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Please don't be 'That Guy'


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Please don't be that guy who in Novare Coast or Alderaan, tries to play hero and runs off on their own to one of the defended nodes to try and solo cap it.


There was a particular ****** the other night, who when playing Novare Coast, kept leaving everyone else to go throw themselves at the enemy's closest node. He justified this by saying he was keeping the 1-2 players there occupied.


In reality, him screwing around down there, left us a man short fighting in the middle (South) node, the whole game.


It's also seen a lot in Alderaan Civil War, though is a tiny bit more successful. There is still the potential of pulling it out, if you're really good or they're really ******. An average player will hold off an above average plenty long enough for help to arrive. If you win in AC, you can be immediately reinforced too, cause of the ridiculous side speeders.


It just doesn't work in NC. And even in Alderaan, it usually results in one A-hole suiciding themselves on the two defenders, over and over.

Edited by Trineda
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please dont be "that guy"


who sits there on his dead *** the entire warzone and plays "lets complain about the people not doing objectives"and doing pvp instead of playing pvo meaning player vs objective


then again,you should keep doing it.it gives me my daily entertainment when people pass me the ball in huttball and i just continue to stomp republic why i laugh at the people raging at me in warzone chat

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I do it all the time; at the start of Civil war I will go alone and prevent their cap giving my team a 10-20 point advantage.


As for trying to CAP the node; I can normally take out the defenders if they aren't pros:

1 vs 1 - I tend to win

2 vs 1 - I tend to kill one off and almost kill both or DO kill both

3 vs 1 - Depending on which class I'm playing I tend to be able to drop one before they kill me too.


That being said I tend to only try to cap it if the highlighted defender has no protection buff on him.


Over all that guy is VERY rewarding, for a team to have, if they can handle their role correctly.

Edited by Brimmer
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Oh sure, everyone is an elite PvPer on the forums. You mean, in reality, that you succeed maybe one in ten times, meanwhile being one of the people in warzones that most annoy me.


That's a stereotype you're using; who said he isn't a player like myself who scouts from afar while attacking/defending/running back to the fight and notices a weakness at another node. By telling your team to attack it you'll often have your ENTIRE team go for the other node, taking away your advantage of an ambush.


If the player is good enough to win a 1 or 2 vs 1 then he should take the chance; its a total game changer if they do it. Even if the person fails the person on the other team likely called for help, now the rest of your team has less people to worry about on the node they're hitting.

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I knew making the thread, the kind of responses it would engender. Just look at CrunkShizzle's post.


Point being. It is obnoxious to watch someone throw themselves at the same node, getting their *** handed to them every time, while leaving those in the main brawl outnumbered.


If you're a War Hero tankassin, sure, knock yourself out. You can do anything and probably be a net gain to your team. But mostly, it's a ****** mara.

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talk about thread backfire...did anyone agree with the OP...looks like hes actually 'that guy'


good players can ninja nodes, bad players can't


Good players playing an alpha class can ninja nodes. Bad players playing any class can't....subtle but important difference

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I'm "that guy".


But in my defense i only play with premades and we relay the strat to all the other pugs. If you cant see the Math in a stealth capping or holding 2-3 enemies to defend we cant help you.


87% win all up in ya.

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If you're a War Hero tankassin, sure, knock yourself out. You can do anything and probably be a net gain to your team. But mostly, it's a ****** mara.


I'm a War Hero Pyro Powertech. And again, I do this with great success.


I wouldn't try it as an undergeared sorc though. But you seem to be lumping everybody in to that type of category. Actually, you yourself probably fail most of the time and instead want nobody else to try this. As the earlier poster said, at the very least it has that node call for help which temporarily distracts whatever the opposition is doing.


Now if you were like "Don't be that guy when we are fighting for our lives at South, leave and try to cap a point putting us undermanned and us losing south as a result" I'd agree 100% with you.

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Totally depends on circumstances.


If one player can keep 2-3 players busy then their team has numbers elsewhere. I had 13 deaths in one Civil War zerging middle where I was keeping 3 Reps occupied while our team captured the other nodes. I think I contributed a lot to our win in that game. In other games where we have been losing we have risked leaving a node completely unguarded to get numbers and capture another node. Point is it all depends on the circumstances. It could be a perfectly good strategy.

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Totally depends on circumstances.


If one player can keep 2-3 players busy then their team has numbers elsewhere. I had 13 deaths in one Civil War zerging middle where I was keeping 3 Reps occupied while our team captured the other nodes. I think I contributed a lot to our win in that game. In other games where we have been losing we have risked leaving a node completely unguarded to get numbers and capture another node. Point is it all depends on the circumstances. It could be a perfectly good strategy.


I get what you're saying, and to the guy above you, I amend my original post (Yes, a War Hero Pyrotech can probably be as successful as a War Hero tankassin in doing whatever they want).


But the problem is...a lot of times, those two guys you're keeping 'occupied' on a node, would 90% of the time, still have been there with noone attacking them.


And great, if you catch one idiot there napping, and cap it. That's awesome. But don't go back, again and again and again into the same 2 or 3 on 1. Cause usually, your team has 2 guys on your defended node, and in the main brawl, it's 6 to 5.


I do agree though, that if they leave one guy there, and some War Hero lone wolf meat-eating killer happens by (as they probably should check a few times a game), then yes, it's probably game lost for them. But most times that is not the case.

Edited by clearsighted
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Please don't be that guy who in Novare Coast or Alderaan, tries to play battle commander and runs off at the mouth the entire match barking orders or telling others how to play the game like he's god's gift to warzones.


There was a particular ****** the other night, who when playing Novare Coast, kept yammering on at everyone else to not go throw themselves at the enemy's closest node. He justified this by saying he was an expert at pvp and we all needed to L2P.


In reality, him screwing around and chatting the whole match, left us a man short fighting in the middle (South) node, the whole game.


Don't be "that guy". :D

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I get what you're saying, and to the guy above you, I amend my original post (Yes, a War Hero Pyrotech can probably be as successful as a War Hero tankassin in doing whatever they want).


But the problem is...a lot of times, those two guys you're keeping 'occupied' on a node, would 90% of the time, still have been there with noone attacking them.


And great, if you catch one idiot there napping, and cap it. That's awesome. But don't go back, again and again and again into the same 2 or 3 on 1. Cause usually, your team has 2 guys on your defended node, and in the main brawl, it's 6 to 5.


This is where communication is important. If you know that the other team has 2 defending their node and 6 in the main brawl you may be able to pull 1 (or even both if things are desperate) of your node defenders and commit them to the main action. If 1 guy on your team can occupy 3 at their node then they should probably continue to do it even if they continue to die. If they are occupying 3 then you can almost certainly leave just 1 at your node and have a 6 on 5 situation at the main brawl.

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This is where communication is important. If you know that the other team has 2 defending their node and 6 in the main brawl you may be able to pull 1 (or even both if things are desperate) of your node defenders and commit them to the main action. If 1 guy on your team can occupy 3 at their node then they should probably continue to do it even if they continue to die. If they are occupying 3 then you can almost certainly leave just 1 at your node and have a 6 on 5 situation at the main brawl.


Well. Look at the post above you to see how most people feel about someone trying to give orders, commands or advice during a match.


But yes, in any situation where you have people coordinating on vent, (even 2-3 of them, out of the 8) a whole world of possibility opens up into what can be successfully done. That's why fighting in PvP premades with vent speak is so great.

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I'm a War Hero Pyro Powertech. And again, I do this with great success.


I wouldn't try it as an undergeared sorc though. But you seem to be lumping everybody in to that type of category. Actually, you yourself probably fail most of the time and instead want nobody else to try this. As the earlier poster said, at the very least it has that node call for help which temporarily distracts whatever the opposition is doing.


Now if you were like "Don't be that guy when we are fighting for our lives at South, leave and try to cap a point putting us undermanned and us losing south as a result" I'd agree 100% with you.


Let's be fair, there's not a lot of 1v2s that a good Pyro isn't going to be dropping at LEAST one guy in. : )


I think the OP's example is pretty situational. A lot of times if I'm doing this, it's because I'm on one of my classes that can survive for a while, and I'm trying to draw defenders away from another node.


If he means don't be a moron, well, I doubt a thread will help.

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use communication in your ops chat to tell your teamates where to defend and where to attack.. if you communicated the words in your post to your teamates in game, you would be a lot less frustrated and this post would of never happened. Edited by Ballisticbryan
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As long as you're not the guy who is supposed to be defending an already controlled node and you additionally know the players in the main fight and believe them to be trustworthy, if you trust in your own abilities it can be a good decision.


For example, as an Infiltration Shadow if I know they have any single non-tank player at a node, I know I can almost always take that player out and either cap the node, or alternatively draw players from the main fight to defend and give them and easier time there.


Sometimes it's also a critical move while trying to defend two points to have a solo player who can handle it to run off and harass another node, forcing opponents to leave the fight to take a second node in order to defend.

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I do this a lot, sometimes I even capture the node with opponents standing there not realizing that have sneaked there and starting to turn the node without bother to kill them first (it's harder on Alderaan, but it can be pulled off there too), and then start the fight after I got it until reinforcements arrive (being shadow tank helps doing that).


But I guess OP tries to say, that children should not try this at home... or something like that, not everyone is made to pull that off. Some classes/builds are better not going off alone of such things.

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