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Characters aging?


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I would actually like my companions to follow up on the baby making. If Jaesa is so eager to train our children then maybe BW could create a pregnancy option at Legacy 50? That would finally justify Legacy grinding to 50 if it was the only way to have children with our romance companions.


would be cute... but

- i don't think they have heavy armor in maternity sizes.

-having a "baby on board" tag hanging on my ship while i do space missions would'nt be tasteful

-tromping around toxic wastelands and radioactive waste while pregant...probably not the best thing

-theres always that one or two crew members who you dont want to leave your kids with

-having the fleet filled with heavy pregnant jedi toons ...would be hilarious


so maybe a cutscene where its a montage of a pregnancy. i mean i want to see my LI's reaction to finding out theres a new crew member on board :D


i want good little babydaddy vectorhoney to go gaga over my agent even before she starts showing, cooing how beautiful the teeny little aura within hers is, and going on and on about the start of a new song in harmony with that of the universe >.>


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I would actually like my companions to follow up on the baby making. If Jaesa is so eager to train our children then maybe BW could create a pregnancy option at Legacy 50? That would finally justify Legacy grinding to 50 if it was the only way to have children with our romance companions.


I'd like something like this, but there would be issues with female player characters. I believe that the laws about depicting pregnant women fighting in video games are pretty strict; that's why in Fable 3, if you played as the Princess, you had to skip forward in time for her to have kids.


But yeah, I agree with Crez, it would be too adorable to see everyone's reaction. :3 :3 :3

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I'd like something like this, but there would be issues with female player characters. I believe that the laws about depicting pregnant women fighting in video games are pretty strict; that's why in Fable 3, if you played as the Princess, you had to skip forward in time for her to have kids.


But yeah, I agree with Crez, it would be too adorable to see everyone's reaction. :3 :3 :3


you gotta admit, it would be funny as heck to see a pregosaurus jedi tearing it up in pvp, or quinn doggedly following and healing you with the little one bundled in one of those harnesses you carry babies on your back with

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you gotta admit, it would be funny as heck to see a pregosaurus jedi tearing it up in pvp, or quinn doggedly following and healing you with the little one bundled in one of those harnesses you carry babies on your back with


A baby sling! Awww...that could be really cute! Also really dangerous if Mom/Dad isn't careful enough. All we need is some careless Jedi mom to be like, "Here, kid, play with my lightsaber..."

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A baby sling! Awww...that could be really cute! Also really dangerous if Mom/Dad isn't careful enough. All we need is some careless Jedi mom to be like, "Here, kid, play with my lightsaber..."


i can just picture some angry pureblood F!war slapping quinn around because he let her get knocked out cause thier toddler escaped the snugglie on his back and trotted off towards a dangerous looking manka cat, and he had to grab it :p


or a fight breaks out, and someone acidentally pulls out a baby toy instead of a saber....

" oh crap... that means ... OH ***** * holocalls spouse* I LEFT MY SABER IN THE PLAYPEN D: "

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or a fight breaks out, and someone acidentally pulls out a baby toy instead of a saber....


Kaliyo: "Come on out and I'll show you my gun!"


<Reaches into her holster and pulls out a sith teething toy>


<Points toy at enemy>


Toy: "Squeeeeak! Squeeeeak!"


Kaliyo: "&^*%$#^&*$!!!"


<Male agent laughing nearby.>


Of course I have a hard time seeing Kaliyo with a baby....But then maybe it's Temple's baby who just got into Kaliyo's things. ha ha.


Yeah, and Quinn running around with a baby front pack? Hilarious. :p

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I wrote this awhile back in the "marriage and kids" thread, as a viable suggestion:



I've heard that games have really funny rules about children and violence. Even M-rated games have regulations about child slaughter. (There was gonna be a PVP game at some point featuring children at a playground fighting and even that got cancelled.)

That means that I can never see children as fighting companions, since they'd have the possibility of dying.


What I CAN see, though, is non-combat child pets that you can customize (like a legacy, sandbox feature). That way you can make them your same race and have features like same hair and eyes. Maybe there would be cool social gear and emotes to come with them. You can bring them out and show them off at fleet. Otherwise they hang out on your ship.


Also they could give you a buff when out during combat, even though they can't get attacked. Maybe something like "protective instinct" that increases your damage done a bit.


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I wrote this awhile back in the "marriage and kids" thread, as a viable suggestion:



I've heard that games have really funny rules about children and violence. Even M-rated games have regulations about child slaughter. (There was gonna be a PVP game at some point featuring children at a playground fighting and even that got cancelled.)

That means that I can never see children as fighting companions, since they'd have the possibility of dying.


What I CAN see, though, is non-combat child pets that you can customize (like a legacy, sandbox feature). That way you can make them your same race and have features like same hair and eyes. Maybe there would be cool social gear and emotes to come with them. You can bring them out and show them off at fleet. Otherwise they hang out on your ship.


Also they could give you a buff when out during combat, even though they can't get attacked. Maybe something like "protective instinct" that increases your damage done a bit.



I think that is a really good idea. I mean they already have non-combat pets in the game (like the mouse droid and tauntaun ram) so I can see this being added as a legacy feature.

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Jorgan would have his kids shooting and reloading for him while he's got them on his back. :D


dude.... teaching your toddler to cover your back... awesome idea :D or just pass dad clips for fast reloading, or popping medpacks XD

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I wrote this awhile back in the "marriage and kids" thread, as a viable suggestion:



I've heard that games have really funny rules about children and violence. Even M-rated games have regulations about child slaughter. (There was gonna be a PVP game at some point featuring children at a playground fighting and even that got cancelled.)

That means that I can never see children as fighting companions, since they'd have the possibility of dying.


What I CAN see, though, is non-combat child pets that you can customize (like a legacy, sandbox feature). That way you can make them your same race and have features like same hair and eyes. Maybe there would be cool social gear and emotes to come with them. You can bring them out and show them off at fleet. Otherwise they hang out on your ship.


Also they could give you a buff when out during combat, even though they can't get attacked. Maybe something like "protective instinct" that increases your damage done a bit.



oh god this would be brilliant thougth id hate for temple to be stuck on my ship for nine mounths while she knocked up i need her :D

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I must admit though, I can't see Quinn being irresponsible enough to bring his kids into a fight, or Jorgan really but it would be cute to have the kiddies passing Jorgan clips and watching their backs and all.


i can't ether...but it's a funny image

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