and be owning the game you are paying 15 bucks a month to play lol....... BW just lost alot of street cred putting out this game for pvp they should of just kept it to the pve side of things. My server went from 100+ in imp fleet to 20 after the GW2 beta! This game is done from the pvp side of things. They will never get most of those subs back even if they kick butt.


This is what has happened in ToR.


-They pick the wrong engine for the game. Which can support pvp for 8vs8 players.

-Promise us "the most epic world pvp ever seen". With an engine that works with 8vs8 players.

-Fail misserably with Ilum.

-Ilum dies, Ilum pvp quests get turned into WZ grinds.

-Patch 1.2 in the making. They promise us rated WZs.

-1.2 is released, rated WZ are not included.

-Talk about 1.3, now they talk about rated WZs in 1.3

-GW2 beta weekend goes live.

-More people leave the game.

-The lumbering fantasy giant is just around the corner, ready with a ten ton hammer to strike the final nail into the coffin.

-Many players decide to play D3 while waiting on the giant.

-D3 is released in 9 days.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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They have yet to give a response and thats why I am not giving them my money anymore, I unsubbed last night and it killed me to do so being I was such a huge fan of this game pre-1.2. My server came to a crawl after 1.2 but still tolerable, after the GW2 beta my server was completely dead and has remained so. How is BW going to justify a $15 a month sub when GW2 releases and has significantly more PvP content at a much higher quality for no monthly fee? BW owes it to its player base a long explanation and prove to us this product is worth sticking around for. I have 115 days left on sub lol, that should be more than enough time for BW to come up with something truly great to make me regret my unsub, if they dont well there is plenty of other games out there.


This pretty much sums up where I am too, Bioware need to give us as customers a reason to keep giving them money. The Guild Wars 2 beta surprised me on many levels, the PvP focus / content and...character transfers from the get-go, how Bioware have not or cannot implement something as simple as a character transfer is mind boggling. The people that I speak too that are still hanging around this game have stated they are waiting for Diablo 3 and GW2, they cannot see anything on the horizon worth sticking around for.

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This is what has happened in ToR.

-Promise us "the most epic world pvp ever seen". With an engine that works with 8vs8 players.

But that actually worked.


They will:

1. Spread lie all around the world about how successful and awsome this game is, to lure as many people as possible to get theri 1 or 2 month fees from each.

2. Profit.

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