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See, it is these types of comments that just irks me.

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Honestly this is correct. I think a lot of the QQing is because people want it to be great, but its falling on death ears (development). The community has a lot of great ideas that just aren't being listened too. Its like they know better. If that was the case my server wouldn't have 20 people on fleet 5 months after a hyped game launch. Especially with their huge 200-300 million dollar budget.


Tera is my main game now, but I'm on here QQing hoping that they will fix this game to what its potential is. I'm to the point of frustration with this development team. Listen to your community SWTOR.


#1 When did Bioware ever say they aren't activevly listening to their community. From what I see, they are taking player feedback very setiously which leads me to #2.


#2 Why is it that people act like change has to be instantaneous and if not, then the development is slacking behind? SWTOR has been ~5-6 months. Not 2-3 years, but 5-6 months. Yes, there are things within SWTOR that either need to be fixed or enhanced. Yes, it has been 5-6 months sense many of these "complaints" or "suggestions" have been documented by the players. However, lets not act like because nothing has happened yet, that nothing will never happen which leads me to #3.


#3 Who is there to say that Bioware isn't already addressing these problems? Do any of you work for Bioware? Do any of you have super duper exclusive insider information as to what is going on inside the Bioware: Austin Studios @



3100 Esperanza Crossing,

Austin, TX


If not, then how can you be absolutely 100% positive that none of the complains/suggestions are not being addressed? Why, because change does not happen fast enough for you means that it isn't being addressed. Because Bioware can not press a magic buttom to simeoutaneously correct EVERY problem within SWTOR or that Bioware can not address EVERY single complain/issue/suggestion in ONE patch.....means that Bioware is ignoring the community. Really? Get real!


#4 Why are people so impatient? I have never been in videogame development and I would assume that many of you have not either "or else we would have a much more mature forum community". Anyways, why do people act as if their demands are not meet within the next patch, then it means the devs are ignoring us. People, many of these things takes months to develope/implement and maybe a few extra months after that to test/refine/polish before it is ready for release. In all, the whole process could take anywhere between 5 to even 10 months from start to finish. Many of the things people are asking for, Bioware is probably already working on, but it won't be until late this summer, or even some time much later this year. Things don't happen overnight....


#5 If you are too impatient to wait, then just unsub! Go play other videogames! Or how about just focus on your life? Better yourself at your career, better yourself at your education, go find a romance, try to loose some weight if you're overweight or gain some wait if you're underweight. Read some books or do something! I would hope there is more to your life than just MMOs. If it has been months and Bioware has still not addressed my concerns, then I'll just leave and move on to other games until Bioware fixes it if they ever fix it. Once they address/fix it, I'll come back and enjoy myself. But there is one thing I can tell you that I won't do, I won't sit here at these forums day in and day out, week in and week out and continue to cry because Bioware hasn't met my demands. If they haven't met my demands, I'll just let them go, unsub, and move on.


Bottome Line: Bioware is said that they are trying to fix Open World PvP and made it more viable for that particular crowd. They have said that they are working on expanding Space combat and possibly integrate it more into class stories. I can go on and on about this but my point is that Bioware has said that they are listening to the community and they value our feedback. I am sure that they are working hard to make sure that they do meet our demands. Can they do it all at the same time? Of course not, they have to decide what is most important and get that out first and then move on down the list. Again, things do not happen overnight nor do they happen at the snap at the fingers. Being a smart consumer means that you have to speak your mind about the products/services you buy. But like everything, there is a right/mature way to go about something and there is a wrong/immature way of going about it. When Mass Effect 2 came out and I found out that Bioware dumbed down the game because they wanted to appeal to the Gears of War crowd, I was enraged! But did I stomp my feed, pout, and cause a temper tangdrum all over the Mass Effect 2 forums? No, I was very respectful and upstanding the way I addresses my....distaste in the direction they seemed to be trying to take the Mass Effect trilogy.


So I am not saying that we cannot address our concerns, but please, lets act like adults/young adults and not like 3-year olds whos parents told them that they aren't going to buy them any candy at the store.

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Yo, it's the wall of text comments that irk ME.

Look, the sentiment is nice, but people who want to whine about everything not being perfect don't listen to the DEVS. They're not going to listen to you either, sadly.

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I agree. Many of these kinds of comments are just off-base, and seem to involve users trying to "guess" at what BioWare actually believes, even though their own stated words show differently.


Anyone who watched the Guild Summit broadcasts knows that these people have a deep love for this game and the content and property involved, and have a lot of great ideas, and had a great development ethic to start out with.


Their origin of Legacy? Initial game development conversations where they began with the character family tree of Anakin Skywalker, and Luke and Leia Skywalker, and the passing down of force abilities to related family.


Their "Holy Grail" of Flashpoints or Warzones? The Battle of Endor, with a split-up team of players, some engaged on the Super Death Star, some engaged in space combat and capital ship combat, and some engaged on a ground assault on the shield generators.


And in terms of responsiveness, we saw the UI changes brought forth in 1.2, answering many if not most of the user requests. We saw the inclusion of a combat log which bridged the gap between developers not wanting to disconnect players from their reputations and players wanting to improve their performance. We see the introduction of character transfers, and now even discussions of the possibility of server mergers, but with a tempered approach that suggests they learned their lesson by listening to the QQ on the forums during the initial launch phase. As well as the stated parts about open world PVP and so forth.


They ARE listening to fans and players. Besides that, they also know where THEY want to go, perhaps in advance of players knowing where that is. And I can't wait until we can get there. :)

Edited by Kubernetic
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#5 If you are too impatient to wait, then just unsub! Go play other videogames!


Many people have done just that. In an effort to bandaid hemorraging subs in time for their quarterly report Monday, our accounts were forced active for 30 more days. So here we are, able to voice our concerns some more ;)


So rejoice, even if Bioware isn't, I am taking your suggestion for action.

Edited by shepardcomander
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Only going to comment on the server numbers here which is what you highlighted in that quote . I am on Hidden Beks (EU EN ) and logged out with 27 people on the fleet at 10 pm uk time . This is after doing daily quests on Belsavis 9 people , Ilum 3 people and Correllia (black hole) 17 people .


You can infer from those numbers whatever you like its a free universe.

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To answer #4:


A lot of the more vocal people on the forums honestly don't have much more to their lives than whatever MMO they're playing. When you spend your entire day playing, stumbling over the same bugs, fixes seem to take forever.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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